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Everything posted by Irish

  1. The topic probably should be The Transfer portal - 2021 - It Taketh Away.
  2. Any chant would do - I blame a lot of this on the Ralph which isn't so much a hockey arena as a giant commercial building. At any break, especially when the crowd is fired up, you can expect some inane commercial often disguised as a video "contest" - looking at you Steamatic. And I really don't give a crap about which cartoon character wins the fictitious race on screen. Imagine if the Ralph (with a video assist) worked with the cheer squad and student section to get the crowd fired up instead of trying to get advertising revenue. I also agree that the PC tamping down of the student section hurts atmosphere. Half the delight of the Old Ralph was watching the creative ways the student section worked the game. I don't expect any changes because this has been discussed at length. We need Hockey leadership from the facility. For all of the complaining about the pro-hockey Athletic Department they don't seem to give a crap about game atmosphere.
  3. Soft in front of the net is hard to watch. Not Sioux hockey. I have been disappointed in our D and of course our Goalie play.
  4. That's one interpretation - I don't buy it, however. In order to believe that you would have to believe that not only did Karl not help him improve but he actually made him much worse. I suppose it's possible but not very probable. However what happened is a big mystery to me - just doesn't make sense.
  5. Crap - now I have to listen to Bison fans for another year - although lately it has mostly just been crowing about how good they are and wanting to challenge Alabama. They think UND is so far beneath them that it isn't so much fun to mock us anymore. That's why I am so frustrated about this year. We could have shut them up a bit.
  6. It certainly would have affected the trajectory of our program - renewed fan enthusiasm and attendance - a recruiting benefit, and probably given us momentum for some games we lost. We may have made the playoffs and with 2 losses the Bison would probably have been on the road for their semi-final game at least.
  7. I just don't get how a seasoned goalie with his stats last year can come to a better program with perhaps the best goalie coach in college hockey and play like he has.
  8. Would more money for the Football program help - absolutely. No Question. I have no insight into the Athletic Department budgeting process, but it seems that there are two main ways for Football to get more money - a rich donor (or many semi-rich donors) or sell more tickets. Since no deep pockets alumni seem to be stepping up we need more butts in the seats. Look at our attendance after the Bison fiasco - we have been on the cusp of capturing many more fans many times recently but it always seems to slip away - mainly because watching our team for the the last 14 years has been by and large a frustrating experience - first 6 years of Muss - then 6 years of watching Rudy call the plays - then this year. (I'm not saying there haven't been high spots, but not sustainable). If you don't think a winning program brings in more fans, look at Hockey during the last few years of Gino. Winning begats more money which in turn begats more winning. We seriously need more money in the program, but I'm not so sure that some donors worry that a richer Bubba for the next couple of years is the way to go.
  9. Sorry - my question wasn't meant to be directed at you as much as a topic for general discussion - thanks for your reply
  10. Totally agree with the need for a dominant O line. When you can impose your will on a team many good things happen. My point is that we don't seem to be winning the "chess match" that is O against D. I have seen almost all of the games in the past 6-7 years. Just off the top of your head, how many times have we seen the defense load the box with up to 8-9 people. Now, name a time in which we made anyone pay for overplaying. I can't. That is a big miss for our coaches and to me an indication of what needs to be improved in our program.
  11. Agreed - For ambiance and staff I recommend the Toasted Frog - Skys is nice too - I like the bar side better than the dining side. I want Elly's Ivy to succeed but it has been a bit of a hot mess every time I have been there - staff is nice but mills about too much instead of taking care of customers. They need someone in charge. As for Harry's - I just can't get used to paying $40+ for a steak and then have to pay for a side and salad. Just charge me for the whole meal up front - I'm not sure why this irritates me so but it does. It reminds me of the "resort fee" tacked on to a room charge at Vegas. I also loved the Boot and wish we could have the equivalent here - I'd sacrifice a little of the pomp of Harrys for just a bit of the feel of the Boot. Hopefully Harry's will figure it out but they seem to be locked in to their business model.
  12. I find the discussion on audibles interesting - although I guess we'll never know for sure unless we hear from Bubba (and he ain't talking). For me this wraps into an issue we seem to have struggled with for years - we never seem to keep a defense off balance or make them pay for over-playing - and I am not talking about the tricky double reverse type crap we seem to love. Just catching the defense off-guard or countering their stacking the line or catching them in a shift or exploiting their coverage. How many times have we seen 8 in the box, for example, and done nothing to exploit it. We don't seem to use the run to set up the pass or the pass to set up the run. For all of our motion and shifts we seem to be pretty predictable. We are somewhat better since the Rudy years, but don't quite seem to get it still. We don't quite have the horses for the old "you know what's coming now try to stop it" philosophy. An improvement in this area could really help us.
  13. One of three things happening: 1. We do audible - it's very hard to spot or we don't do it very often or both 2. Coaches don't allow the QB to audible - that's on the coaches 3. Coaches allow the QB to audible but have chosen to start one who doesn't do it (or very rarely does it). That's poor QB play but ultimately on the coaches for lack of development of the QB position and choice of starters.
  14. And your point is? a. Everyone is wrong - Bubba did a great job of game prep and coaching this year - don't believe your lying eyes b. Ok, Bubba did a poor job - but he is very flexible and open to input - he'll have things changed by next year for sure c. I know Bubba did a crappy coaching job this year and probably won't change but I don't want to talk about it any more and I don't want to hear about it from anyone else on this fan board either.
  15. That's like your opinion, man.
  16. Has this been brought up a lot on this board - yes. Way more than some would prefer - also yes. However this Horse won't be dead as long as there is a real possibility of it rearing up its ugly head again next year.
  17. What are your "solutions" or "changes" - the 3 I mentioned bit us in the butt this year.
  18. Ummm - maybe because all of the "solutions" involve the Head Coach changing - it's pretty hard to work around him. Here are a few - If you are not up to game clock management then appoint an assistant to do that job - rethink and revise your strategy on when to punt - have your offense ready to go after the half - just to name a few.
  19. I think that a lot of the somewhat repetitive complaining on this board is due to the fact that many believe (and probably rightly so) that absolutely nothing will change. Meanwhile, headline and lead story in the Heraldo sports section this morning is Bison Bison Bison. Big secondary story is Montana State and South Dakota State. (Third story is how our Men's BB program got tuned up by some college called Dixie State). I agree that better funding is a must, but Bubba isn't exactly leading that charge either. The optics on this program are horrible both in game experience and PR.
  20. This is the crux of the matter. No one knows what happens behind closed doors because they are exceptionally tight lipped - all we get from Bubba is "shucky darn, work harder, day by day" and Chaves is invisible. However. based on what we can see from this program there is approaching zero honest self-evaluation and even less outward change. The game management by staff seems to have gotten worse and even after the SU fiasco we continued to piss games away that we easily could have won.
  21. Watching the Bison once again make great plays and pull out a playoff game made me increasingly frustrated with the prospect of another year of Bubba's game management. I know I should be used to it by now but really ... Especially when we should have beaten 2 of the 3 teams still playing.
  22. Why yes, I think that's exactly what he should do. Did you watch any games this season?
  23. It doesn't appear like anything soaked in - Bubba was nothing if not consistent throughout the season.
  24. Although perhaps poorly worded, that was an actual question. Does anyone have any insight into anyone - friends, donors, coaches etc. who can talk to Bubba about what went on last season? It seems like the AD is missing in action. My guess is that he is the same shucky-darn, work harder, day by day guy in real life and is hard to get to do some serious evaluation of what went right and wrong. Any chance of change? I know he will always be the guy who punts on the opponents 35 yard line, but the other stuff really bit us this year. Given the challenges of roster building with the portal next year is crucial to our program. We have to stop shooting ourselves in the foot. Another mediocre or worse season could dig us a serious hole.
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