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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. It certainly isn't only for Alums or CC members. However, I am not sure what your problem might be. You may have to sign out and sign back in.
  2. I might need some coaching on this. I do communicate with other posters via the mailbox in the upper right corner of the screen. I thought that was PM. If not, let me know what I need to do. Thx
  3. I will preface this by acknowledging that many of us are disappointed that last year's BSC championship team members did not receive rings. I hope that something will happen to rectify the situation. I am sure that many of us would help but is very unlikely we could raise enough $ for all the rings. I understand the rings cost at least $200 each and we would probably need about 125 (100 players, 15 coaches & grad assistants, trainers, etc.) for a total cost of $25-30,000. That said, I talked to Bubba a few days ago and learned that he has a couple of specific needs - knee braces and concussion caps. KNEE BRACES Knee braces are essential to protect offensive linemen from injury. While knee injuries are always possible, UND wants to provide its athletes with the best braces available (manufactured by Don Joy). Funds for these braces have been provided by an outside source in recent years. That source is no longer available and the expense was not included in the 2017 football budget. In addition to protecting Fighting Hawk athletes, Bubba and Coach Knauf feel our use of Don Joy braces is a significant advantage in recruiting young offensive linemen. These prospects (and their parents) are pleased that UND provides the best knee protection available. It can be the difference between the athlete choosing UND over another offer. The annual cost of purchasing Don Joy braces approaches $5,000. CONCUSSION CAPS Providing all players with concussion caps is very important. Funds for Champion concussion caps are also not included in this year's football budget. If we are successful in raising funds for the knee braces, it would be great to help Bubba out with these caps as well. The cost of the caps is about $4,500. CROWDFUNDING I have worked with Mike Mannausau and the UND Alumni Association. They are in the process of setting up a link to their Crowdfunding website for us. This link should be available early next week. I will post it here when it is up and running. Not surprisingly, the link will refer to us as "ss.com" as they cannot use the word "Sioux". It would be great if you would PM me with the amount you are able to contribute. You do not need to provide your name if you would prefer not to do so. It would be good to know how we are doing. I will post updates on this thread. The official totals will be continually posted on the Crowdfunding website. Some thoughts: I realize many of us are Champions Club members and actively support UND athletics. This would simply be an extra contribution to assist Bubba in his efforts to make us an FCS power now and for many years to come. There are other college fan sites that provide financial assistance to their university's athletic programs. We at siouxsports.com should do the same. As noted aboe, all donations will go directly to the Alumni Foundation. Therefore, all contributions will be tax deductible. On the Crowdfunding site, you will decide whether you want to have your name posted or do so anonymously. I am sure that Bubba will reach out with thanks to all donors. While this is aimed at ss.com members, we would gladly accept money from non-members so please pass this info on to your friends, families, etc. Again, many of us are already supporting UND athletics but LET"S HELP BUBBA with a couple of his important needs. Some may be able to make a significant donation while others can help with $20-25 - it will all add up! The link will be provided as soon as it is available. Thanks!
  4. Nice win after a late night....
  5. The UND Volleyball twitter.
  6. Tied 1-1. LT won the first 25-20, we won second 30-28.
  7. Anyone able to get Live Stats for the game going on with LA Tech right now?
  8. UND pulled out the 4th set 30-28
  9. I think so but not positive!
  10. It appears one of Ole Miss' best 2-3 players is Emily Stroup, a sophomore from Fargo South. It would have been nice to see her in the green & white.
  11. UND Fan

    2017 Season

    Glad to hear there was a great turnout. What took place - was there a walk-through practice?
  12. UND Fan

    2017 Season

    I talked to Bubba about Izzy a few days ago, they really like his talent and speed but are most impressed with his ability to learn!
  13. Corvon Seales, Cortez' younger brother, will play at Mankato.
  14. You are correct - a dumb one-time decision last fall will cost Gordon a year of eligibility. The coaches have been aware of it for months.
  15. Just left Squatters - highly recommended!!
  16. UND Fan

    2017 Season

    Good question - the roster has normally been updated by now each fall. I am curious to see the weights of the guys as they reported to camp.
  17. Jake got a good one here - Green will attend UNI.
  18. No. 12: Matt Waletzko, 6'8", 310, Cold Spring (Rocori), MN This article has him at 335 - big boy!! http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrTHRI3MY9ZCXoA4AJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycmZjNTlpBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM3BHZ0aWQDVUkyQzNfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1502585272/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.sctimes.com%2fstory%2fsports%2fhigh-school%2f2017%2f07%2f31%2fhuge-spartan-lineman-coveted-colleges%2f525693001%2f/RK=1/RS=1NjSAb3zAX2mFf6gsk3GC4AJEqU-
  19. While I agree that you can't have too much depth at RB, I am kind of surprised Sherva would opt to attend UND with our abundance of talent at that position.
  20. I talked to Clive Georges a few days ago. He is back in Florida and was working out in Gainesville, hoping to catch the attention of a team in one of the Arena leagues. It is sure too bad he had the injury issues. A nice guy who had nothing but positive things to say about his time at UND - very good to hear!
  21. I know we were close to signing a deal for a tourney in Hawaii - not sure if that is still in the works or not!
  22. As always, much appreciated - Teeder!!
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