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Everything posted by Chewey

  1. Oh, but they're fixing all of this by changing the nicknames of NCAA member schools. That's the twisted logic. The bad sports nicknames are, in part, causing this. When they're changed, everything will be just fine and all of this will go away. Anyone moderately familiar with tribal politics knows that graft and corruption usually are present.
  2. The three stooges should have something to say on this. After all, Dorgan is the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, right? Even without the Abramoff mess, they'd be completely worthless. They could not keep missiles in GRand Forks during the Clinton years and lost the B1-B's to Ellsworth. How much more worthless are they with a Republican in the White House? As a native ND living in another state, I marvel at how you can't get rid of those three empty suits.
  3. I was one of the law school populace during the Bleacher Creature dust up. At that time, some drunk frat boys made som idiotic remarks to some indians who were marching in the Homecoming parade. The next year the hockey team had to wear the "North Dakota" jersies rather than the Blackhawk logo ones. I can not remember one person who was opposed to the nickname in the law school. I am sure that there probably were some and I am sure that there are some now. With Jim Grijalva as professor there, the few that are anti-nickname are probably more vocal. I am sure that a vast majority of the law school students do not oppose the nickname. If I were there now instead of 15 years ago, I'd be wearing my Sioux jersey every day to class.
  4. Oh, my God. Let an escapee from the PC asylum be the LAST person to lecture anyone about morality.
  5. Simple weasels are in charge of things now. What they should be doing, from the Governor to Goetz to alumni to natives who support the name to North Dakotans generally, is working towards getting a vote going on both reservations. There is no reason to get rid of it in less than 3 years. Why get 3 years if you're just going to change in in 6 months? Can anyone say "politcal cover" and "appearances without foundation"? What a bunch of whining, whimpering, spineless, floundering weasels.
  6. I even bet he's a UND Law School graduate. Uh oh!?!?!?!?!? That must mean he's biased, right?
  7. So if the evidence shows nothing but you still claim that you were intimidated and assaulted, we must disregard the lack of evidence and simply accept one-sided claims and prosecute people on that? Sounds like protected class/star chamber due process to me. I don't know who but an idiot, or someone with disdain for due process and constitutional rights, would promote that.
  8. Hmm. Kupchella was wrong to accord proper patience and procedure, right? No one wants to see someone else get taunted but evidence is needed to prosecute someone much to the chagrin of the PC zealots. They say something happened and that someone is a racist and it must be so because they said so and a conviction/punishment must be accorded on those grounds alone. Those PC zealots in the English Department must really look foolish. To think, my brother with his PHd in writing and rhetoric could have applied for a job there, as they have an opening in that area, but chose not to do so because of the whack jobs there.
  9. Now that is scary. Canada should man up and get rid of that lunacy. You're right in saying that this is exactly what the PCers in this country want badly. Canada is a great country and very beautiful and the people generally are very nice but I would never hold Canada up as an example of how we should do things here.
  10. This whole thing is so ridiculous. Someone should have a backbone and indicate that their staying the "Fighting Sioux" and that's that. Personally, I think that the lawsuit should have gone forward, the good guys should have won, and the name stayed regardless of what the Executive Committee did next.
  11. The translation, I think, is that he heard from the nickname advocates/alumni that progress is/was being made and that there is a lot of time to address this issue and that he should not simply hurry things along. I think there is progress being made. Hence the cries of institutional racism from the English Department, etc. to try and thwart any progress.
  12. I probably am, for sure. He's a big phony who complains if the camera doesn't show him right, I know that. One person in tv whom I know told me he got all mad at the crew because they showed too much of his bald spot too many times. This was several years ago. Like Goon said, he is at the front for taxing oil companies. He was at the center of Measure #6 in 1980 that taxed the oil companies out of ND 4 to 6 years before the market prices really fell. That was a lot of lost income for western ND. All of the university professors in the east never did get their increases in pay and resources from the tax money because the oil companies lit out. I'm sure he's trying to take some credit for getting oil companies up there to explore the Bakken. I can't believe the Republican Party in ND is so stupid so as to not bring such things up. Even in Clinton years he wasn't able to prevent the loss of ICBM's out of Grand Forks, he wasn't able to prevent the B1-B's from going to Rapid City. Reason Minot is getting 1,100 more base people and another B-52 wing: The Air Force has always favored Minot because Minot is a very pro-military town. There have NEVER been protesters there unlike the professor hippie dope-heads in Grand Forks who have protested vehemently in the past. People even took shots and the plans with 22's which is why they now have the big walls up on the GF base. Oh, and the only reason Minot lost the fighter wing is because of Conrad. The current congressional delegation is useless.
  13. All this, and Dorgan's done nothing to help retain the nickname? What a hypocritical and spineless weasel!
  14. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the cries of "institutional racism" came at a curious time? Namely, the fanatics may have thought that people were getting further along with the trial votes regarding the nickname and they wanted to assert such claims to try and derail any progress made.
  15. I have not heard. Something tells me that several alumni have contacted Goetz and the incoming President and have told them not to be too quick to just dump the name. I think that there may be something going on with the votes being more likely on the reservations. I think the irresponsible and racist cries of "institutional racism" made by the usual anti-nickname suspects surrounding the events concerning the Jewish student were made to try and thwart progress being made. That's all speculation on my part but it seems reasonable to me.
  16. It's probably one of the professor's noble PC hacks doing it.
  17. I was not tolerated, from what I understand. I was investigated and due process was accorded. I would not be surprised if the anti-name crowd itself is behind the swastikas being put up around campus. They obviously would have taken the idea from SCSU. I wonder where the cries of institutional racism were when the swastikas were being put up all over SCSU.
  18. What the hell is it anyway?
  19. Yet, you state that attitude here. I must say that I doubt the sincerity of your remarks. I can only imagine your venom in a setting where you actually think you may have some influence. I think you're probably just like the loopy white professors at UND; the only difference is that you're NA and on a res. Same warped perspective though. Indoctrinators is a more fitting word than "educators."
  20. Oh, so to be a venerable institution a school must submit to the Star Chamber authoritarianism of the NC00 and the PC nazis? Nice. The NC00 and the PC zealots must be opposed at every turn. If you want an example of something that is close to a modern-day nazi, I give you Myles Brand and the other PC authoritarians. That's just downright scary. Don't even start with Ralph. Myles Brand and Walter Harrison are more Nazi-ish than he could have ever been.
  21. Yes. There is absolutely no consistency. The NC00 brought out the special powder for UND because the PC hippies were insanely furious over the palace that Ralph built.
  22. One has to be able to simply identify the nexus between the nickname and racist incidents. One does not have to walk in your shoes to understand a simple causal connection between the nickname and racist incidents. Saying that the nickname causes such things is akin to saying that "I smoked and got lung cancer because I saw a kid wearing a Joe Camel t-shirt."
  23. And how does the nickname impact those things? How did the nickname contribute to causing those things? How does the fact that white people say the nickname and wear clothing with the image reinforce the negative feelings you experienced then?
  24. For exercising their free speech? I don't think so. I was at that parade and the conduct was deplorable and outrageous. In the USA, however, people do have the right to behave like racist jerks. People do have the right to put an offensive sign on their lawn if they so choose. People have the right to use the N word. The reflection is on those people. To have done something to them would have just invited lawsuits. Those people should be shunned, for sure. If there was a picture of them, it should be circulated to employers so that those employers are apprized of the conduct.
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