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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. As hard as it might be for some UND fans if they don't do whatever they can to save the nickname, I agree with you 100%. They will had 2 months to do something about it. No action by Nov 30th is unacceptable and it should be shut down if they can't do something by then.
  2. Not to mention all the negative backlash and media attention that the school and athletics department would receive when the perception that "anything for hockey" was confirmed.
  3. They're dumping the power on the grid now, it must be cost-effective to someone or all those towers would not be going up. What is your definition of cost-effective?
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_vehicle Oh wait, were you trying to be backwater on purpose?
  5. Ok then. Nov 30th and they had better show some progress. Not meeting on Nov 10th would and should break the camel's back. Enough is enough. Again I ask: is the nickname issue important to them or not?
  6. There is the NCAA deadline...or the SBoHE can mandate the nickname be retired earlier IF the tribes are not showing progress towards allowing the nickname. There has to be some accountability by the tribes.
  7. Should the SR tribal council get unlimited time to sit around a campfire and talk about talking to maybe support the nickname, in some form? Sorry it's not the 1500s anymore. We move faster today, including deadlines. Make a decision.
  8. This is exactly what I was thinking. The tribes would be stupid not to take a cut off any merchandise that has their logo on it. How bitter towards the US government does a tribe have to be to make a point?
  9. That would be something, at least. Buy the name, fine. At least that might get them going.
  10. They shouldn't get unlimited time to "figure it out". That would just be delaying the inevitable. They should get the Nov 30th extention...but they had better be prepared to show that they've done something in order to warrant any further extensions. Not just talk about talk of doing something.
  11. Less efficient than what? Certainly not burning fossil fuels, unless you consider most of the energy escaping as heat into the environment as "efficient"? Wind energy can never be worthless. You're providing energy that is pollution free and perpetually available for harvest (at least in ND), that is obviously worth something.
  12. Then the nickname is not that important to them. I see no reason to give them any more extensions beyond Nov 30th. Maybe that will light a fire under their rears.
  13. Just think if we put the energy used to dig up all that oil into harvesting wind energy!
  14. Is the nickname important to them or not? They need to get the butts in gear. Send up a smoke signal if that's what they have to do. The world does not revolve around the native American calendar.
  15. Technically, yes. Practically? You really think if the SBoHE gets fed up with the SR's feet dragging and says "enough is enough, nickname is done" and the SR shows up 4 months later saying "we finally got around to having a vote and we agree to support the nickname" that the SBoHE is going to just say "oh ok"? No, they're going to say "tough sh*t, maybe you should've got your as*es in gear 4 months ago if this meant something to you!". And that's what they should say. Why is SR treating this like a re-zoning proposal? Is the nickname important to them or not? If yes, get your butts moving.
  16. That's fine. But getting both tribes to agree to 30 year contracts, which is the real requirement (not just to have a tribal vote), is not a trivial thing! These things take time. Meanwhile, back in la-la land, Standing Rock is asking for yet another 30 days to get good and ready to decide if they will have a vote to see if they want to talk about maybe supporting the Sioux nickname, in some form.
  17. From the article: I still can't believe I'm reading this. The nickname was dead. Deader than a doornail. Then the referendum at Spirit Lake happens and the name is literally brought back from the dead. All the people of Standing Rock have to do is organize a damned vote and then vote to support the nickname. Yet, even with a new, pro-nickname tribal chairman and tribal council, they're still putzing around like they have until 2015 to get things changed. If I'm on the SBoHE and I read that...I'm not encouraged that this is going anywhere.... Come on now...how much time do you need to either poop or get off the pot? Does the nickname mean something to you or not?
  18. Sure it does. But talking from a raw, genetic potential...you don't run faster or jump higher just because you live in Florida.
  19. It would seem that way, at least you would think, given that the "true" deadline is Feb. 2010. However, consider: - SBoHE is getting restless - UND is still going to be losing scheduling opportunities, even if they reach a deal with the tribes (Iowa would not participate vs. UND in a swimming meet, for example) - Even if the tribes say they support the nickname, 30 year deals have to be signed with both. That process itself could take years. Seems really unlikely that it could get done by Feb 2010.
  20. RD17, well done!! Another thing to contemplate re: SDSU is that they usually have a very tough schedule with no cup-cake games. They schedule Cal Poly religiously and this year are also playing the U of Minn and Georgia Southern. It's amazing to me how well they have done despite all the negatives they had while in the NCC/still have, such as lack of scholarships, lack of facilities, etc. They have more than righted the ship, they've taken the ship to somewhere it's never gone.
  21. On the contrary...I believe there are enough talented high school football players in the states of ND, SD, MN, WI, NE and IA alone to support NDSU, UND, SDSU, USD, UNI and even UNO (when they eventually move up). Then each school can recruit out-of region as they define their recruiting strategy (some may choose to go to the SE, some to Texas, some to California/Arizona, some even to Canada, whatever). I think the upper midwest is WAY over-looked as a source of football talent. Just because you're live in Florida does not automatically make you a better athlete than a person who lives in ND!
  22. I'm curious as to what the reaction would be by this board if the request is denied and the SBoHE orders UND to start retiring the nickname in Nov? I honestly could see that happening. Seems like the tribes have had a loooooong time to get their stuff together and this issue needs to be resolved one way or another.
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