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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. I hope you are right. I just think its going to be a rude awakening if you don't fall into the trap of recruiting the same. the top 3 teams in the big sky has efficient qb play and very good in there front 7 on defense (run stoppers or pass rushers). In order to make plays, u can scheme it up anyway you want, but players make plays on saturday

    Come again????

    Thanks, Dr. Obvious.

    • Upvote 1
  2. My saying that 'attitude' on a message board is why they go 16-16 obviously does not directly affect their play and their record. Was more of a reflection of the results I have seen, tied to their record. They seem to be extremely complacent and basically put they do not improve. Can we point to anything showing they have gotten better in the past three seasons? Seems like one step forward -one step back.

    No. But I will reserve overall judgment until March. I'm wondering if it is even possible for Brekke to petition for some kind of a medical hardship waiver or if that ship has already sailed. I am so bad at knowing the ins and outs of all these NCAA red-shirting policies, etc.

  3. Right - and that attitude is why they go 16-16 every year. Hopefully, they are able to snatch up a CIT bid again.

    I'm not big on sugar coating things when they're bad, but the negativity was thick last year, too, at times, and in the subsequent years when UND was finishing .500 ... so which is it? Is it the negativity or the silver-lining seekers that are pulling this team down below their potential? Truth is it is neither and we message board know-it-alls simply don't have the sway that we imagine we do. It sure is fun, though! :)

    • Upvote 1
  4. The underlying socio cultural theme is undeniable regardless of if people like to hear it or not. It's about more than just race though, there are plenty of black players, Shaugs and others, who are mature and loyal and have not only commitment but can see the big picture. It's more of where the kids are from than what color their skin is though....


  5. You must work for A&E.

    There is a trend for whatever reason. To automatically throw out the "race" card shows your complete ignorance!

    With all due respect, I think you and gfhockey beat Biz to the punch on that one.

  6. Does anyone know if this game is being televised?

    NBC SN (Universal Sports Network)

    Midcontinent Communications - Grand Forks

    NBC Sports Network Channel 69

    Midcontinent Communications - Grand Forks - Digital

    NBC Sports Network Channel 69,

    Channel 309

    NBC Sports Network HD Channel 630

  7. Just my two pennies. This team (throughout its four years), more than any other I've seen at any level, is a bit of a head case. It has great skill and talent but for whatever reason the slightest bit of adversity rattles it to the point that it can't dig out of holes and close out games in hostile environments. Combine that with just dumb bad luck with injuries and suspensions in recent years (Brekke, Schuler, Huff, Traylor, etc.) and inconsistent foul shooting (one game they knock down 99 percent of their shots the next they can't throw it in the ocean) and you have an even greater up-hill battle.

    It's like they read their own headlines and message board fodder, both positive and negative, and let that affect their play. The only thing I can boil it down to is that it is all psychological.

  8. From what I hear, we need to move on and get used to life without Lauck. Best to her and the great career she had at UND. Houdek needs to step up fill in. Burck, too. Would love to see Dillon get healthy. And the young guards need to keep improving. They are doing well. Can't wait to see what Dyer can do on the court after the New Year.

    All that said. Our platoon of players should do fine against AC.

  9. Beat them last year in a close game at the Betty. I think I remember Webb having some late game heroics. They lost their two high-scorers from that game to graduation, but they might have reloaded. UND certainly added talent since that game, but anything can happen on the road.

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