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Posts posted by dagies

  1. USC adopted the nickname Trojans in 1912, This was before Trojan Co. was formed. So, not quite apples to apples. I don't think UND should choose a name alot of people associate with condoms.

    Do you think the connotation with the Trojans is different for USC than Roughriders would be for UND, just because USC selected that nickname back in 1912? I think the Sicatoka's point is if USC can be successful with the Trojans UND can be successful with the Roughriders or Roughriders or however you want to say it.

    I'm personally not concerned with the connotation. Cripes, if the State of ND can survive with Roughriders as an unofficial nickname I think UND will do quite well using that as an official nickname, given the marketing that will go along with why the nickname was selected, and with how the nickname will be used and any potential logo.

    I guess part of me thinks just about any nickname can be made fun of, or slightly altered in a way to insult or jeer, so why worry about it? Pick a great nickname and go with it. Roughriders works for me, since no one else likes the "Iron Horses". :-)

    • Upvote 4
  2. Most of the country has never heard of the Rough Riders. But modern culture is certainly aware of the sexual innuendo associated with those two words. We already have one perverse nickname in the state with the Bi-son; lets not make it two.

    I don't agree. I think most of the country is at least somewhat familiar with that name from a historical perspective. And I think less people than you think will immediately go with the condom connotation.
    • Upvote 2
  3. Yeah, it was a very cool trip...my wife and I went on a Trek Travel trip for our honeymoon about 7 years ago. It was the "Classic Climbs of the Tour" trip, so we climbed Alpe d' Huez, Galibier, Tourmalet, etc. The only climb that I really wanted to climb that wasn't part of the trip was Vontoux.

    It was a trip of a lifetime, for sure! :)

    That sounds fantastic for a cycling fan.
  4. The older I get the fewer assumptions I make about what other people are and aren't/should and shouldn't be capable of. Typically hidden from us are the details of a person's life that better inform us about their present situation.

    Doesn't mean I don't forget this at times. But I do it less often than when I was younger and smarter than everyone.

    • Upvote 4
  5. Thunder Gods actually has a Norwegian background with Thor being the Norwegian god of thunder - and as shared the sound of thunder makes a great sfx at games for goals, touchdowns, etc. Gotta think that someone will come out of the woodwork and be against using the name god.

    The Thor connection was where I was going, yes.
  6. Ok, I'm not interested in arguing because I'm far from knowledgeable enough to forcibly back up my positions. But I'm interested in jumping in with my opinion on this topic because I consider myself a bit of a WWII history enthusiast. Not even close to an expert and I forget much of what I read, but I've read quite a bit....

    Count me in the camp that says if the Normandy landings had failed Hitler still would not have won the war. However, I believe Europe would have looked a bit different.

    I don't see any way Germany stops the Russians. We can debate Wikipedia as a source, but I doubt these numbers are significantly far off. According to this link Russia had twice the number of troops on the Eastern front than Germany:


    According to this link, 2/3 of Germany's divisions were already on the Eastern Front in 1944:


    If Normandy had failed, the Allies still had other options. Don't forget there was a follow-up landing on the south coast of France in August 1944. Whether the Allies would have still been able to land there had Normandy failed, we don't know. Probably the timing would have changed but who knows what would have happened. If nothing else they could have poured WAY more resources into Italy and forced the situation from there. Italy was tough going and a stalemate, and Germany was in very good defensive positions so it would have been tough, but who knows how that may have gone differently if the primary focus of the Allied drive into Europe would have been through Italy instead of through the north of France?

    A failure at Normandy doesn't mean the Allies were out of the war. No, the strategic bombing campaign would have continued, and perhaps intensified. This was at the pivotal point where Allied air power was beginning to dominate the air. The air war would have continued to degrade Germany's war making ability even if British and US ground forces were not significantly engaged.

    Russia was gaining strength and gaining momentum. Germany was weakening and could not replace losses. Stalin could now see that he was in a position to keep conquered land. Stalin was going to keep rolling and he was going to go as far west as fast as he could. Because the Brits and Americans had taken so much time to open the "2nd front" he knew he was in a bargaining position when it came to post-war borders. He had no intention of giving up any conquered territory after the war. Russia had a history of fighting wars on it's western borders with European powers. Stalin was going to take as much cushion as he could. No, I don't believe Stalin would have quit until he got to the boarders of the Allied European powers.

    The more I've read over time the more my mind has been opened to the fact that the Russians did the majority of the fighting and dying in WWII. Part of that is because they could meet the Germans face-to-face and it took the Allies some time to get on the same piece of ground with the Germans. Part of that is because the Russians treated their soldiers like meat and battle tactics like meat grinders. Just keep poring them in and sooner or later the battle will be won through attrition of German forces.

    The US lost about 400,000 men in battle in WWII.

    Germany lost about 4-5,000,000.

    Russian lost between 8-14,000,000. Yes, that's "million". That's not an accidental extra "0".

    Germany was ground down by the Russian millstone.

    None of this takes away from the accomplishments of D-day. The scope of the operation, the skill of the planners and logisticians, the bravery of the men who executed it...nor does it diminish the sacrifice of the men who fought and died there. Clearly it hastened the end of the war, and likely it kept more European people "free" than if it had failed. It was a magnificent undertaking that was successful due to the bravery and guts of the Allied fighting men.

    Just my 2 cents

    • Upvote 2
  7. The shirt isn't the issue.

    I think the bigger issue is that the support for those shirts are coming from the same people who not too long ago stood in front of Twamley and called for zero tolerance for any logos used and saying they are people, not mascots.

    If that is the case, I concede the point
  8. The original t-shirts were a really bad idea. One thing to have a little fun in your own back yard but in the current climate just not a good idea to wear out in public, or worse yet, throw it out on the internet.

    As for these new shirts, I don't see the issue. I know there was criticism of using the nickname, but certainly the real issue was the connotation of the drunk NA. If it hadn't been for that, I doubt anyone would have cared. People wear Sioux gear all over without it raising this sort of ruckus, so it was the imagery that was the problem.

  9. I could be wrong, but many years ago, wasn't there a movement to move the college game on to NHL ice sheets? So as new arenas were built, they were built with the Olympic sheets? Again, could be a poor memory here too.

  10. From a fan perspective, I like the idea of having 6 teams make the tournament, with the play-in games on Thursday. After several years of games starting on Thursday at the Final Five, it was tough losing another day of hockey this year.

    From a fan perspective I like that. I don't like it if my team has to play 3 games and then play in the NCAA's 5-6 days later.
  11. Plus time value on 220k is closer to zero than 10k. Hopefully for only one more year.

    We can analyze it every which way, but in the end a guy has to make his own decision based on what he thinks is right for him.

    For the record, I think it would be better for me if he stayed another year.

    Yeh....that's about 7 pages of thread rolled up into 1 post right there, uh-huh....
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