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Everything posted by Irish

  1. We have some real dead weight on this team. Surprised they couldn't bring in better talent than some here.
  2. Actually, badgers were much more difficult than gophers, but you did see some
  3. He got walked twice right in front of me - both led to goals - the guy drives me nuts.
  4. Wolanin is just brutal, but it seemed like every time I looked he was on the ice. We seem to have a few guys who still don't know what to do at this level.
  5. 80 years? I'll put it on my calender
  6. "In front of the net, they were men" - one of the best compliments for a Sioux team I have ever heard.
  7. Who would cover it - The Grand Forks Forum?
  8. I agree, although at this point in his career the "locking on" problem might just be too ingrained.
  9. I confess to be more worried than you - it seems to me that we have a lot of passengers on this team. Other than Jost, Boesser, and Gersich I don't see a ton of talent on the last two huge classes. When the studs leave after this year who do you see as stepping up?
  10. I know you are trying to put a positive spin on things, but I'm not sure how crapping away a home playoff game represents a positive step towards anything.
  11. I'm still burning over this one - no matter how you slice it, when you do this in a playoff game at any level it is a massive choke. Sorry to say this on this forum but it is true. Look, Bubba has done a spectacular job building this program - far exceeded expectations so far. However, program building and game coaching are two different things. That's why Nick Sabin brought in Lane Kiffin to coach the Alabama offense. In my opinion, this defeat is squarely on the coaches. Among the problems - we lost a game earlier this year to a blocked punt - there is absolutely no way anyone should go through untouched in a playoff game. Running into the punter - the idiot who did that should have much more game and situation awareness - this should have been emphasized on the sidelines (hell, if we had put the ball boy in for him on this play we would have won the game). Defensive coverage - isn't there anyone on the sideline who can count the number of receivers split to one side and make sure we have enough guys to cover - I haven't seen this happen since the Sioux Falls Game. And finally (and most frustrating to me) - we have an O coordinator whose reputation is to try pound the ball no matter how many in the box we are against - he seemed very happy to go 2nd and 9, 3rd and 7 series after series. Now we are successful pounding the ball and need to run some time off and he double reverses and chucks the pigskin?????????
  12. Still smarting and frustrated - not as much by the loss as by the way we lost - I honestly expected more from the coaches. What frustrates me about Rudolf is that during the season he would pound the rock against 9 in the box continually, but now the one time we were successful and needed to do that he went away from it at the worst time possible. A really really crappy ending to a great season. I hate to have this on my mind going into the off season.
  13. Come on Geaux - you're classier than that
  14. I'm sure we will get some talent upgrades, but his body of work shows that we can rely on Rudolf to call the same stupid, losing game year after year.
  15. It was not the crowd's fault!!!!!!!
  16. When you have a young team in a playoff game for the first time in years, it falls on the coaches to make good game decisions. Not so today. This is on the coaches.
  17. It makes much more sense when you realize that Rudolf has been living in Bizarro World this season where everything is opposite. Opponents have 9 in the box - time to pound the rock continuously - the 2nd and 9, 3rd and 7 situations put us right where we want to be. We're getting 5 yards a crack on the ground and need to chew some clock - time to rest Olivera and chuck the pigskin. This may be the most frustrated I have ever been after a Sioux football game (and with the Sioux Falls game that is saying something). Time for Bubba to be a real leader and fix some constant problems like special teams and offensive schemes.
  18. Agree that goaltending isn't the main problem and the stats surprised me a bit. However, they do not reflect the unevenness of his performances. Lights out back to back shutouts amid several games where he let in a couple of softies (in one or two goal games). Cam is not as consistent as last year even factoring in the increase in times he has been hung out to dry. However, my opinion is that other that the big guns we are pretty toothless - not only a lack of scoring touch, but a complete inability to move the puck down the ice. To be honest, I am surprised at what low skill some of our guys are showing - even factoring in the youth. The drop from last year's spot on passing and forchecking to this years futility is almost unbelievable. We need some guys to step up and right soon. And I would like to be done with the great Wilkie experiment.
  19. Not sure is you meant this comment to be snotty or funny, but other than Jost and Gersech I didn't see a lot of talent vs MS this weekend - no scoring touch, poor puck handling, ill-timed penalties, and out of position a lot. If you think differently, make your case.
  20. We have a stunning lack of skill with the puck and horrible zone entry that is easily knocked off kilter by even the worst teams. I think part of this is lack of skill - many other posters have correctly mentioned sometimes poor efforts, but outside of the big talents we don't have many guys who can skate and pass the puck with accuracy and without getting nervous. In addition, we have huge lapses of defense especially in front of our net. In addition, not many guys can score, even with over half the net open. I am not overly impressed with the overall talent on this team. Some guys have yet to show up this season.
  21. There's no doubt we have painted ourselves into a corner with the goalie situation - Tomak is so far in the doghouse that even when Cam mails it in there is no alternative but to leave him in - Hrynkiw is a definite drop in talent.
  22. We need a serious talent upgrade - and right quick or we are in for a long couple of years.
  23. It's been a long time since I've seen a Sioux team with this many spectators out on the ice.
  24. The Euros have pretty much disappeared after their one big game. Take away the few big stars from the last two recruiting classes and we have a group that would be pretty non-competitive against anyone.
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