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Everything posted by Irish

  1. If you gave him $600,000 he could.
  2. I'd like some of what hoops is drinking.
  3. Irish


    I could not agree more - totally different skill sets - and from the way Lennon left us I see no reason to "reward" him with a job now. As much as I appreciate Roger's contribution to Sioux football, his AD term was a disaster that we are still trying to dig out of.
  4. Name one time that a Jones team had a team strategy, a recognizable offense, or played together as a unit. We are digging ourselves another Musshole and condemning another program to over a decade of mediocrity and crappy play. Absolutely no leadership from Jones or Faison. Time to contact the AD.
  5. Not disputing that Bubba is a class act at all - however, he and his staff presided over two of the biggest second half collapses I have ever seen at home. No doubt we got hosed, but in many respects we did it to ourselves.
  6. No doubt we are relying on the logo to salvage a bland if not crappy team name - My suggestion is that we don't let the tools (looking at you, UND administration) who brought us this new nickname any way near this logo design.
  7. Irish

    2016 Season

    We did it to ourselves and in a very painful manner - and in my opinion coaches share a lot of the blame
  8. Has anyone posted any contact info for the selection idiots - I feel like they need some input.
  9. Jones' tenure has the makings of a Mussman like craphole that we will have to dig ourselves out of. Everyone that watches sees the same thing except the AD. Why is UND struggling at everything but hockey?- because we don't have the collective will to demand winners.
  10. I agree with you - I'm not saying we should shoot more into traffic, I'm saying that we should be able to get some good shots. Even 5 on 3 didn't give us any great opportunities. This endless teeing it up and then passing it around the perimeter until we lose it seems futile. Other teams are able to work some bang bang plays every once in a while off the power play - we seem to be almost frozen.
  11. Nice bounceback win by the boys - however I can't for the life of me figure out why year after year with all of the talent we have had that we continually have such a pathetic power play - move it around the edge, tee it up, play with it, pass it again, move it around front again, then either lose it or shoot into a crowd. Same every year. Other less talented teams seem to come up with a nice quick pass and a goal some of the time. This is a problem that has prevailed through numerous groups of talent and coaches. Anyone have an idea what in the wild wild world of sports is going on? With a decent power play this is a whole different weekend.
  12. We crapped the bed against an old rival at home. Not much more to be said.
  13. It is absolute nonsense to blame Hockey for the woes of Football - Most fans are fans of both and like myself attend both sports. The new indoor practice facility is an example of the support for football. There is only one way that a successful Hockey program affects Football - the demand for a winner from the fans. For fans of both, it is convenient when Football starts sucking to feel "well, at least we have a good hockey team". The pressure to perform here is nowhere near what it is in Fargo for football. Sioux fans have an incredible tolerance for mediocrity and crap as evidenced by Muss's lengthy stay. How long would he have lasted at Fargo? In fact, after the Sioux Falls fiasco, I and others who pointed out how bad this was were taken to task by many on this board who felt Muss was just fine. Even into his last year he had a number of supporters here. When we as fans start demanding a winner things will come around faster. Add in a couple of incredibly poor AD's and here we are. Time for the AD to feel pressure to bring us a winner in Football and Basketball (same thing applies - an incredible patience for crap here too)
  14. Yes, like having the qb throw some slants or quick outs - and by the way, he has your guy on the bench whom he could put in (and should put in if we have no one to make those throws. He calls a weak high school game.
  15. Then you would think he would have learned some ideas to use when the defense plays 8 in the box. He is the weak link as far as I am concerned.
  16. Geaux_Sioux makes some good points about our expectations and correctly points out that Bubba needs time to get his guys in place (and appears to be an excellent recruiter). In addition, injuries have hurt us greatly. It helps to keep these things in mind. However, there are a few areas that need to be improved that no pass should be given. We have been blown out twice by superior teams (NDSU and Montana - no heartburn here). In addition to these blowouts, we have had 3 of the worst 4th quarters I have seen as a long-time Sioux fan - the entire Drake second half, and Idaho State and Weber State. I know thin ranks hurt us here, but these meltdowns were of epic proportions. Compounding this, we have an O coordinator that seems incapable of coming up with a scheme to handle an 8 in the box defense. I really thought Bubba Ball would eliminate some of this type of play. Other areas the coaches need to work on - the turn-over battle is killing us, we have poor coverage on kicks and seem to make poor kick return choices, and we seem to have a lack of quarterback development. As a fan it is really hard to know how to feel about this team - Like Geaux said, it isn't our record, it' how we got there. I think we need to remember that many fans are smarting from at least 8 years of wandering in the wilderness and had high hopes early this year. Their frustration on this board doesn't translate into poor support on game day. We are pretty hard core fans here - I hope we can get more of the casual fans back.
  17. In several areas including game time adjustments the coaches aint looking like geniuses.
  18. Bubba certainly has been given a grace period (and probably deservedly so given the mess he inherited) - we have all of our eggs in the Bubba Ball basket - smash face football appeals to Sioux fans because it is far from Muss and because that's what we played (although we had great QB play) when we were a DII power. However, this may be Bubba's first test - do you do something with an O coordinator that has been out-adjusted almost every game and has made poor personnel decisions or do we plan to wait until we have an Alabama type line and pound the rock? We have to have a counter to "8 in the box" or we are going to be in for a bad time. If Woody Hayes were dropped into the Big 10 how do you think he would do? Stop the run and establish our run may not be a complete formula - Bubba's challenge now is one of being flexible. I hope he can because if this is a bust we will approach two decades of futility. Time for Molberg.
  19. I 100% believe this and think it is all the more reason Bubba deserves some heat for today's fiasco. It is unbelievable that a good, hardworking kid who gave us great QB play right before he was hurt is not given any chance to play no matter what happens on the field. Bubba is looking a bit like a square peg round hole guy.
  20. Not saying fire Bubba or anything like it, but I think it is reasonable to criticize the type of game we played today and put some of that on the coaches - Even with our talent gap, this is a pretty far cry from what we were given to understand Bubba Ball would be. In my opinion not assignment sharp, poor play calling, the fumbles, the previous 4th quarter meltdowns - Sure Bubba should get more time to get his guys in place, but in my opinion Sioux fans have a huge tolerance for poor football.
  21. Discussed it a little? I'm wondering if we were sold a bit of a bill of goods with Bubba by the Good Old Boys. Not impressed with where we are at or how we manage games - everything from turnovers, special teams (receiving and coverage) to playcalling to the putrid fake punt. Not assignment sharp at all. It's one thing to get beat because of talent, but another to get beat because we lack fundamentals.
  22. At this point I think Molberg could return punts better than Seibel too.
  23. Actually, our 3rd stringer is better than our 2nd stringer too.
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