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Everything posted by Sioux27

  1. As much as I like Bubba while with the Sioux, he still hasn't proven that he can run a program. NO GOOD COACH would have pulled that kind of play-ground-flag-football kind of horsesh-t that he did at the end of the season. Looks like he had a lot of desparation with nothing to lose. All good coaches would try build for next year regardless of that seasons implications!!!!!!!!!! He is not only losing good recruits to average programs he is also losing average coaches to less than average programs. If it were not for his longevity with the Sioux I would say he is no better than Mike "3 Hour Cruise" Tice. After Bubba goes 7 and 4 this year (and should not be anywhere near a 4-way tie for the NCC crown) I think more people will realize how fortunate he was to be with the Sioux!!!!!!! Belmore clearly made the correct decision by trying to remain an ally of Lennon and stay with an unquestionably proven program. By the way................Lennon (by himself) playing against USC this year, I would say Lennon 16 - USC 8. (One guy trying to cover a two-point conversion is pretty tough, especially when you were a RB in college). Lennon (by himself) playing against Texas, I would say Lennon 34 - Texas 23. (Despite Lennon being known for defensive coaching ability he still gives up three TD's (Young only 1), but only gives up 2 out of 3 2-point coversions)). Finally, Lennon (by himself, but does call for Roger Thomas as an eligible receiver on three plays) versus God...........Lennon 8 God 6 in OT. Lennon figures out the essence of stopping the 2-point conversion, and also denies Peter three times on 3rd down and short. Since it's Lent and I am Catholic I had to get St Peter some PR.
  2. The question doesn't tie real well to the polling options. I voted yes in support of Rich stepping down. I think he was a pretty good coach at one time, and I expect he knows that it is now time to move on to other options if they exist. If he doesn't resign, then, and only then, do I think it would be appropriate to fire him. I would give him about 30 to 45 days before I would pull the trigger!!!
  3. Just think.....It's only about 190 days until kickoff!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the chances of filling the Oct 21 date?
  4. After that long of a post I was wondering why the rambling continues to go on..............and on..............and on.............and on..............and on....................... Please feel free to abandon Siouxsports.com and simply join your friends at bisonville!
  5. Ironically, I did bring this up to Mr Brand regarding the Pontiac support. He of course didn't reply to my message, but his secretary/administrative assistant/or any other word that won't offend his right-hand-person that basically does his job for him did give me a response. The response was a riot to say the least.........."Sir, there is no way Mr Brand can honestly know if he is offending anybody by just driving a car. Afterall, it's only a car and how can that be 'hostile or abusive', Sir you are reading too much into this. Unless his or the NC$$'s cars are actually hurting the "native americans" in a physical, financial, or emotional way how can that be considered to be hurting anybody." To which I said, "that is my point exactly!, Thank You".
  6. I think one area that is likely overlooked when it comes to funding is the segment of the alumni or "hard cores" that will likely up the ante when it comes to giving. I, for one, will certainly give more funds if we are DI versus DII. This is not based on my income or what is in my checkbook, it is based solely on believing in something. I love Sioux sports but I want to see us be on a better and more challenging playing field in the future. I am having a tougher and tougher time getting excited to play the Mankato's, Augies, and UMD's. Although I think it is great we had a share of the NCC crown this year in football, I am probably the least excited in the fact that we shared it with teams that I would never consider a contender (except for UNO). Men's hoops?? Moving up won't hurt us at all, considering how poor this program is, it's not like we will lose any more games than this year. In my opinion the only sport that will suffer will be Women's hoops. (Instead of 17-0 at his point in the season I am guessing 14-3). Don't ask me why. The entire Sioux athletic department (with the exception of Grandall and crew) have a solid nucleas to build on with this transition to DI and I think the timing is right to make the move!!!
  7. Sioux27


    Well its finally official.........Matt Anderson verballed to NDSU! Let's hope Gratzek doesn't convey similar news!!
  8. Tim has been a great coach for UND the past years and I wish him the best. He and Lennon seemed to work very well together and always were on the same page when it came to game changing decisions. We certainly have some big shoes to fill in the next few months. Best of Luck Tim!!!! P.S. Any chance Mussman can find another job too?
  9. RD17.............You hit the nail on the head with your comments. I don't care about opening up with a conference game, but I'm sure glad its against a weaker team. I like the fact that the schedule seems to get a little tougher each week as the playoffs approach. But Mesa St???? Unless we have a home and home agreement what in the heck can we be thinking? I hope we can fill the bye week with a team like Saginaw. Those Chicken SH_Ts from the GLIAC have been running from us for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Bemidji State ??? Regardless of any recent success they may have had in recent years who can get excited about playing a team clearly at least one level beneath the Sioux!! We need to strive to better our program and play high caliber teams that are more nationally recognized such as a Grand Valley or a Pitt St. The Sioux have nothing to gain by playing a team that will NEVER have a shot at being a playoff contender. If that is the road we are going down with future games we might as well schedule Upper Iowa and Panhandle State like USD .
  11. Will Brandon Strouth be given a medical hardship this year? I don't remember the rules and regs the good ole NC$$ has regarding this issue.
  12. I thought both Central Washington and Western Washington would both be members of the NCC in 2006 or 2007. If that is the case that would be 8 games of the 11 we can count on next year. I certainly hope we play Ferris State again just so we can shut "bulldog" up again this year. Grand Valley or Saginaw would be two teams that we should try pursue also! Beating good quality teams is the key to making the playoffs as we have obviously seen the past two years. I wonder if USD will schedule the same weak teams as they have in the past and then complain about not making the playoffs yet again ?
  13. Can Sioux football be any better than it is right now???
  14. Is Digger being considered for the Haron Hill this year?
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