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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. A few comments on the recent posts: -- Sure it makes sense to make a move right now if they are going to make a move at all but.... the fact remains that we are a month away from having a new leader in the Athletic Department. Harmeson would need to get Kupchalla's blessing on either firing Glas or moving him to another job (that may or may not exist today)! I really don't think this will happen. Part of the thinking may be that the new AD may have ties to a great coaching prospect and that we would be better off waiting even if it adversely affects thios year's recruiting. Bottom line - I would be very surprised if anything happens before April. Then, who knows how long it would be until the new AD would need to analyze the situation before making a decision. With it possibly being May by that time, he may decide that he might as well give Glas one more year. Footnote - When it comes to this subject, I can guarantee you that Roger is glad he is no longer the AD!! -- I like Herbst and he brought in some talent but, if we make a move, we need a whole new regime. A new start, new philosophy, etc. is needed. Although Herbst did bring in some good talent, I don't know if he was very successful in bringing in "winners". Yes, a big part of winning is the coaching staff turning kids into winners but the attitudes, work ethic, pride, etc. of individuals is within an athlete long before they show up on campus. We have had few "leaders" in recent years. This year being an excellent example - we had good talent but no one consistently stepped up and led the team when things got tough! -- I would think with our past successes, our great facilities, a supportive community, a well-respected conference (not as powerful as it was but still well-respected), etc., we would be able to get the attention of some great young coaches. They may be coaches that want to move up the ladder quite quickly and, if successful, they not be here for more than 3-4 years but that is to be expected. As was mentioned, Huse - the former Jamestown coach, may be an excellent candidate. Plus, when talking about coaches with UND ties, Ben Jacobson, would also fall into that category. Spending a few years with McDermott has likely really helped him. It will be an interesting next few weeks!
  2. As I stated earlier, not having an Athletic Director right now may result in the issue not being addressed right away. The problem is that, if we do make change shortly after a new AD is named in early April, we will have lost valuable recruiting time - and our cupboard is quite bare! I am sure that other schools will also be dropping the hint that a coaching change may take place at UND in the near future. Potential recruits may not want to "gamble" on UND not knowing what may happen with the coaching situation. Not a good scenario right now - either way, with or without a coaching change!
  3. I wonder if anyone has had the time to really look at what a disappointing season this has been. And, we lose over 50% of our scoring and rebounds. Lindahl has lost it, Jacobson is not an everyday NCC player, etc. We have some decent recruits but unless we find 2-3 outstanding JC players, we will be less than .500 next year and will have trouble winning any NCC games. Those of you in GF - is there much talk about this situation?
  4. I see UND recruit, Jesse Blackwell of Lacrosse, WS, scored 31 Friday night and is averaging just under 20 for the year. He appears to be having a good senior season.
  5. I agree with the concern about the size and configuration of the Betty but we need to remember that, unlike the Ralph, it wasn't built with an unlimited budget. They maybe should have had their fundraising effort before they finalized the design - maybe they would have received enough to have been able to improve the design. We are worried about the 4,000 capacity - if you remember, until shortly before the construction started, they were only going to have seating for 3,200. That would have really have been a problem.
  6. Complicating the issue is the fact that Freund may be better than either Belmore or Manke!
  7. I am answering my own question. Through his four games since joining the Sky Force, he has averaged 15 points and just under 9 rebounds. Not bad, not great!
  8. How has Beasley been doing since joining Sioux Falls, does anyone know?
  9. I didn't see what the attendance was at the two Duluth games. Was it decent?
  10. A great win tonight!! I listened to it on the Mankato station. It was interesting that they commented late in the game that, despite such a close game and a decent crowd, the place sounded like a mausoleum (sp)! Is the UND feed working? I haven't been able to get BB or hockey on it lately!
  11. Boese has been very quiet (not scoring) in recent games. For those who have seen the Sioux play, is there any reason for this? Is she healthy, etc.?
  12. I couldn't get tonight's game over the net hor some reason. I know the women won, but how did the men do against USD?
  13. I was very disappointed in this loss but it appears we are all making an awfully big deal of it. As 92, 96 stated, we have had a tough time on the road often in recent years (in my opinion, because we haven't had a real team leader at the guard position - we have had good players but not Pudenz-type players who take charge when things get tough) plus we really have no depth. If we can challenge for the NCC and make it a ways into the playoffs this year, that would be great! Next year, with the three recruits, Guinn back and our current players being more experienced, we could be outstanding! I am not suggesting we write off this year, but we simply aren't as good as usual this year!
  14. How did the UND BB team do last night? Can't find it in the on-line Herald or the UND website!
  15. Obviously, Roebuck has three great recruits coming in next year. Does anyone know if there is any more scholarship money available and, if so, who they may be after?
  16. It appears that Shawn Swan didn't play in the men's game tonight. Anyone know why?
  17. What happened to Drury? Did they go DI???
  18. I am quite sure that if UND left, UNO would quickly move to the MIAA - they are actually probably a better fit with the Missouri schools anyway. I also am curious about USD. They have considered the move in the past - I am sure many of their alumni would really feel "left out" if the three other state schools from the Dakotas moved up. I truly don't know if they could afford it, however. I don't know if UND can either!!!
  19. UND Fan

    Division I

    We all understand that the primary issue with going DI is money. It is obvious that we have a lot of great Sioux fans on this site. I am curious whether fans such as us will start contributing (if you aren't) or will contribute more (if you already are). I asked the above question a few days ago - didn't really get any responses. In asking the question, it is probably appropriate that I answer it before I expect others to do so. I am currently in the Director's Club category of the Fighting Sioux Club. If we go DI (I still am not sure it is the right thing to do), I will find a way to contribute a bit more each year. How about you guys?
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