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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. You disagree that concocting new chemical substances is chemistry?
  2. Pharmacology is the study of how substances interact with the human body. This would include how ingesting cardboard affects the digestive system. That's a human biology subject. Learning how chemicals bond together to make new substances is a chemistry subject.
  3. If MN offers, he's going to be a Gopher. That's my guess.
  4. And business for medical sales, mechanical engineering for ambulance manufacture, etc. Gotta draw the line somewhere. Of course it would. The entire point of the RRVRC is that the technology parks at UND and NDSU focus on different fields. NDSU has electrical and computer engineering and UND has bio technolgy and aerospace technology.
  5. Indeed, pharmacy has nothing to do with the medical field. To imply that they do is to imply that medical sales reps, ambulance manufacturers, etc. should all be under the medical field.
  6. No, they wouldn't be taking anything from UND. The displaced UND students could choose to enroll at NDSU if they wanted. Or they could go to the U of MN, SDSU, Saint Cloud, or any of a number of accredited programs in the area. As the thread title indicates, this is about reducing duplication in the engineering field. Though I've said I wouldn't have any program with nursing being at UND as that's closly related to the medical field. But that's a separate topic. You gain AE and BE. Obviously NDUS would help with costs. The idea is to provide the most oppertunities possible to the students of ND. Not to have 10 schools offering the same programs.
  7. Interesting. Just from what I've read online, it seems like the problem of fitting enough hydrogen safely in tank to be useful is an even harder problem than building a battery that can store a useful amount of energy without weighing the vehical down too much.
  8. That must be why they call the degree pharmacy and not chemistry.
  9. Nothing. NDSU isn't gaining anything in this. UND is losing CE, ME, and CE and gaining AE and BE.
  10. Is it an electric motor powered by a hydrogen fuel cell or a hydrogen combustion motor?
  11. So hire the engineering professors you need to teach these classes within the Depts. of Aero E or BioMed E.
  12. If we really wanted, we could go wholesale into removing duplication and divide all aspects of a college into 1 of the 2 schools. A university needs a certain base amount of departments to survive. Education is one of them. Engineering isn't.
  13. There isn't a post on this thread that you can point to showing me saying that UND engineering is good or bad or that NDSU engineering is good or bad. I've not made those judgements and will not. Removing duplicity was the only goal. I consider starting Aerospace E and Biomedical E programs at the level that the U of MN has to be a fair trade for giving up EE, CE, and ME.
  14. The Human Performance and Fitness major at NDSU increases the performance of human biology. It obviously has nothing to do with Biology, Chemistry, or Medicine. I was not trying to hurt UND. UND is not known as an engineering school and it would not hurt them to lose the EE, CE, and ME programs. I was only trying to help the NDUS system remove unneeded duplicity.
  15. U Oregon, U Georgia, U Indiana, etc. No engineering.
  16. Since Civil Engineering increases the performance of human biology by allowing us to travel faster and safer.. come on.
  17. UND gives up EE, CE, ME and gains full sized ABET accredited Aerospace Engineering and Biomedical Engineering programs.
  18. You're losing too much money due to hockey. Something has to be done. Not to mention all that "we may go DI" talk scared the folks in Lincoln. They'll find a way to get the program cut before UNO ever goes DI.
  19. I don't doubt UND's stature in engineering. Just questioning the duplicity in those areas.
  20. Business is a program every college needs to survive. Engineering is not. Plenty of big time schools without engineering. U Oregon, U Georgia, U Indiana, etc. How many UND athletes would be without majors if the CE, ME, and EE programs went to NDSU? Chem/Geo should stay at UND.
  21. Tulane is getting rid of civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering while keeping I think biological, chemical etc. It's actually what got me thinking about this.
  22. Mechanical arts as defined by Morrill. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morrill_Act
  23. I very specifically said human biology. Note the difference from plant and animal biology. Pharmacy is chemistry. I wouldn't have a problem with nursing being at UND.
  24. There is no reason IMO that both NDSU and UND should duplicate engineering programs. I'd like to see an Aerospace engineering program started at UND since they obviously have a big aerosapce program up there. Also, since UND has the med school I think everything relating to human biology should be at UND. So the biomedical engineering option at NDSU should be made into a full fledged program at UND. Chemical engineering should be at NDSU since we have the Polymers/Coatings program with the ME/Chem departments. The classical engineering programs (civil, industrial/manufacturing, electrical/computer, and mechanical) and agriculture engineering should be at NDSU since we're the land grant argirculture/mechnical arts school. No idea what to do with geological engineering since I have no idea which school's mission that department relates closest with.
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