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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Fun time at the Metrodome! Aldridge is a great player. They basically just let him dunk the whole game. Seems like on paper Moorman could match up, but it did not happen. Thought we had a cance a couple times when were down 3, but it wasn't meant to happen this year for us. I really hope NDSU can use this momentum to keep the program going. What an awesome goal now: win a game at the tournament. Oh BTW, I sat next to a UND fan who said he was there to support North Dakota.
  2. If NDSU and UND end up with only 4 home games this year and both have the Sept 12th date open, I hope there are a lot of pissed off people who don't renew their season tickets. What a rip off.
  3. Their HC is also on record saying they need to lighten up on the NC scheduling. Obviously the AD makes the schedule, but the HC's input is important. Flying out to Poly is one of the hardest FCS wins to get in the nation, let alone the added burden of changing two time zones and the rocky mts to do it. Like I said: enjoy it while you can!
  4. Enjoy the visits from the Dakota 4 while you can! UND and USD won't be flying out to California much longer than NDSU and SDSU were.
  5. I think they do it so people can go on their Labor Day vacations.
  6. I have to believe that UND and USD are Summit bound and that Seattle and Chicago State will be going somewhere with an autobid after the next conference shake-up. I really don't know about NJIT, Longwood, UT-PA, Houston Baptist or UV. If UV starts football, maybe the Big Sky.
  7. Not exactly the same as NDSU's new Nike uniforms, but similar type of style. By that I mean the piping and the lettering on the front. Also see no Sioux logo or name on them, just the ND logo that's on the helmet. They look great.
  8. There are actually a few FCS teams that typically will schedule a local DII or NAIA game a year for a guarantee home game. I personally would rather see NDSU stick to lower level DI games so as they still count as per the pseudo-requirement of 7 DI wins.
  9. I'd say really the only thing lacking for some of the Summit teams is facilities. I mean IUPUI is pretty sad. But the BSA is no gem. ORU has a pretty nice facility and so does Oakland.
  10. It is incorrect to not capitalize a proper abbreviation, such as UND or NDSU.
  11. There's nothing left for me to say. You guys are stuck in the past blood feud. It's over. That era is done. There is nothing left but mutual respect between NDSU and UND for what each university has acheived in growth, research and athletics.
  12. Regarding the bold above, I guess I'm just going to have to accept that there are some old UND and NDSU fans who are too ingrained in the bygone era of "blood feud" between the schools. We're just going to have to wait for your generation to die off. I hope that when the NDSU-UND games start up again that it isn't nasty like it was back in the NCC days. I want the games to be good, clean fun but still be able to go to a bar in GF wearing a NDSU uni without getting beer dumped on you, etc. IE, intense but civilized. Fans have their place in the game. They should respect those boundaries and not try to use the rivalry as an excuse to take what happens on the field personally. You're just a fan.
  13. Good luck to UND, NDSU and NDSCS in their national tournaments! All three of these teams deserve the support of the entire state as they represent ND on the national stage!
  14. NDSU is pretty much out of options now for an FCS team in Fargo on Sept 12th, assuming that Wagner did in fact move the Bryant game to that date. UND still has a small possibility to get Sam Houston to Grand Forks if the money is there. I'm willing to bet that if Faison would give Gene a call and offered something reasonable, this thing could get worked out for this season. Brian, it's up to you.
  15. There is no point in me posting any more, I've spoken the truth and it's fallen on some deaf ears. I appreciate the majority of you who realize that when one of ND's teams is on the national stage, representing the entire state, that it's OK to wish them good luck! The rest of you are sad, pathetic people.
  16. That only makes a shred of sense when the teams are playing that in-state rivalry. It's pathetic that you try to carry that false hatred over to when those schools are representing ND on the national stage.
  17. NDSU is a team that represents North Dakota on a national stage. Same is true when UND goes to the NCAA men's hockey tournament. Same is true when NDSCS goes to the NJCAA men's bball tournament. You denying it simply because you have some false hatred of NDSU is pathetic. Just as pathetic as the NDSU fans who have false hatred toward UND. I guess we're just going to have to wait for all you old timers to die before we can put this crap behind us.
  18. You are simply wrong on this matter. In-state rivalries are fine and good, but they do not apply when a school from your state is representing the whole state on the national stage. Sorry, you have no excuse to transfer your misplaced hatred.
  19. I wouldn't dream of UND fans watching NDSU bball over watching UND hockey. I wouldn't ask it of them either. But just verbal support is appreciated. IE, "if it means that the state of North Dakota is perceived well by having a team from our state do well at a national tournament, then I wish them good luck". That's all it takes. So called "good will".
  20. Sure they would, if MSU was playing Ohio State. The key here...which seems to have either gone over people's heads or they just stopped thinking about it as soon as they saw that they'd have to cheer for NDSU ... is that it's competition OUTSIDE the state vs. competition from your state. When it's that case, then in-state rivalries should go out the window, IMO.
  21. Oh I realize that in 03 when it was announced the schools would not be playing each other in football, there were many a NDSU fan who tried to take it as a personal offense. And they've just been getting bitter...and more bitter. Some are so childish that they won't even capitialize UND, as it deserves. And in response to that, in a childish "well since you said I can't come to your birthday...you can't come to my birthday!" manner, some UND fans decided to be just as bitter toward NDSU. And you're right, the pent up agression has been let out on message boards instead of stadiums. Hopefully that will change soon!
  22. No I understand why people who weren't born and didn't grow up in ND don't feel obligated to support the state's teams when they're on the national stage. It's the people who like to pretend that they have some legitimate reason to personally hate other schools in the state that I don't understand. Rocky is gone. Kupchella and Thomas are gone. That era of "blood fued" between UND and NDSU is dead and over. When the games start up again (hopefully in 09), they will be as intense of athletic competition as ever, but the relationship between the school's fans will be respectable and civilized, like it is between NDSU and SDSU.
  23. Too bad, it's Chapman's call to make and he WILL make that call if it's what's best for NDSU.
  24. That literally leaves it to: Portland State or NDSU v UND for DI games on the 12th. Portland State already has a strong Big Sky schedule plus they play at Oregon State, but they might be convinced to come out to Fargo or Grand Forks. Or...maybe NDSU and UND's leaders could just pull their heads out of their a$$es and get the damn NDSU/UND game in Fargo signed and sealed with a 2012 return date for NDSU in Grand Forks?
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