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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. No one uses the Ralph's weight room other than the hockey team!
  2. We all agree that the Alerus Center can be a pretty intimidating place for visiting teams. It is a good venue for watching a game and tailgating has turned into a big deal and a lot of fun. We draw fairly well but there are usually a few thousand empty seats. If we could get another 1,500-2,000 or more fans at our games, it would assist in many ways: -- The atmosphere would be much more crazy and more difficult for the competition. -- More people mean higher revenue for the Athletic Department (as well as the Alerus and the GF economy). We all know that this is important as the cost of scholarships, travel, etc. continues to increase every year. Whether we eventually move up to DIAA or not, we need to increase revenues. -- A larger crowd is much more influential for recruits (of any sport) to see when they visit UND on a recruiting trip. I live in Florida and only get up to a game every other year or so. My question to those who live in or near GF and attend most games: What could be done to increase attendance at home football games? Let's not get into a debate about the quality of the visiting teams - we have talked about that enough! It is obvious that a schedule full of high quality teams would assist greatly! Let's not complain or whine about certain minor things that might be a pet peeve. Let's simply talk about what UND could do to get more people to games. That would include UND students, local area residents, alumni, the base, local grade and high school kids, etc. Anyone have any constructive ideas?
  3. Enlighten me! Other than being impressive facilities to have on campus (Ralph and Betty), how do they help recruit baseball players who don't even work out in these facilities?
  4. I would guess that it is the point guard from Valley City. I don't remember her name but she is supposed to be very good!
  5. UND Fan

    NCC expansion

    As you question my credibility and apparently my rationale, I will discontinue this discussion with you. By the way, I fully agree that 1) it is a short term solution and 2) the trip out West is costly!
  6. UND Fan

    NCC expansion

    What does that have to do with this conversation?? A serious question as I agree with some of your points: You don't like what the NCC is doing regarding the WA schools or their efforts to expand the conference. What is your suggestion as to what should be done?
  7. UND Fan

    NCC expansion

    Please see above - You made this comment regarding UND ".....or have the chance of going to Washington twice in one year". You were referring to one team going west twice in one year. That was what I was addressing. Obviously, that would apply to each NCC team!!!!
  8. UND Fan

    NCC expansion

    Your #1 - This is an affiliation with these two WA schools. It will end very quickly if we find other schools who will join the conference in all sports. The NCC is smart enough to know not to get themselves into a situation that will backfire if they find Midwest school(s) interested in joining. Again, I agree that seven schools isn't enough in ALL sports but there isn't anyone out there. But this will help address the problem in FB on a temporary basis. I don't know if your statement about Mary is fact or not but, in my opinion, they are doing the right thing. There is no question that the NCC is stronger than the NSIC. It makes sense that they make that initial step to DII in a less competitive, less costly conference while they grow their fund raising efforts, etc. I think they will do quite well in the NSIC fairly quickly. Then, if they want to move to the NCC and feel they can afford it, it would make more sense for all parties. #2 - This year we are flying to WA AND paying a guarantee. I don't understand your point! #3 - I will try not to sound sarcastic in my response but the answer is simple. One year UND (or Augie, whoever) will play CWU out there and WWU at home. The next year, they would play CWU at home and travel to WWU. That equates to one trip west per year!! You would only get into the situation of traveling to both schools in one year if you played each team twice a year - basketball, for example.
  9. Wow - it looks like us UND fans have been busy the last couple of days. The poll is back looking like it should!
  10. UND Fan

    NCC expansion

    You make some good points but, in my opinion, they are offset by a few facts: 1) There is no other quick fix for finding others schools to join the NCC. Having only six conference FB games is not a good thing. It doesn't make for a very interesting conference race and finding 4 or 5 nonconference games is often difficlut. 2) I don't know this to be fact but I would guess that UND will not need to pay either of the WA schools any guarantees if they are part of the conference. 3) There is no question that travel out west will be expensive but each current NCC team would only go out there once a year - alternating between the two schools. This will be a major expense for Augie, etc. but from UND's point of view. Hell - we needed to schedule both of them this year just to fill out our schedule so the cost won't be any higher. In fact, it may be lower (disregarding inflation, etc). 4) I hope this isn't a long term fix but it does give more exposure to the NCC and to UND out west. This may, at some point, help in recruiting and the increased exposure out there may help UND a little in getting the attention of the Big Sky. I fully agree if there were one or three other universities here in the Midwest who were interested in joining the NCC now, this would be a poor move! But there aren't and I don't know if there will be anytime soon!
  11. Don't take this as a negative question but I am curious, how do you think the added money could be raised?
  12. Yes - thanks for posting this. We all need to vote. I assume the Bison fans will be learning about this soon! I would recommend that someone post this under Hockey, football and BB to ensure all UND fans vote. I would do it but don't know how to do so.
  13. Tell me if I am looking at this issue incorrectly.... The State of North Dakota isn't supporting a University any more if that school decides to waive tuition for some of their student/athletes. The institution simply is not getting any money to offset the cost of educating these students. The state legislature appropriates "x" number of dollars for each college to be used for athletics. (By the way, North Dakota is by far one of the most conservative states in providing $ for athletics. Montana provides much more - which has greatly assisted the Montana schools in paying their bills - and they still have challenges doing so!). Bottom line - if tuition for a student gets waived, the State doesn't hand the school more money, the school simply must absorb the cost within their own budget. That being said, I am sure the legislature would get involved if they thought a school was doing too much of this. Primarily because it may be prejudicial against non-athlete students. I acknowledge that waivers should appear in Athletic Budgets somewhere. Again, if this isn't the way it works, please educate me!
  14. Swan wants to come back despite his scholarship being pulled. He also may have some eligibility issues. In my opinion, the team would be better off without him - but he is saying all the right things, etc. - he may be back!
  15. There have been recent discussions about the recruiting efforts and and level of success of various UND coaches in the non-revenue producing sports. Kelvin Ziegler does a great job with little money and while "selling" relatively poor facilities (when compared to many other schools). He just announced the signing of a few more kids - a couple look very talented! Heck - I guess I still don't know how to attach articles. You can find this on the UND website! 7/11/2005 UND baseball signs five to letters of intent GRAND FORKS, N.D.--University of North Dakota head baseball coach Kelvin Ziegler announced today the signing of five student-athletes to letters of intent to compete for the Fighting Sioux next season. Full Story
  16. The new BB assistant is to be a great guy and great recruiter! Most important - he really wanted this job! A good choice! I think Brady Larson was the other candidate given serious consideration.
  17. I believe they are still working on some eligibility issues.
  18. Although Probst may turn out to be a fine player, he definitely is a "project". It may be 2-3 years but he could become a real contributor. Is it common knowledge that Jared Wells will not be back this upcoming year? There was some confusion about his having another year of eligibility due to both a redshirt year and a season of injuries. Bottom line - he has no elibilgity left and the NCAA has rejected our request for another year. This certainly does not help our depth under the basket!
  19. No one can accuse SU of scheduling a bunch of weaklings over the years. For have consistently spent the money to bring in top notch, "name" opponents.
  20. Thanks for the post! It looks like it is a Letter to the Editor rather than an article. That fan really blasted the coach!
  21. No can you post it?
  22. You might be correct. However, the women's team should be a powerhouse. They will bring a lot of people into the Betty.
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