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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. No problem for them. Because I am positive after reading posts in Bisonville that every one of those players will sign for big, big, big $$$ with the NFL!
  2. We got one last year courtesy of the NCAA.
  3. I sure hope the NDSU football team gets it together in time to win UND another FCS championship banner!
  4. I can hear the recruiters at NDSU already. "Well son, the fact is that you're way too stupid to play at UND. Come join the Bison family. And if you ever need a lawyer or a favorable judge, we have that for you too!"
  5. That's because it follows the mentality of the sub-par university in Fargo. They suppress real open dialogue. It is verboten. Yah. At the flagship university in Grand Forks, open discussion is encouraged. Did we tell any of the buffalo fans that it was discouraged to talk about the problems of the hockey team and their party? We may question your intentions, but real dialogue is allowed here on Siouxsports.com Now, go goosestep back in line with your brethren and bury your little pointy heads in sand. There is much ignoring to do on Buffaloville!
  6. NDSU has no institutionalized deviant behavior by their athletic department. Yup. A rogue program is now sanctioned. Now we get to hear from their apologists.
  7. I believe it is here: http://lakesbison.com/ could be wrong though..
  8. Kinda makes you wonder if "the fix was in"?
  9. Okay, maybe this is when they slap on those ankle bracelets. Could the discipline be wearing them during the games? Maybe it'll slow down the defensive secondary a bit? Or at least during road games the beeping noises they make might hurt their defensive schemes, you know, giving away their positions to opposing receivers focusing on the ball? I got a million of 'em!
  10. I would suspect that the reason they got these jobs in the first place was because of their high profile in the Fargo community, but this is only a guess. Whether there was someone in the athletic department that steered them to the job is mere speculation. One thing that is for certain, it is verboten to speak of this on Bisonville. Yah.
  11. That's all we need. Thank goodness my degree is from UND and not NDSU.
  12. Just curious. At UNI, was the crowd loud enough to drown out the beeping of the ankle bracelets on the NDSU sideline?
  13. The football team of UND, the flagship university in the state of North Dakota 42, Cal Poly 30. Attendance, 10,500.
  14. I understand. But, the point that I made was that politics do not figure in this donation. It's a good thing for UND. Period.
  15. To me politics has nothing to do with this gift. I am an Obama supporter, but I am happy for this gift to UND. I could care less about the politics of anyone donating to a university. Heck, I'm happy for Dick Cheney's financial support of my grad school at U of Wyoming.
  16. Also, if the Baltimore Orioles end the season 7-4 and is left out of the playoffs, there will be a lot of second guessing about getting away from the way things are currently done.
  17. When the NDSU football goes on the road for a game, I'll bet the incessant beeping of their ankle bracelets bothers the Mountain Valley Hilltop Technical Alliance Conference fans at the other schools quite a bit.
  18. I can agree with that. But, how many yds and tds will UND give up?
  19. Very good post. NDSU was founded for very important purposes in both education and research. Something to be very proud of indeed. But, the research part of that school was part of its foundation, as deemed by the federal government through Hatch Act II. They have done exceeding well and have served the state of North Dakota very admirably. Of course, UND has done well also. But, as the flagship university, their mission was in a different area of academia. Both schools have served their state admirably. Now, play the dam* game!
  20. NDSU is good at what it does. UND is good at what it does. But, the bottom line is that UND is the flagship school in the state of North Dakota. NDSU is #2.
  21. It's not just Lakes. I think they ALL drink just to get drunk.
  22. I had the over/under at 13. This was post #32 before some meaningless info Bison related came up from a Bison fan. Whoever had 32 or the closest number over wins the pool! Congrats!
  23. To be honest, this might be the year they go undefeated. They look pretty damn good. I do not say that lightly.
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