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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. Another first dfown pass to Weston
  2. Total offense UND 137 UNI 68
  3. Our ball on the 20 with 3+ minutes to go in the half!
  4. Chappell to the six!!!!!!!!!!
  6. UND Fan

    Young Guys

    Is he in school at UND?
  7. UND Fan


    Did we come out of the CWU game with any significant injuries? Do we know if those who didn't make the trip out west will be ready for UNI?
  8. Bincity - I would gladly pay! Hammersmith - Thanks for the detailed overview of SU's webcast program.
  9. Very good point - I agree with you fully!
  10. I agree - congrats to both the SU's. It has been a long road for them! Hopefully, ours will be a little quicker!
  11. UND Fan

    CWU vs UND

    Does anyone know more about this? The poll in the on-line Herald this morning asks what the biggest concern entering this game is - and one of the options is the injuries to the offensive line!! Not good!
  12. What can anyone tell us about both Berg and Brady? I am not familiar with them. Do we know how healthy Sannes' knee is? I would think that either Seay or Bergan along with Youngblut might be red-shirted - and maybe the two walk-ons. But I also thought that Gene would red-shirt Baagason last year to give her an extra year to mature and make the adjustment to college ball. I thought the same thing about Beck the year before. Obviously, Roebuck knows much more about who he should have sit out a year than I do! Do not read into this that I am second-guessing him!
  13. 92,96 - Your response was right on target. I think another recruit or two will be announced quite soon so we will be able to discuss their likely contribution, etc. Then, when everyone gets to school, someone will likely be able to tell us how various players are looking in pick up games. Not much else to talk about now! Wish there was! DMB
  14. Koenig has apparently made very good progress this summer but, of course, you won't really know if he is truly ready to go until the "banging" starts. If he is healthy, you would think that the combination of him and Dryburgh underneith would be pretty good. I fully agree, we definitely need to improve our game under the basket. The coaching staff has been trying to find a power forward but isn't having much luck this late in the summer.
  15. I had said I wouldn't comment again on this but I will - only to agree with you and Sicatoka. UND has done a great job over the years of bringing in good kids with great character who wanted a quality education. Kids that were proud to be a member of a Fighting Sioux team. It has been very rare when one of them have embarrassed themselves or the University. With our move to DI, I certainly hope that tradition continues - whatever race the young man or woman may be!
  16. This certainly isn't anything worth debating so I will respond once. If you care to respond to mine, go ahead but this is the last you will hear from me on this subject. While there are absolutely a ton of very talented and fast white football players (I guess this applies to many sports), just take a look at the high % of blacks in the defensive and offensive backfields of DI and DIAA college teams and NFL teams. Take a look at any NCAA national track meet or professional meet in the USA, the vast majority of those in the finals are black. I don't think this is a fluke! I am done with this discussion!
  17. Please explain how you get to the $1,300 amount.
  18. UND Fan

    Football Camp

    I am one who continues to preach that us UND fans should not waste our time arguing and debating with SU fans. Instead, we should talk about UND sports! Therefore.... I assume it has been announced but when does our camp open? Do we know if any of our more important players will not be returning this fall? Who is walking-on? Anyone of note? Do we think our backup QB will be "the other senior" (probably Belmore) or will it be Danny Freund as he is the heir apparent for the job next year? Let's talk football................
  19. The following is not a racist comment: I would not be surprised if the next coaching replacement at UND is an African American. Someone who may have greater success in recruiting black players to Grand Forks. To be successful in DIAA, we will need more speed and athleticism! Comments from Bison fans are not necessary! We know that you have had good luck in this area.
  20. UND Fan

    Move to DI

    Another factor that has not been discussed regarding UND waiting the extra year before making the move up to DI is simply the fact that all Fighting Sioux Club invoices had already been mailed to the hundreds of members prior to the decision to move being made. The Club levels were not increased this year so you would assume that contributions levels would increase by the normal amount. Had they had time to increase the various contribution levels now, they would have raised much more. I am not sure this was a major factor in delaying the move, but I am sure it was a factor. I would guess the levels will increase quite a bit next year - which will give the Athletic Department an extra year to "put money aside" before the major expenses start to hit in 2008-9! Sioux fans - be prepared. The Bison fans who frequent this site will now tell us how unorganized we were - that they decision should have been made earlier. They might be right but, either way, ignore them!
  21. Why in the hell do we continue to debate this? It is all history. Right or wrong, NDSU had the balls to make the move a couple of years ago. Now UND has announced they will move to DI. Let's talk about sports!!!!!
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