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Everything posted by sioux7>5

  1. The PC Police wants them tar and feathered. Why can't some people just understand that some people are aholes and most people are not. Fourwinds I think you need to walk it off a little bit.
  2. I would second that. What a stupid statement. I do not want the name changed and it has nothing to do with losing to Indians, it has to do with losing a part of the state that I grew up with and love. FOurwinds do you think that Sioux Falls, SD should change the name of the city? How about anything with a NA name? If UND should then everything should.
  3. I am not close minded at all. I am very open to all points of view, but maybe you are the one that is close minded by not seeing are side. You claim to be giving the NA point of view, you do not speak for all NA's. I think you do not get it. You can't make people be honored. UND does honor the native american people. You just don't want to be honored.
  4. Hey Troll don't go away mad, but please just go away! You do not bring anything remotely constructive to ss.com. It is not that you don't agree with people, but it is that you just look to argue. Plus you are just plain wrong on some things.
  5. Ok I think people are making way to big of deal of UND is doing or is not doing. Some people are just aholes and that is all there is to it. I do not think that this makes UND some bad school as Fourwinds states, or they are dragging their feet. Maybe they are doing a lot more then you know. What should be the proper response be? Should they close campus and interview every student. Should everyone over react, just relax and let them do their jobs.
  6. OK Fourwinds I have a question for you. Then where will your kids going to go to school at? There are idiots no matter where you go in life. I think this nothing to do with UND as a whole and nothing to do with the nickname. You are looking for reasons not to like UND anymore, that is fine it is your right. But everything that you post is negative. You have a degree from a great school, that is great. My point is if you look for negatives you will find them anywhere you look. I am sure at UTTC there are negatives too.
  7. If these people are so against people being mascots where are they protesting at every Vikings home game. But let me guess that is different. My guess is Ron His Horse Is Thunder would approve in a second if he thought it would gain in some politcal power or money.
  8. Well don;t we think we are important. Hope you did not break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back to hard.
  9. That is awesome and I am sure not all programs are like this. We as Siux fans are so lucky in the players that come from this program and I for one think they are tops in college hockey if not in all of college sports.
  10. Do you not agree that this board has taken a turn for the worse in the last year?
  11. I agree this place is getting way to negative if we lose AZSIOUX it might be time to shut it down. ss.com used to be a place to talk hockey and other UND sports but lately it is getting to be like jr. high. Lets not be like goofer fans. Sioux fans are better then this board has been lately. We have a great team and a great tradition, I think it is time some of our fans start acting like it.
  12. Mafiaman, thanks for attempting to start a positive thread. I for one had a few too many after the game on thursday. I was upset abour to the game. But what I keep trying to remember is that they are kids or young men and they play a game and the boys did not play how the fans wanted them too. To bad for us. But I still say Thanks for the Great Year and I will be there next year to cheer them on again. GO SIOUX!
  13. I am going to DC I have never been there and have always wanted to go to that city. I love history and I think it will be a great time.
  14. I would also like to give a Big Thank You to this team. They gave this Sioux fan a lot to cheer for this year. As always I am sad to see a season come to an end. But I am also sad to see great young men end their careers with the Sioux. I especially think of Robbie Bina, all that he gave to this program and comes back and gives 110% every game. Thanks you Robbie we were truly blessed to witness for great skill. I wish you nothing but the best in the future. To the rest of the team Thanks again.
  15. OK I just got someof the highlights from this thread, let me start by saying a BIG NO you do not fire the coaching staff. Coaches coach and players play. What I say thursday from my very high up seat in the Pepsi Center was some kids(and lets try and remember they are kids) get a little off their game and just could not get started. It happens. Yes I am bummed out, but am not ready to fire Hak and his crew. My next question I have not heard anything about Chorneys injury can someone give me some insight? Thanks.
  16. I used to live in Denver and am really forward to gettin gback there for a long weekend. I was wondering if BD Mongolian is still open and if so waht is your take on the place. I have heard it is really good. I also want to get to a few places that I used to love.
  17. That is one of the coolest things I have heard of in a long time. Just one more reason to be a SIoux fan. Way to go Lammy.
  18. You on the 9:00am flight from MSP to Den?
  19. I am flying on wednesday morning and returning sunday, probably won't sleep on saturday after we win #8
  20. I saved $119 on my rental that I got about a month ago. I am sure that people are getting way better deals then I did, but I got a full size car for $30 a day. It is one step below luxury or something. I was happy.
  21. The artist presetned it to the WCHA commisioner at the Final Five in St. Paul. I think it is great. I would like to get one and hang it in my sons room.
  22. Can someone give me some information regarding that painting that they presented to the WCHA during the Final Five. I have seen it and would like to get more info. Thanks
  23. I think this is on the NCAA's dime.
  24. I am staying at the Red Lion. I think they told me when I made my reservation they were going to have a shuttle to the arena. That would be nice.
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