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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Development is one thing but I could never get upset with a kid who wants to spend his last year of high school with his friends.  Life gets much too serious too quickly after that.  That year is priceless for its own reasons.

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    * my favorite method is to walk the North End and select an Italian restaurant by standing outside and if it smells good, go in.  

    Love it!


    I've only visited Boston a couple of times but would say from my experience your tips about where to stay and transportation are spot on.  And I can't get enough of the North End, especially for food.

  3. Along those lines, someone had posted Reapers previously.

    Actually, this one has been growing on me lately.  I like the different directions you can go with this one (agricultural and UAV).




    Fighting Peacemakers.  

    Brilliant!  I think we have a winner!

  4. Even Michigan isn't necessarily nicknamed the Wolverines because the animal was so populous in Michigan.  In fact, it's possible the name stuck because Ohioans stuck them with it.




    The last theory derives from the border dispute between Michigan and Ohio in 1803, often referred to as the "Toledo War." While the two sides argued over the proper setting of the state line, Michiganders were called wolverines. It is unclear, however, whether the Michigan natives pinned this name upon themselves to show their tenacity and strength, or whether Ohioans chose the name in reference to the gluttonous, aggressive, habits of the wolverine. From then on, Michigan was labeled the "Wolverine state" and when the University of Michigan was founded, it simply adopted the nickname of the state it represented.


  5. I see Kelly O'Keefe has a strong background in branding and it is great that he is a consultant but no one on the actual task force has any background in tis area. They didn't even think to pull someone from UND's marketing department. I remain skeptical.


    I want a name and logo that won't become a laughingstock while realizing that this new name and logo will likely remain in the background for the next 30-40 years.

    Understand your concern.  What I'm hoping is that this is a true consulting role.  So the committee members use this consultant for guidance and input on marketing possibilities of various ideas.  I'm not sure that a person needs to be part of that committee to provide that sort of guidance. And perhaps that's actually best for the process.

  6. The fact that there doesn't seem to be anyone on the committee with a marketing background or experience in collegiate licensing is more than a little troubling. With companies in the area like Lake Shirts(Blue 84), CI Sport, Coaches Choice(in full disclosure, my employer and a big NDSU supporter), and even S&S Promotions. One would think they could find someone like a Rick Fletcher from CI whose company works with collegiate licenses all over the country and would have valuable input into what works and what doesn't from a marketing and logo standpoint, or a Brad Ness from S&S who currently have the Green and White clothing line and I believe is a UND alum, or my brother who was a collegiate buyer for Scheels for 10+ years and has worked with colleges and licenses all over the country for Coaches Choice and is also a UND grad or Jason Loney from Scheels who is also a UND grad would make sense.

    one of the advisors/consultants to the committee has that bkd. Would guess that's why she was chosen
  7. So why not the UND Brave - based on the pioneer spirit of ND settlers and even the air force base being located nearby? (of course there is a subtle reference to the native american term "Braves" but someone will always find something wrong with any name.)

    I kind of dig that.

  8. 3?

    Almost 3?

    5th grade?

    4th grade? 


    Walsh Hall, ... boys. 

    Same here


    I'd take Cavalry in a heartbeat (because of what it would *not* be). 


    Aero School? Air Cav! 


    Definitely could live with this


    Likewise. I'm convinced you were my RA.

    Wow, getting to be a small world...

  9. I understand that, but he should have been more upfront with that. In my opinion, he looked like he was stringing everyone along or trying to save face.


    That being said, UND is better served with recruits/players that are committed to the program. Last year after Tambo left, the team didn't miss a beat, nor seemed to miss him.  

    If it's a qualifying thing, and sounds like it was, my guess is the coaching staff is up to speed on that status throughout the process.  We may not have been informed (I can't imagine why?) but I'll bet it wasn't a surprise inside the program.

  10. Until a new moniker is chosen events like t-shirts at the recent Springfest are the gift that keeps on giving to the (as Scott calls them) bedwetters.

    This is the most compelling argument that you've made in support of selecting a new moniker and I concede I can't think of a good counter. Whule I assume we both agree UND was not responsible or culpable in that situation, selecting a new moniker insulates UND from ignorant and unfortunate association/criticism in like situations in the future. I'd almost submit but I don't like to lose. :-)

  11. Not sure why people have had such poor experiences with the UND webcasts last season. I started watching on my PC and it was lousy but switched to my laptop and the quality was great. Maybe those of you that have had poor pictures and buffering need to try different equipment. Having said that, give me Fox Sports!

    Had this same issue.  My home computer just couldn't handle the stream, but my laptop (borrowed from work, thank you work!) ran fine.   I've since upgraded my home computer so should have no issues running that this year, which will make my wife happy since I won't be hooking that up to the TV  :-)

  12. I'm waiting for the NCAA to see through this "no moniker" obfuscation for what it is: it's a way to keep saying the old moniker. 


    I'm waiting for the day the NCAA sends a letter that says,

    "By not selecting a new moniker you're facilitating and perpetuating use of the old moniker; thus, you are in reality allowing usage of the old moniker. A 'no moniker' solution is not acceptable to the NCAA and as of now you are under sanction until you define your new moniker." 


    Wild? Crazy? Impossible? Uh, that's how we got here. 

    I don't know how they could make a claim like that stand up.  If the school is no longer using the nickname or logo officially, and is protecting the trademark to ensure it's not used by others....I think it would be very difficult for the NCAA to publicly make that claim.


    I'm not arguing for or against a new nickname here, just wanted to add my thought to this.


    I'm fine with migrating to a new nickname but it's got to be good.  A bad nickname (Goon's "Sundogs") would be worse than none at all, IMO

  13. I watched a handful of games on webcast last year and I was pretty pleased.  I don't recall many issues with freezing or buffering (maybe a couple of times) and thought the video quality was decent.  However, I was pretty much comparing it to watching the SD broadcasts from previous years, so by comparison it worked out fairly well.

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