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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. Fred got me again!

    This one is legit. I should have added a clause in my challenge excluding football, ya know with the absense of conference tournamentso and all.

    So how about hockey and basketball(two equivalent schedule/playoff styles.

    LOL! Just trying to keep you on your toes. ;) Thanks for the additional qualifiers. I would say BC-BU are right up there in Hockey, along with Minnie and Wisco (just because of the Big 10 connections and the fact that those two schools and their states consider themselves to be peers; whereas both those states look down their noses at anything west of them and east of California <<<-- commonly referred to as Gopher arrogance); and in Basketball... gotta go with Indiana-Kentucky (I mean, Bob Knight won't even say the word "Kentucky" still to this day. He refers to it as that other "SEC team." Speaking of... that rivalry will be on full display tonight in the NCAA Tourney.

    Go Sioux!


  2. She's off to NYC in the morning to meet up with CNN's Anderson Cooper (another Olive Garden fan) to have dinner on the town and maybe offer a critique or two while they're at it.

    Also, NBC's The Today Show was in Grand Forks today to interview Marilyn. They sent one of their Twin Cities producers and camera crew up here to tape the interview.

  3. Another big problem is that so many people weren't paying attention along the way. They see people threatening to take away the name and they blame the people that they believe are in charge of the situation. They don't know the steps that have happened along the way, they don't know that this situation didn't just happen in the last year, and most of them have never met any of the people involved. It becomes a mob mentality to attack whoever is responsible, at least in their minds.

    ^^^^^ This. Exactly!

  4. The receiver you are reffering to must be Jameer Jackson. I hear he's about 235 pounds now and has been lifting a ton of weight in the weight room.

    Thanks... I bet you are right. I'm not that familiar yet with how these guys look without their numbers and not in uniform. I'm counting down the days to Spring ball and I am going to throw myself a personal little "Done with Transition" party on July 1!

  5. Unexpectedly walked in on the QBs and receivers practicing at the Hyslop Multipurpose gym today (Saturday, about 1 p.m.). I paid close attention to Braden. It was odd to watch a lefty, but his throws were superb -- straight and accurate. There were no real bombs thrown by anyone, mostly short pattern stuff and some mid-range over the shoulder stuff for the receivers. I realize there was no opposition of any kind so take this with a grain of salt. But it was sure fun to watch the future in action. R.J.looked like he's in as great shape as ever, fast and darting. There was another receiver who was much taller than R.J. -- couldn't tell if it was Hardin or Tyree (sp?), but you could tell he was in the gym over the off season. Looked totally ripped. The rest of the receivers there looked to be bigger, plodding tight end types. Joey Bradley and another QB (maybe Comes) also were there throwing. Wish I could have stayed longer but had to get to the men's BB game.

  6. I never bought into the 30 year framework. If some branch of SR government is willing to dismiss a pipe ceremony conducted on its own land, it could just as easily dismiss a written agreement. Witness the change in tone on SL. At first they didn't care or opposed UND's use of the Sioux moniker. Now they're trying to hang it around our neck. Again, these are sovereign nations and suing them for breach of contract is next to impossible. We'd have better luck with Iran or Venezuela. :lol:

    Good point. Another thought I had is the reason (whether they recognizie it or not) that the nickname-at-all-costs crowd cling to the idea of the legendary 1969 pipe ceremony is because it has an aura about it that is unbreakable or irreversible simply because it is so much more intangible than a signed document, a treaty or a series of "whereases" and "therefores" on a perishable piece of paper. It gives it a sort of mystical treatment that is somehow more important than mere modern tribal law because it is so closely tied to native elders and religion. It also fuels the suggestion that any attempt to question it is equivilent to sacrilege or a tribal form of treason. Finally, for all these reasons, the pipe ceremony is seen as never-ending and immune from modern tribal meddling. Pretty convenient, if you ask me, since pretty much all of the participants in the pipe ceremony are all dead and gone.

    Would it simply take another pipe ceremony between UND and Standing Rock to jointly reverse the first pipe ceremony to satisfy the nickname-at-all-costers -- or is the contention that it has to be the original participants in order to make it legit? If that's the case, we'll need to have a seance to raise the dead! Again, how convenient.

  7. ...says the poster with the user name "fightingsioux4life"

    4life... really? Oh, the irony of that statement coming from somebody with that user name. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

    I've always thought that was a pretty darn good user name and I've always interpreted it to mean that he/she will always hold the Fighting Sioux nickname in high regard in his/her heart even if it must go for the sake of the greater good. Just my read. Sure is a lot better than a bland handle like "Teeder"! :lol:

    • Upvote 3
  8. Yeah, what a bunch of cry babies. I mean its not like Spirit Lake doesn't have more important issues they could/should be spending their time and effort on. http://www.inforum.c...publisher_ID/1/ They should maybe take care of business at home before worrying about whats going on in Grand Forks.

    That's funny, in a way; can't tell if your post is tongue-in-cheek. But it's the same argument that the save-the-name crowd used to use against the antis back when the prevailing perception was that Indians were the ones who were opposed to the name.

  9. I watched the game on NBCSP HD on Midco Channel 630 and the quality was incredible. The kelly green really popped on the screen and the quality of the broadcast was first rate. The quality made it feel like I was watching the Sioux play in the national championship game on national TV. My 10-year-old daughter walked out from the kitchen and looked at the TV in the living room and said, "Holy cow, dad! "The Sioux are playing on the Peacock channel! That's so cool. Must be a big game." Then she said "Wow, the Sioux colors really pop don't they, and the other teams' are really just ordinary." Hey, if my 10-year-old daughter (she knows little of sports )can sense the quality difference and professionalism of the broadcast then its a good thing and great exposure for college hockey and UND.

  10. Maybe folks have lost faith in the so called Hero's & Politicians & Leaders --- Sent us all to school to think for ourselves & now they want us to trust their superior knowledge :glare:

    It's worth Fighting for & to He11 with the potential consequences - they can be fixed (IF THEY HAPPEN) saving the name is now or never

    I wonder how many of the ones coming out will admidt they were wrong - (if the names is saved) & try to spin it like they had the best interest in the school & giving up seemed to be the best thing to do.

    "It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". - Abraham Lincoln

    You know that can work both ways & time will tell

    I've told you before on this site that I would be the first in line to eat the biggest crow pie you've ever seen if and only if there's some way that UND can convince the NCAA to let us keep the nickname without sactions or potential harm. I want that day to happen. I'm not going to hide from anyone, especially you. I love the nickname, always have. I love it so much that I am willing to let it go to save the very thing, the more important thing, it represents.

  11. Kolpack talked to a commissioner of a conference and wrote this....but I get it you, a "nobody," will "discredit it."

    That quote was from a Newspaper! and not a blogger! Who should one believe....you, anonymous poster, or a newspaper reporter?

    Its true. Learn to accept it even if you don't like it.

    You're cute. You make me smile. ;)

    Listen, I don't know Tom Douple. Probably a nice enough guy, but I have never been in the same room with him nor do I know him enough to put total and utter faith in what he allegedly said to Jeff Kolpack, who I know only slightly better through my years spent in journalism (I know his brother much better than him.) What I do know is that I have complete trust in Dr. Kelley and Brian Faison, who I can visit and speak with on a daily basis if I I want. Hey, no one is going to win this one. I choose to trust someone I know. Others choose to put faith in a newspaper reporter and a conference commish with an axe to grind against UND. As a former reporter, I can tell you that, unfortunately, we do get things wrong, misquote, misconstrue, misunderstand so-called facts all the time. We also are known to not let the facts get in the way of a good story sometimes. Now, I'm not saying that Jeff did any of that, as I am more inclined to believe that Douple just flat out lied (in his pissed off state following UND's decision to go Big Sky). But again, that's my gut feeling based on who I feel is more deserving of my trust. I don't have proof that Douple lied any more than anyone else has proof that Kelley urged Douple to take a hard stand against the nickname. It's a "he said she said" scenario, and in that case, I will side with the people I know.

    You want to match quotes? OK, but I don't know what it proves... it's one person's version of what happened over the other's, and it seems no one was around to corroborate any of it. So it's left up to us amateur internet jockeys to write and revise the history as we see fit. So, in that spirit, here goes:

    Statement by University of North Dakota Athletic Director Brian Faison:

    "I'm here today to respond to a report that the University of North Dakota "pressured" the Summit League to take stand against the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo.

    The University of North Dakota never asked the Summit League, or its commissioner, to take a stand against the nickname and logo.

    In fact, the commissioner of the Summit League stated publicly, on more than one occasion over the past two years, that the university had to resolve the nickname and logo issue before they would consider us for membership. This resolution of the nickname and logo issue was always a precondition for league membership.

    My position has always been that we need a resolution. My job was to find the best conference for the University of North Dakota, and that is the Big Sky Conference."


    UND spokesman Peter Johnson said Monday and repeated Tuesday that university President Robert Kelley “categorically denies” UND officials ever made such a request to the Summit League.

    “False. Not true at all,” Johnson said. “Neither the president or the athletic director or anybody else from UND ever talked to (the Summit League) from that angle. In no way, shape or form did we ask (Douple) to make that an issue.”

    • Upvote 3
  12. UNC-Pembroke is doing fine with their "Braves" nickname!

    "UNC Pembroke's athletic teams are known as the Braves. Due to its heritage as an institution founded for the benefit of Native Americans and support from the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, the school has largely been immune to the ongoing controversies related to Native American-themed nicknames and mascots.

    The school is a member of the NCAA's Division II and competes in the Peach Belt Conference, with the exceptions of football, track and field, and wrestling, in which it competes as an independent. The school fields 16 varsity sports teams." UNC-Pembroke Wikipedia entry.

    "Doing fine" is a relative condition, besides, I hope our aspirations are a bit higher than a Division II independent.

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