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  1. Azsioux or I know there was another one too.
  2. LOL just saw this....wow nothing ceases to amaze me here. I had faith in the human race for awhile. Site has turned to straight TRASH. Slandering people, now ive seen it all.
  3. Yea ties cut with him, itll be public shortly
  4. You can add Randklev to the locals ties have been cut with
  5. Randklev isnt coming to UND either
  6. I know, THe post wasnt made for you sorry I quoted it. Im done now.
  7. Im so sick of getting harrased on here, im done with this place for good. Thanks again everyone for all the great info over the years. I literally cannot take it anymore from a few people on this board. Borderline ....I better not even say. Well you got what you wanted Im leaving. Thanks again to the actual nice folks I have met over the years in here. Goodbye
  8. #PSYCHO
  9. The Obsession is Real folks....You literally no zero about me. Move along troll move along....Oh I just sold an old PS4 game for $19 is that ok with you or was it priced too high? GTFO
  10. You sir are legit BAT !@#$ CRAZY o.m.g
  11. I changed the price as I realized that was way too high, OOKK. And AGAIN sold it to a guy for FORTY FIVE dollars since yall are keeping record. Let me know if he should call you. Is that ok with you or was it still too high? Appreciate the infatuation but its getting really old. Please confirm what I did for $45 is ok so we can close this account out. 10-4
  12. For what an illegal listing of a jersey. I told you I sold it to a guy for $45. Do you want his name and Phone#???? I will give it to you right now.
  13. I appreciate your concern and obsession with me but can you kindly leave me alone and GTFO of the facebook group. We dont want your kind in it. Thanks bye
  14. I decided I didnt want it....It cost me $55 with shipping. I ultimately sold it to a guy here in fargo for $45. Guess someone got butthurt i listed it so high, my bad and I sincerely apologize for that price. Again i bought ONE jersey just for the hell of it. GOt it and it didnt fit in my collection. Ended up losing $10 on it. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!! and flattering that people are so concerned with my every move. This site is getting to be tooooo much for me. Its not fun anymore its just people whining and bitching like little kids. Go cyber bully someone else and run them from the room like you just did me. Im freakin out of here, goodbye!
  15. One of my best friends little bros...man i feel old
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