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Everything posted by FIRE HELMET GUY #26

  1. Anyone have a video link for this game. Someone had posted one last night but I can't find it on the board now. Thanks!
  2. I thought this was GPL with as many Gopher related threads that are on here!
  3. I remember that, that was very surprising. Even as a Gopher fan I was not expecting Briggs to get it.....he didn't have a great weekend....thats for sure. I was not surprised at all that Lammy got it this year, I think most people just expect the championship goalie to get the award. Buy Lammy played a hell of a weekend of hockey between St. Cloud and Minnesota. For Frazee to put down some Long Islands before the game and still play decent he should have gotten some kind of award though.
  4. Looks like he was trying to "pinch one off!"
  5. Which probably would not have happened had Lammy not gone around the back of the net banging on the boards with his stick taunting the fans.
  6. Never would have expected that response!
  7. I'm not saying what Wheeler did was right, but if the Sioux would have gotten the game winning goal in OT like that, you don't think they would do some kind of showboating? Like I said, a time like that emotions start taking over. I personally didn't like him doing that either (but I do like my avatar just for the memory of that goal), sames goes with Irmens jersey pop up at REA a few years ago....his was especially bad seeing it was at an opposing arena. I just don't want to see hockey turn into basketball showboating.
  8. I keep forgetting how perfect the Sioux are, my apologies.
  9. I think there is still some bad blood between Gopher fans and Lammy after the incident last year at Mariucci Friday and Saturday night. I appluaded him but it was hard. It just bugs me after he makes a glove save how he flails his arm around like saying, "look at me, look at me!" And I know, I know Wheelers display after the game was not much better. It comes down to sportsmanship at that time. Win or lose and no matter what team a player is on, you have to show some appreciation for those players that busted their tail the whole weekend, as Lammy did. I was not surprised he got goaltender of the weekend, he made some SPECTACULAR saves on Friday against St. Cloud and on Saturday night as well.
  10. Actually she was sitting right next to him....although I don't think she was for the night game. Should have seen him in the tailgate lot, a beer in one hand and a stogie in the other........priceless! He had the pic up as his avatar on GPL this morning but took it down since then.
  11. Couldn't agree with you more. St. Patty's day I'm sure added to some of these idiots coming out of the woodwork as well. I am pretty sure some of the Gopher fans got kicked out for the incident as well, if my eyes served correct. I was only sitting a few sections away.
  12. Hook, line, and sinker. I figured it would take maybe a little bit longer for someone to do that.
  13. Yeah, rumor has it Lucia is going to ride that rotation till the end.....which is hopefully April 7th!
  14. Did you get to see Drunk Hockey Guy in the "Cat in the Hat" outfit? HI-larious! He got shafted on dance mania though!
  15. Thank you! I would have absolutely no problem having the Final Five somewhere else but where do some of the Sioux fans on this board expect to have it. You can't have it at the Ralph, you want to have it at the Aleris (sp?) Center? If they can get ice in there by all means, lets do it! But does Grand Forks have the hotel capacity to hold everyone? This is why it's so frustrating to hear people complain about the Final Five being at the "X" all the time. Nothing would make me happier then to travel to another venue, I love roadtrips which is why I sometimes wish the Final Five would move but I don't know another location that would suit things better then the "X" and St. Paul. And I'm not making the trip to Denver, does that make me less of a Gopher fan? (I would go but my roadtrip funds are tapped out for the year! )
  16. Anybody find out what happened with the fans in the two sections by where the Zamboni came out. There was a HUGE comotion there for a while, a few fans got kicked out and then a few minutes later some other guys got kicked out. There was a big group of Sioux fans right above the Zamboni ramp, a couple of them got kicked out. It looked like they were having a damn good time the whole weekend though.
  17. Hate to get into the whole conspiracy theory thing but they probably did make these brackets so it wasn't a WCHA team that won, gotta let one of these other cake leagues win it every once in a while! I honesly think the winner of the West region wins the Championship. I hate to play the Sioux again especially after the result last night, they'll be out for blood. But the Gophers seem to be coming together again, hopefully they keep playing with that intensity. I think it will be up to either the Gophers or the Sioux to keep the championship in the NCAA because I think SCSU will be "one and done" once again. Sounded like Motzko wasn't too enthoused last night at the motel lobby. And I think after that shot to the collorbone that Goepfart took he's gonna be gun shy.
  18. I have to admit from walking the streets last night there were some real "D-Bag" Gopher fans out there. I was walking behind some Sioux fans on the way back to my car and a couple Gopher fans just totally got up in their face and started swearing at them, telling them to go back home and whatnot. I told the Gopher fans to "F-off" and go drink some more and apologized to the Sioux fans which I then talked to for a while. Wish people would realize it's just a game and leave it at the rink. Have to admit I have encountered a fair share of "unfriendly" Sioux fans in my day but NONE this weekend. The guys that sat in front of us last night were very friendly, had some friendy trash-talking going back and forth but nothing serious. Good game last night though, I hate to have to play you guys next weekend if it comes down to it though....but I guess we have to make it through Air Force first.
  19. Great game by both teams, Sioux Sports goalie made some incredible saves. Luckily Bert did not run the goalie at all. Hope all made it home safe.
  20. tDon's hair is 8th wonder of the world. It should have it's own zipcode, it's that important!
  21. Tell me another way a person can waste time in Grand Forks.......because there isn't much to do there. Especially now that Dagwoods is closed!!!! Whats the new place like, pretty much the same type place?
  22. Gordon should be BENCHED after that hit, that was totally bush-league. Looked like a damn Mankato player on that hit.
  23. Or I think you just jinxed the whole series now.
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