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Everything posted by Chewey

  1. I agree with that for sure. Unfortunately, without a viable third party out there, the knob on the Democratic side would be far, far worse. Say what you want about the AG (I am very disappointed, too), but he did get 3 years and I bet any Democrat who would have otherwise held the office would have done absolutely nothing.
  2. AWESOME! Looking forward to the march tomorrow. Go Sioux!!!!!!
  3. Gothmog's back!?!?!? Instant ignore. Anything Gothmog or any other anti-nickname "plant" on here has to say should be instantly discarded.
  4. Actually, if you read the settlement agreement closely, the "Spirit Lake Sioux" option is entirely plausible. The surrender agreement only refers to getting approval for the "Fighting Sioux" nickname and does not include variations of the same such as "Sioux" or "Spirit Lake Sioux" etc. I feel bad for Archie Fool Bear and all who worked so hard to garner the support of both tribes (Eunice Davidson, et al thank you) and I'd like to think that SR would or could hold a vote and the SBoHE reverse itself but I tend to think that such will not be reality. In the absence of the "Fighting Sioux" I am in favor of "Spirit Lake Sioux" or just "North Dakota."
  5. Chewey

    Game over.

    Kelley said that people "all over the country are watching to see how we handle this," including thousands of UND alumni. Noting that many alumni are passionate about the logo and nickname, he said they also have proven to be "very resilient." Already the "happy talk" and cajoling/positioning for "healing." God, this guy's a tool.
  6. Chewey

    Game over.

    Exactly. I don't blame SR as much as I blame SBoHE and weasel #1 (Kelley) and weasel #2 (Faison). They just perpetuated this "controversy" for the next 30 years a la Dartmouth. Great job guys! As someone else pointed out, SR said, "will you respect and follow what we say if we put in the effort?" SBoHE tells them and 98% of UND alumni and all of the NA's (Spirit Lake, Archie Fool Bear, etc) to pound sand.
  7. I was wondering how long it would take this guy to crawl out of the woodwork. Read what you posted. If SBoHE indicates that they'd allow retention of the name if a vote is held, then a vote will be held. That's how I read it. Translation for those who need it: Tell us that you'd respect our vote, if we have one, SBoHE. That's exactly what some have been saying here. I think FWB's jubilation is a bit premature.
  8. Yes, I agree. Please stop feeding this absolute dolt.
  9. Actually, Parise was conflicted on where to go -- the Sioux or the Gilded Gonads -- and asked Herb Brooks and Brooks, evidently, advised him to choose the Sioux. From what I understand, there were some pretty pissed off gopher fans/alumni/coaches. How's that for irony? The great Herb Brooks, a Minnesota legend, actually telling a MN blue chip to go to North Dakota. I love it.
  10. Agreed. Do not contract brain leprosy by reading, quoting or responding to his posts.
  11. Why does anyone continue to bait these logic infidels? Take the same sage advice that I did, namely: You have chosen to ignore all posts from: MplsBison.
  12. I'd be interested in getting either yours or Willy's. I will be in St. Cloud probably tonight but could meet you tomorrow afternoon anytime or before game time at the front by the ticket office. $75.00 is fine with me. I may be interested in both of your tickets depending on how many total tickets there are. Please email me at lazeruscomeforth@hotmail.com. Thanks!
  13. Yeah, "it's just a nickname" so why is every hypersensitive, PC dolt making a big deal about being "offended" by it. There's decades of history behind it, etc.
  14. The point is not only that, yes, "business risk" is the ostensible reason now but also that the "fix" has evidently been in the make all along as per what has been discussed above. Advising someone to just deal with it and accept this obvious hypocrisy and duplicity as anything but sheer cynical posturing and gamesmanship is a strain on logic or even common sense. I don't think anyone denies the fact that "it is what it is." However, one's convincing oneself that this is totally benign in terms of being purely a simple business decision demonstrates a level of denial, perhaps even a willful denial, that several are unwilling to countenance let alone share in the experience. One couldn't do a better job of demonstrating it even if one were able to gild it.
  15. 82 Sioux has some good points, although they are difficult to accept and even more difficult to comprehend the twisted and racist PC mindset that put those points inexorably (apparently) into play. I sympathize with what you're saying DamStrait and I agree with you. My point earlier about RPI was exactly what you're saying. Of course, 82 says, that such is not the issue now and that we have to deal with what we have to deal with now. That may be true, but the bottom line is that bullies will be bullies and there will always be protesters about something; whether those protesters exist now or in the future, the PC metastasis is there. The moral is that you fight within the bounds and deadlines that you're given, which the SBoHE has largely NOT done, rather than simply offer up your jugular. The political gamesmanship and the massive energy put towards simple expediency, regardless of what 98% of the alumni feel, of all of this is what really pisses me off. IF anything, protesting would be good in that it exposes the fools for what they are. If protests can't be tolerated, then live in a bubble. If a bunch of us were to go protest at UND home games after they change the nickname or if a bunch of us go protest the SBoHE or arrive outside the Summit offices, I wonder what their position would be. Maybe if 500 or a thousand protesters exhibiting the same puerile and petulant conduct of the anti-nicknamers showed up, instead of 10 or 20 anti-nicknamers, their take could be markedly different. They are counting on adults acting like adults though which is why expediency is at such a premium with them. They know that they won't get that with the juveniles on the other side.
  16. Since when should any school be afraid of protests? Weren't some of these hippies like Douple participants in the Viet Nam War protests? It's the exercise of free speech and an introduction to the marketplace of ideas. If "divisiveness" and "protesting" are going to be grounds for pause to inviting a school into a league or otherwise, then pretty much everything should be at risk. If was ever proved that Engineers from RPI were involved in the Manhattan Project and the development of nuclear weapons, shouldn't I start protesting every sporting event that RPI has and shouldn't they be forced to change the nickname? Does RPI get a referendum approved by the survivors of the Hiroshima disaster (I truly believe Harry Truman is burning right now), or their descendants, in order to keep the nickname? Does RPI need to do that to prevent from being booted out of the ECAC? What does RPI do if it wants to join Hockey East? It's unbelievable that this is even an issue. Like I said, times have been too good and some people have developed a penchant to fuss over really stupid things. All of this should appropriately radicalize any reasonable person against this business.
  17. OMG, this troll is back too? They really must have torn down the walls at the asylum.
  18. Just to be clear: The baggage is not the nickname. Rather, the baggage are the few university PC dolts who get publicity through and are enabled by the Grand Forks Herald. On a different take, why should universities or the Summit be concerned about controversy? Aren't universities supposed to welcome and encourage viewpoint expression about so-called "controversial" topics? If the issue is the Viet Nam war or the Iraq war or economic collapse or executive compensation limitations, it's ok but if the issue is something that is not PC it is not ok? And yes, if UND did not have hockey the nickname issue would still be a big thing because, if nothing else, the university has been identified with it for over 80 years. It's the best nickname, bar none, in college sports.
  19. Some very good insights 82 and Blackburn. I agree that Jeannote's decades long presence at UND and the presence of his cohorts and the usual perennial students the protest the nickname and the # of NA programs at UND belie the "hostile and abusive" business. 82 is probably right that 98% of the alumni will not be like I am in terms of entirely ceasing, for good, to donate at least to anything but hockey and football. But, I think it will be significant enough for the entire university to feel it for a number of years and I do not think the financial support will ever be where it has been. I am a native North Dakotan and a UND Fighting Sioux and I will never identify with the UND "Sundogs" or some other such nonsense. It comes down to this, essentially: If the university/SBoHE want to bend to the whims of a few whiners and viewpoint oppressing administrators/professors and then tell the alumni/nickname supporters "to just deal with it and be sure to continue sending your check," displeasure will be expressed by a lot fewer checks being sent. Mine will be a drop in the bucket but there will probably be a lot of us. I am of the opinion that if the U and the SBoHE want to listen to the few whiners, then they can be supported by the whiners and accept the natural consequences of aligning themselves with the whiners. At MSU-Moorhead, SCSU, MSU-Mankato and other universities, the cleavers are out. Professors are losing their jobs or are being forced into early retirement. Entire departments are being slashed. Many programs that never should have received taxpayer dollars in the first place are being eviscerated. Education is going more back to the basics where it belongs. There is a bit of a natural "righting of the ship" in all of it. The UND/NDSU professors/administrators had better hope that oil does not drop to below $50.00 per barrel and stay there or the ND schools will see the same thing.
  20. They should not have dictated stupid deadlines or mandated 30 year agreements. They should have made a true and vocal commitment to the nickname and should have indicated that they were going to work to retain the nickname for the time being with tribal wide votes, as per SL. They should have told Goetz, Kelley, et all that the U nickname is the Fighting Sioux and that retaining that nickname was/is the preferred course and they should have directed them to work in that direction. The SBoHE came across as imperious right from the beginning. The SBoHE should not have "settled" the lawsuit. I could go on. They should understand that this pisses off the major financial backers of the university, the alumni and the tax payers. The university professors/administrators and the SBoHE are overly concerned by a few incessant whiners but are not concerned about the financial fall out incurred as a result off angry alumni. I can understand the professors/administrators who are ideology before financial backing because they get their checks from the taxpayers, regardless. The SBoHE and other related parties are supposed to be outside in the real world and are supposed to understand real time issues and the consequences that are attached. It's all been an expedient Summit smoke screen for the last year or so and the SBoHE has gotten some very bad advice. I don't know if it's been from Seaworth or who else but the advice it has been receiving on how to handle this has been nothing but God-awful. The SBoHE needs to 1.) speak with SR and apologize for how imperious it came off; 2.) address SR as equals and let Murphy know once again how important the nickname is for 98% of the UND community and, apparently, at least 70% of the SL and, in all likelihood, the SR; 3.) Let them know, again, that they will be keeping the nickname until 11/30/10 and ask them to consider initiating a referendum process to gauge the input of SR tribe. Here's what they've essentially said: A. Our state's flag ship university wants to keep your name as its name; B. We're giving you until "X", and not one minute later, to tell your people to tell us that we can keep your name or you can shove off. C. If you don't do a referendum by "X" we're going to tell everyone that you did not do anything by our arbitrary deadline to let us keep your name as our name and so you will be blamed for it. Now, this is a real winning strategy to employ if you really want to keep the nickname. They may as well have had the anti-nicknamers be in charge of the whole thing. Perhaps Seaworth is an anti-nicknamer. Doing 1-3 above will be the only way the SBoHE and the university generally can save some face with the alumni. There are whiners everywhere and they can be tolerated and they should be actively opposed and exposed for their own racism. The last thing anyone should do is cave to them. The last thing anyone should do is risk angering 98% of one's financial backers. Need I go on? One can only hope that the financial meltdown will significantly thin some of the rank and file at UND and NDSU. It's happening in MN and you should hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth of all the people in areas where oxen are being gored. Now, instead of carping about diversity some people will actually have to interview for jobs and then, probably, accuse potential bosses of being "racist" when they're not hired. Times have been too good such that people have developed a conceit to argue about this garbage. This sort of thing has come about because people have not had any real issues to occupy their time. An assault on the pocket-book can be very sobering.
  21. Wow, now there's an "A+B+C=D" analysis. Your act of taking what he/she wrote, which you believe is "racist" simply because you disagree with it, and extrapolating that to the conclusion that he/she provides poor service to clientele because of his/her "racist" beliefs is a real head scratcher. Irascible, petulant and puerile commentary like that reaffirms my belief that people like Jeanotte and his ilk need to be opposed and called out for their own insidious racist tendencies at every turn. Any reasonable person would be beyond exasperation with that nonsense and it is not "insensitive" to anyone to oppose it. For those who think such opposition conveys insensitivity, any credibility is out the window.
  22. That figures, Ox. I am sorry that you experienced that sort of viewpoint persecution and thank you for giving those insights. He is an idiot, a racist and a complete black mark on UND.
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