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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Good for you going to grad school. Seriously. Maybe I will. You do have to stay on this site. You do amuse us.
  2. You'd think he'd like Colorado State University just twenty miles away. But, he's probably mad because that was one of the losses UNC had last year during their "perfect:" season, attended by literally tens of their fans.
  3. Hey, don't give up hope! Aims has an open admission policy! Dream big, buddy! Go for it!
  4. Montana State has never won a skiing championship at the NCAA D-1 level. But, Denver University has won more of those than their 7 NCAA D-1 hockey championships. All at the absolute highest level. They don't have to swap one for another. All won at the highest level and are legitimate D-1 championships. I'm pretty sure that all of those championship banners made their way to Denver and NOT to Colorado College in Colorado Springs. Also, the University of Wyoming won it in 1968 and 1985. That, and a D-1 basketball championship way back in the day. That'sthree more legitimate D-1 championships than NDSU! (But, who's counting?)
  5. I graduated from the University of North Dakota and support my school. If you did the same, you might support Aims Community College someday! Dare to dream, buddy! Dare to dream!
  6. I've been to the Michener Library. It's good. Great reference material there. Good library staff. I've seen the campus. I've seen the athletic facilities. They are what they are, and they aren't D-1 caliber. They are substandard. 16 million just doesn't get you what it used to...
  7. I am telling you, Roosevelt High School in Johnstown is very, very jealous! In the meantime, at UND (in the planning stages): http://iconarchitects.com/projects/masterplan/indoor-practice-facility.html
  8. He has this idea that EVERYONE here has never ventured outside of North Dakota. And North Dakota couldn't possibly have anything better than UNC could offer!
  9. I know that Fossil Ridge is a lot nicer than Greeley Central. You really need to pay more attention to what's going on around you before spewing out garbage. 16 million? Big deal. That will just keep you in line with a good D-2 program. UNC's facilities need more than 16 million to keep pace with the vast majority of the Big Sky Conference. That's why UNC is the doormat,.
  10. "internet tough guy"? Goodness, boy. You sure do make me laugh. Especially with the talk about the great facilities at UNC! Just because you have a weight room, locker room, some student-athlete "training", a library and some practice facilities, doesn't mean it's any better than what Fossil Ridge High School has! Wow. "internet tough guy"! Somebody has some confidence issues!
  11. So, in order to stay in the Big Sky Conference, do we have to get rid of our good athletic facilities and use some high school style facilities like UNC does?
  12. Why? I don't like to associate with fans of the doormat of the Big Sky Conference.
  13. It's pretty obvious how much the NCAA cares about the FCS, isn't it? BTW, did that championship banner show up in the mail yet?
  14. Oh yeah, the "frozen tundra". That has low crime rates, virtually 0% unemployment, budget surpluses, good school, low tuitiion rates, etc. I'm sure North Dakotans are very, very embarrased by their state. Somebody has to show up for the game. Lord knows UNC fans don't.
  15. Really? Like when the NCAA D-IAA schools started their four team playoff. Which spread to eight. Now at 24? They all expand. So will the legitimate D-1 Championship tournament for NCAA football. You know, the one that the Big 10 champions will compete in. And the SEC. PAC 12, Big 12, etc... Kind of like the NCAA D-1 Hockey Championships. With the current WCHA, Big East, CCHA, etc...
  16. You mean at the highest level of competition in college sports? Unlike the FCS.
  17. Oh, that hurts. Coming from somebody that isn't good for their word anyway...
  18. In the near future, there will be a playoff for the true NCAA football championships of Division 1. The JV teams will still have their lesser tourney.
  19. I wish he would have quit playing with matches west of Fort Collins last week...
  20. Personally, I like the way that CSU got one of their three wins agains the Bears last year. But, let us know something. Come November 17th, do you plan on having more than about 30 students at the UND/UNC game in Greeley? If so, maybe they can tell us to leave your state? You know, all 30 of them versus the nearly 1000 UND fans I saw at the game last year? hmmmmm?
  21. For anyone who has seen the UNC campus and athletic facilities, you are absolutely 100% correct. They are a joke for D-1 athletics. Heck, even for FCS football!
  22. But, of course, nowhere near the best team in all of D-1 football. That would be Alabama. Roll, Tide! NDSU won the equivalent of the D-1 JV Football Championship.
  23. I still want the Screaming Weasels! We could have a cartoon figure of a rabid weasel raising it's head to the sky and screaming. (Yeah, it'll never happen.)
  24. In other words, you are not a person of your word. Got it! Thanks!
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