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Everything posted by siouxforeverbaby

  1. his first goal of the season!
  2. if you are counting final five and this game, it would be 13 at the moment.
  3. his chances of playing the entire game might not be so good either.
  4. game tied at 1-1. Black Bears just scored on the pp.
  5. huskies up 1-0 with 16:21 left
  6. never mind, I could have just waited two minutes and seen. Hey everyone, don't forget to vote for Ryan as long as I am typing. Only two days left.
  7. is the game suppose to be on after the boxing thing?
  8. nope, not on a channel that work gets. otherwise I would be watching it.
  9. did they show robbie as scoring in regionals last year for like two days?
  10. thanks, the gametracker wasn't working so I closed it and haven't gone back yet
  11. still at 0-0 or did they score?
  12. yeah, sry, momentary laspe in where the 5 hole is? at myself. its been a long week and will get even longer before Saturday. Go Sioux!
  13. I don't think it was the first one cause if I remember that one correctly it slid directly inbetween his legs. Cause that was the one where I yelled at him that even a hooker closes her legs every once in awhile.
  14. ok, which one or both. cause I heard about sundays, but not saturdays.
  15. only reason I didn't include him was he stayed until his senior year. so he didn't lie, but he is the only one. I am a big supporter of getting an education, but I seriously wouldn't tell any of them to not take the money if that is the max that they will get. I mean they will make more in one year than most of us will in like 5 yrs.
  16. aka, Matt Greene, Matt Smaby, Travis Zajac, Jordan Parise. all boys who said they would be back and low and behold three of them are playing in the NHL right now and one in the ahl. They are liars all of them. though that does explain why I have trouble believing anyone named Matt.
  17. Ok, in response to your 1-3 1) Why would he not show the ref that he has the puck? as people have repeatedly said he has gotten run into before, if you were Phil's height, would you not do something to stop being hit. He is in no way as bad as Lawson who repeatedly tried to get the ref to call people hitting his helmet off when Lawson himself had pushed it off. I saw this at least three times when they played in GF. 2) and 3) Yes, they were getting taunted. But what player does not get taunted by the students in the box. we taunt all of them, it does not mean that you have to taunt them back, most players ignore us. I don't care who you are or what team you play for, jersey popping is dumb and classless even if you were being taunted. LEARN TO IGNORE IT! I guess through my green-colored glasses, I don't see what Phil does as showboating, but please pay attention to what others say about it too because they do have points.
  18. agreed, there are dumb fans on both sides. My friend and I had some gopher fans chant Jew haters at us on Friday when we were tailgating with them and some Michigan Tech fans. We had just showed up and weren't doing anything. They then proceeded to tell us that Holy Cross was an old chant and we shouldn't do it, so I chanted Robbie Bina at them instead. Then, we had Gopher fans behind us during our game chant Redneck North Dakotans at us. They got a Still better than Minnesota right back. And not to just talk about Gopher fans, during the St. Cloud/Wisconsin game when Goephert was laying on the ice, my friends and I were standing up trying to see if he was ok and somebody yelled at us to sit down. The Gopher fan behind got a laugh when I yelled back "your team is playing now and not tonight, think about it" I will admit, some of those were stupid things to say back. Overall, for my first trip to the Final Five. I loved the hockey atmosphere and most of the fans were really nice, but every team has some fans that I would love to punch. The Gophers were a good team Saturday night and they beat us. Though I was freaking out before overtime, and the little boy next to me asked if I was going to cry. I think I was going to.
  19. I can normally pick up TH on 1390 am for radio, and with tv, I am not sure, your best bet would be channel surfing.
  20. I'll second this idea, I even resorted to jokingly asking Buning if I could go in his suitcase when I was at the athletics office today. Don't worry he didn't hear me, so no restraining order or anything.
  21. was he writing about the Frozen Four in Ohio, cause that was two years ago. But to my question that I have, the injunction continues through the trial right? I apologize if this has been answered before, but i never found an answer to it.
  22. those are legal, and I got them from YOU! Diggler, you are so funny sometimes, seriously, smile on my face now! as for weather, I don't know about Minnesota, but my path to GF and then Fargo is snow-covered or scattered snow, so not too bad, but I will be leaving in a couple of hours to make sure that I make it there on time!
  23. I got them winning it all! I had to put it, cause they are Holy Cross, they live on those upsets!
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