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Everything posted by Irish

  1. Faison has made us NDSU's bitch and needs to go. He can't leave fast enough.
  2. Couldn't agree more
  3. Couldn't agree more - the only difference is that I think this should be reason for Faison to go if it happens. Your description of the 2 away games is spot on.
  4. So far I'm generally positive about him - What I meant was that I fear he will roll over for NDSU and if that happens I feel that is a a big enough deal that I think he should go. My comment about Sioux fans finally rising up has less to do with Faison and more to do with my frustration that Muss was allowed to go on so long.
  5. My money says that Faison rolls over and takes it - I hope that this is finally the straw that gets Sioux fans together to demand change
  6. Couldn't agree more - If Faison agrees to kiss their butt I will do everything I can to get him canned.
  7. My email is sent too - what are they thinking in the Athletic Department? This is a disaster with no upside for us. Why allow NDSU to dictate to us and then give in? Makes absolutely no sense.
  8. Agree with the timeline but it makes me wonder how in the wide wide world of sports Muss got such a long leash. I blame him and some of his diehard supporters for what could be a lost decade of Sioux football (not directed at you)
  9. Couldn't agree more - in addition, I am surprised that there is absolutely no buzz here about the game. We appear to be small and thin in most areas. Need some serious upgrades in many areas - especially in both lines. I was a critic of the hiring process, but am happy we have Bubba to rebuild. The cupboard is pretty bare. Muss dug us a huge hole. I hope we look competative right out of the gate or it will be a tough season for everyone - We waited much too long to pull the trigger on Muss.
  10. Everyone is talking around the real topic - what will it take to win number 8. If Union can do it ... What do we have to do differently? - Where do we need to improve? What about that power play? Pretty good is getting old.
  11. We play both kinds of music - country and western
  12. I think the Rick Bennett successes bring up a varitey of questions about winning, building a team, and the landscape of college hockey. It only took him 3 years to build Union ( who has been mediocre at best forever) into a championship team that pounded BC (last year and this year) and number one Minnesota. Coupled with Yale's win last year does this mean that a new type of team is needed to be successful? We have seen an evolution from the teams that would pound you (UND in the 80's and 90's) to a team that would buzz you with smaller talent (BC), now to teams that rely on non-drafted college only players. Does UND make some changes? If so, what? For sure this has shown that the turn-around time for teams doesn't have to be very long (as proved by Gino and Dean). Is there a new style of hockey at the college level? What if anything does this mean and what should we adjust to?
  13. I don't disagree with you - not looking to bash Eades or be sensational - just frustrating when those "in the know" constantly refer to the secret reason that only they are privy to.
  14. Why does this have to be a "secret" that only about half the posters know? Believe me - when things are phrased like this the reality can't be worse than what most people who are not in the know think.
  15. We've been loaded before - other teams will be loaded too - doesn't make me confident.
  16. You pointed out the reason for heartburn exactly - pre-Hak Frozen 4 record = 7 out of 14. Hak's record = 0 for 5. The problem with your post is that you blame some invisible "law of averages" for our failures. If the law of averages worked in college athletics, after several seasons, all teams would be .500.
  17. Hmmm - after this year Hak will have 6 Frozen 4 appearances and we would be estatic if we had one title.
  18. Ok - I'll buy for a while the theory that because of the transition we were able to get in some talent, but at a price - guys that weren't particulairly coachable. Here's what I expect from Jones going forward - Signs that we can not only get talent but develop it. We need guys to get better in our program. - a recognizable offense - not just drive, shoot, and hope for a hack. - More mental toughness especially on the road - Much better teamwork - Execute the fundamentals (such as boxing out) I think if we have a program like this we will be just fine - It'll be interesting to see if these things take place without this group of seniors -
  19. Nice showing - they worked hard and didn't back down. Congrats on a great year.
  20. I agree that the CHL is stealing many high end players from the NCAA and that the NCAA is sitting on their hands rather than trying to do something. However, there are plenty of hockey teams with much lesser programs than us that have guys that can find the back of the net.
  21. Have you seen Hak change anything?
  22. I'd feel a whole lot better about this if I felt Hak and company would spend the off season assessing things and making changes where needed. However, I'm sure that regardless of what talent we bring in we will spend the first half of the season sleepwalking and continue to chip the puck along the boards. Endless dump, chase, and cycle. If that doesn't work, we'll do it some more.
  23. Could possibly happen, but remember, this team has had two huge games lately against lesser opponents - one to win the conference and one to get into the tournament and absolutely crapped the bed both times.
  24. I have no problem with the recent NDSU successes except that I can't stand to listen to Bison fans. They are cocksure for a reason - their teams are getting it done. NDSU not negative? - Go check their boards when their football team took a temporary dip with Bohl at the helm. NDSU fans (especially football) are far more demanding of a winner than UND fans. How long would have Muss lasted in Bisonville? Let's face it - recent UND teams have been frustrating (women's basketball the exception). Do UND fans cheer blindly or insist that things get done? Maybe a happy medium. The difference in fan reactions is the difference in getting it done. Imagine UND fans if we won 3 hockey championships in a row. The cure for negativity is winning.
  25. I don't disagree with this assessment of the current student section - no energy at all. I come from an era where (as others have mentioned) we stood outside and froze just to get in to see a team that wasn't that good. Let's face it though. The Ralph has botched the student section going back to the opening where the big emphasis for students was getting them to sit down so corperate could see the games better from their boxes. Rather than trying to enhance the student experience it monitored them into their seats. Let's face it - the Ralph caters to money, corporations, and the rich. Who sits at ice level? Certainly not the most rabid fans, but the ones that can afford the asking price. It drives me nuts to see the parade of people by where I sit who are there socially because someone offered them tickets to enhance their business. Well, now that the games aren't real exciting, things are too quiet. This is a problem on many levels and other than this discussion board I'm not too sure that anyone is concerned as long as the profits from $9 beer still comes in. I wish I had more solutions.
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