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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. Evers, Loyd, Szabla, Knox, Dyer, Lauck, Burck Dillon, Kiser back and more than likely better than they are now; plus some unproven bench players and good recruits coming in ... Should be another fun year next year. Thank you, Madi, Alyssa, and Katie! You were/are class acts!

    • Upvote 2
  2. Those hypocrites! If the NDSU WBB program ever gets their house in order and wins the Slummit League tournament, they would be going ape-crap over there about it! "How far will we go; I think we can win the whole thing!", "How does this team stack up to the Kasey Morlock-led teams of the 1990's?" and blah, blah, blah. :silly: Just wait, they'll change their tune once the shoe is on the other foot.

    You guys care wayyyy too much what they think.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I don't know how they're counting butts in the seats for these games, but I was at the UND-ISU game yesterday afternoon and I have been to many during the regular season. I was extremely surprised to see the 1,400 announced attendance, as I would have guessed way closer to 2,000, based on my experiences at other games this season. It sure looked and felt like it.

    I have been equally surprised by the announced attendance for the non-UND games as they have been in the 900s, and that seems very inflated versus the eye-ball test of actual butts in the seats. So I don't know what is going on.

    The only glaring hole yesterday at the UND-ISU game was the south side student section was nearly bare (they are on Spring Break, so cut them some slack).

    Bottomline: The Betty was rocking and there was a vibe in the air like no other game this season yesterday. C'mon, Grand Forks, let's come out this afternoon and support these ladies like we did at Hyslop in the 90's!

  4. Boo hoo - what's really funny about this board is that most posters actually believe their own propaganda posted here.

    And how different is that from any other fan site anywhere? And why does this bother you so? You're a bit obsessed.

  5. Excellent. That will be nice to have her back next year, she will help out in the production that we lose with Buck and Wall next year.

    Teeder, are the situations with Dillon and Houdek correct as well?

    Just guessing here, but on Houdek, my hunch would be that she might be done (again I do not know for sure) because as was mentioned, her red-shirt is used up.

    I am not at all in the know on Josie, unless she just needs more time to heal, and there's still a chance for her to get in this year.

  6. I thought I heard that Houdek was done for the year and they were trying to get a medical redshirt for her next year (at least that is what I heard from the women's play by play guy during one of the games). Might be harder to her to get one since she already redshirted

    Lauck hasn't played since UW-Milwaukee and I don't know the status of her (if she is done). She never did redshirt so that option is there for her to come back next year (I would think it would be a slam dunk for her to come back)

    Dillon I believe also did something to her foot which is why she isn't playing, but I have no idea when she is coming back (I think on chat they said they would likely get her back at the end of the year). If she does that would be nice to give us another 3 point threat off the bench. If not, I wonder if they can redshirt her too.

    transfer? never really noticed.

    The transfer is Cassie Thompson, '13 Grafton (N.D.) High School, where she was a very good player. Cassie spent last semester at Northern State in Aberdeen on a very loaded and successful team there.

    It was announced almost immediately after her injury in Milwaukee that Lauck's medical hardship has been granted and she will be back for UND next year.

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