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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. I appreciate your positive attitude but how do you expect a talented young guy or girl golfer to opt to go to UND where the weather is such that it is difficult to play much of the school year. If you were a talented kid who loved to golf and you got a scholarship offer from UND and most any DI college south of GF, which would you take? I am sure you would go where you could play the most golf. I really doubt we would have much luck bringing in DI quality swimmers. We have an awfully good program but not many DI-quality swimmers. Even with more scholarship $, I am not sure that we could land many DI swimmers - they would have to come from other parts of the country. Kids who are talented enough to get scholarships would likley go somewhere a little sexier with better weather. Heck, we have great basketball facility and a pretty good tradition but we have trouble recruiting talented players because of our remote location and weather. If you disagree with me, please ask any of UND coaches other than Hakstol, Lennon (he has this problem to some degree) and Roebuck for their thoughts on this.
  2. I know that every one of the coaches for UND's non-revenue sports does not want to move up. They don't feel that they can be competitive - and I think they are right! If FB scholarships are cut, we will have to make the move to DI and I will endorse it but it will be the "kiss of death" for all other sports with the possible exception of women's BB where we could be competitive!
  3. Spring ball starts today. Is anyone going to be able to attend a few practices and let the rest of us know who is looking good, etc.?
  4. I will repeat my earlier comment. I would love to be wrong on this but I don't see how we could ever be competitive at the national level in DI in any of the non-revenue sports. We don't have the pool of athletes in this area to compete and the local weather isn't conducive to UND being a great place to excel (golf, baseball, softball, etc.) Bringing outstanding athletes into Grand Forks' remote location and questionable climate isn't likely to happen. Again, I certainly wish this weren't the case.
  5. Interesting question but I don't think moving to DI in any of the non-revenue producing sports would mean much to fans. More importantly, I don't know of a sport where we could compete at the DI level. We have a great swimming program but, even with more scholarships, we are not going to be able to compete with DI teams. Tennis, golf, track, soccer, etc. - no way we can be competitive in those sports.
  6. Interesting article in today's Herald - both about UND in general and Division I athletics. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/n...al/11215237.htm MODERATOR'S EDIT: Do NOT paste complete articles into the forums. Post links and key excerpts. Respect the copyrights of others. Thank you. -- GDM, Forums Moderator, SiouxSports.com
  7. Thanks for the info. I remember a year ago hearing that this kid might be walking on but didn't realize that he was with us. I certainly hope he does well and is able to earn some scholarship $!
  8. Thanks for the insight! I am curious - who are you talking about? What position does he play, etc.?
  9. I like Rob Bollinger. He is a great guy, doing a great job in his current position, is well-respected and "bleeds green". But, does anyone know if he has the administrative and business background for the job? Also, he has been a strong proponent of the University actively studying the move to DI - not necessarily a proponent of making the move but of doing the due diligence to make an informed decision. I agree with this 100%. However, I think that some people may see this as aggressively wanting to make the move. And, some of those same people (Kupchella, etc.). This may work against him! Any one have any thoughts on this?
  10. Getting Koenig certainly should fill one of our biggest needs. Now, if we can find a couple talented forwards who can play right away, next year could be much better than I had anticipated. There is a chance that we could land a power forward who may be able to help right away. It is an interesting scenario that should play out in the next few weeks. I realize that true UND BB fans will be frustrated and curious by that comment when I don't give more info but I truly can't right now.
  11. Does anyone know Purpur? Obviously, he is one of, if not the, favorite to get the job. Obviously, working at Stanford gives him a hell of a resume but I think his primary focus there was facilities. There is no question that a facilities background would be very beneficial at UND (with the Ralph, Betty and Alerus) but I sure hope he has more experience than that. Again, not a negative comment. Just curious if anyone knows more about his experience.
  12. Jerry Glanville is one of four finalists for the Northern State football job!! That is beyond me why he would be interested in that job! Nothing at all against Northern but you would sure think he could do better than that if he wanted to get back into coaching!
  13. It appears that there is no movement to address the men's coaching situation. As I stated earlier, everyone is busy trying to keep their arms around everyhing while a new AD is found. I am quite sure next year will be the "do or die" year for Glas. With so many holes to fill, he will need to find alot of immediate help. Koenig would be a good start! Regarding the AD position, it now appears that it may be closer to May 1 (or even later) before an announcement is made.
  14. 3-0 against St. Cloud with wins over Seattle-Pacific and Grand Valley State! We were 5-0 against teams in the Elite Eight - disappointing that we are not there!!
  15. The Koenig rumor regarding his transfer out of UW-Green Bay appears to be more than a rumor this year. He will likely get his release within the next few days. Both UND and NDSU are interested in him. Obviously, he could play right away and play for "something" for the next two years at UND as opposed to sitting out a year at SU. I have no idea but I would guess that he will end up at one of the ND schools.
  16. Any idea how Danye Guinn's recovery is progressing? I dont' remember the particulars - when can she start working out again or is she already, etc.?
  17. I can assure you that the UNO rivalry should not be considered a "friendly" rivalry. There have been some things that have happened over the last few years that haven't set well with our coaching staff. Nothing like the SU rivalry but it isn't friendly!
  18. A few comments on the recent posts: -- Sure it makes sense to make a move right now if they are going to make a move at all but.... the fact remains that we are a month away from having a new leader in the Athletic Department. Harmeson would need to get Kupchalla's blessing on either firing Glas or moving him to another job (that may or may not exist today)! I really don't think this will happen. Part of the thinking may be that the new AD may have ties to a great coaching prospect and that we would be better off waiting even if it adversely affects thios year's recruiting. Bottom line - I would be very surprised if anything happens before April. Then, who knows how long it would be until the new AD would need to analyze the situation before making a decision. With it possibly being May by that time, he may decide that he might as well give Glas one more year. Footnote - When it comes to this subject, I can guarantee you that Roger is glad he is no longer the AD!! -- I like Herbst and he brought in some talent but, if we make a move, we need a whole new regime. A new start, new philosophy, etc. is needed. Although Herbst did bring in some good talent, I don't know if he was very successful in bringing in "winners". Yes, a big part of winning is the coaching staff turning kids into winners but the attitudes, work ethic, pride, etc. of individuals is within an athlete long before they show up on campus. We have had few "leaders" in recent years. This year being an excellent example - we had good talent but no one consistently stepped up and led the team when things got tough! -- I would think with our past successes, our great facilities, a supportive community, a well-respected conference (not as powerful as it was but still well-respected), etc., we would be able to get the attention of some great young coaches. They may be coaches that want to move up the ladder quite quickly and, if successful, they not be here for more than 3-4 years but that is to be expected. As was mentioned, Huse - the former Jamestown coach, may be an excellent candidate. Plus, when talking about coaches with UND ties, Ben Jacobson, would also fall into that category. Spending a few years with McDermott has likely really helped him. It will be an interesting next few weeks!
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