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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. After this vote is certified, does the nickname get retired (again) immediately? Just wondering if anybody knows...
  2. They'll be anger on the part of the nickname "to the death" supporters. But, after that cooling off period, which is a very wise move, many will be back.
  3. Once I saw Golden Valley/Beach vote YES, I knew this would be a landslide.
  4. Okay. Sorry if I misunderstood.
  5. Well, don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out, okay? bye!
  6. This vote kills any hope of a constitutional amendment to restore the Sioux name of ever getting passed.
  7. Believe it or not, I am wearing a Fighting Sioux jersey right now. Okay, a football jersey (not as hot as hockey...), but a Fighting Sioux jersey nontheless. I'll always have my multiple jerseys/hats and such to wear...
  8. Absolutely. I can't see any constitutional amendment passing either. I know that this is a smaller representation than a general election vote. But, after this, UND will rapidly retire the name, and going back will be seen as foolish by many of the thirty some percent that voted NO today.
  9. Stick a fork in it, folks. It's over. If Beach, North Dakota (Golden Valley Cty) is voting Yes, then Yes it will be. By a large margin. Goodbye, Fighting Sioux. It's kind of bittersweet, isn't it?
  10. True. I am curious about the larger towns, or cities if you wish to call them that, in western North Dakota. Minot, Williston, Dickinson, even Bismarck/Mandan? If they break "Yes", it is over for sure. The Fort Totten vote could be interesting. Siouxperfan7 found an interesting story. If they do come out in low numbers, but vote "No", what argument will those trying to get an constitutional amendment make? And if the overall vote is 60% + "yes", how can they justify a constitutional amendment vote at all?
  11. It's interesting how you can breakdown the county vote. I see Divide County, way to the northwest is all about the "NO". Walsh, just the opposite. I supposed if we see a trend, it will be eastern counties voting yes, western and more rural voting no.
  12. That is one neat little website. Thanks for the link!
  13. No, I KNOW that winning a...well...let's say 7 true NCAA Division 1 team titles in a sport IS more prestigious than winning the junior varsity championship of D-1 football. Why? Because these are true D-1 championships. At the highest level of competition. Unlike the Buffalo's junior varsity championship. Nothing wrong with it. It is a an accomplishment. I hope soon UND wins one or two or three. But, it is what it is. It's just not at the highest level like those 7 NCAA D-1 hockey championships. Played at the highest level of college sports. Let's face it. That's why some NDSU fans want to vote "No". Pure jealousy. They are green and pee yellow with jealousy.
  14. Kind of like the the fans of the D-1 Junior Varsity champion NDSU Buffalo?
  15. http://www.fightingsuehockey.com/ You know, just like that team in the Boston Area, another beer league Fighting Sioux team, this one, the "Fighting Sue" with Johnny Cash on their jerseys are in first place!
  16. And it's probably too late anyway. Why are people confusing the Tribal Government with Sioux County? Just because you live in Sioux County does not mean you are member of the tribe.
  17. On a bit of a side note, I was thinking of the aftermath of the vote. Let's say (which I believe) that Yes wins and the name is finally retired. Will you still wear Sioux garb to the games? I kind of think that after they choose new name, out of respect for the student athletes, I won't. I may not wear the new nickname items, but I don't think I would wear the Sioux stuff at the games. I'll wear Sioux stuff around the house, in public, etc., but when they choose the new name, I kind of feel like we need to support the teams. We should leave our Sioux stuff at home and either wear the new name or just a "North Dakota" sweatshirt, etc..
  18. Definately the younger Elvi! Remember, unless you can prove they didn't exist, then they did! It's up to you to disprove it!
  19. If that's what you believe, then is it any wonder that you have no credibility?
  20. Have you noticed how this whole thing has went from support for the nickname, then realization of the implications of that support followed by rational people deciding supporting the name isn't worth it. In situations like this there is always one nut-job holdout with a tinfoil hat that refuses to see the reasonable action that needs to be done.
  21. There are space aliens that look like Elvis dancing outside my living room window. . Now, if you can come up with some concrete proof that there isn't a single one out there, then and only then will I stand corrected. I Prove me wrong.
  22. You're probably right. But, I believe the number of nickname supporters are shrinking daily.
  23. Why? I don't get sanctioned if I wear my Sioux jersey. I can wear it anywhere I want. Imagine if I got sanctioned for wearing it? If I was told I couldn't wear it in a certain restaurant, or when I go to a movie. Or, because I am a Fighting Sioux fan, I am denied certain employment opportunities due to use of the name in attachment to myself. I decide to go bowling, and there is a sign saying, "If you are a Fighting Sioux fan, you can't bowl here." I decide to have a party at my house and invite some friends, but the police come by and say that I can't do it because I am a Fighting Sioux fan, therefore the party cannot be held at my home. Take it on the road to someone elses house. Then I find out that other people choose not to be Fighting Sioux fans because they don't want the same treatment. Guess, what? None of this is true for the fan. None of it. The fans are not affected in the way the athlete is affected. Its not even close. I know these are extreme examples, but the athletes that we have are limited in their options. They can't play certain teams who have shunned them due to their nickname. They can't host NCAA tournament event because of a name assigned to them. They find out that this other athlete, who would have been a great addition to their team, has decided to go elsewhere to avoid these restrictions. They know that ultimately, because of this name assigned to them by people that are not affected in the least by the nickname, they are screwed. Why shouldn't the athletes, the only ones who are actually "The Fighting Sioux" have a say in this?
  24. To repeat myself, I think we should have the vote put to the student athlete, the only ones who are actually "The Fighting Sioux". Let them decide if they should drop the nickname. No doubt they would. In a heartbeat. Not because they hate the name, but they wish for their athletic department and their respective programs to survive, and thrive. They all, every one of them, know that even if they survive by keeping the Fighting Sioux name, they by no means will thrive. It will be quite the opposite. Do it for the athletes, the ones who go by the moniker "The Fighting Sioux". Drop the name. Vote yes. End the madness.
  25. In the day, people knew the world was round. They just didn't know how big it was and what the route was like to China heading west. Again, don't let the facts get in the way. However, if you had actually attended the University of North Dakota, you may have known this. Now, carry on with rant about ketchup/catsup. Or better yet, tell us again how a school doesn't really need sports teams, but if the don't have them at least they'll have a cool logo and nickname for the sports teams they won't have. Then, tell us how you live in a van down by the river.
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