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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. Sioux are up 40-38 at halftime - seem to be playing reasonably well!
  2. Does anyone have any insight yet as to who will be UND preferred walk-ons this fall? Also, any info on Duraney White, the Canadian who had supposedly committed to the Sioux?
  3. I have also heard this rumor - don't have any idea whether there is any truth to it! I also heard that we already have nine games confirmed for the 2009 season. If that is true, we are in a very good position for '09!
  4. The kid seems to have great speed and agility - maybe we do have another Dressler!!
  5. I realize the video is against Canadian competition, which isn't necessarily top notch, but this kid looks very good. Nice size, nice speed and he certainly hits people hard!
  6. Sounds like a great kid and a great prospect. Any younger brothers?
  7. I see the Bison also released the names of four preferred walk-ons. I am sure UND has a few of these as well. Anyone have any info??
  8. Thanks to those of you who provided insight into Mussman's comments, etc. Does anyone know which three players have yet to make their decisions?
  9. Higher Ed Board offers UND president job to Kelley; Kelley says he needs a couple of days to consider offer The above is the headline on the Herald's website. His needing a couple of days to think about the offer is a little concerning!
  10. I have been watching this list as well and am concerned that Heimler is not on it as being commited to UND!
  11. Thanks for adding the clarification! I was worried when I read your first line!
  12. Thanks for your "investigative report" - it answers many questions! Personally, I was hoping that Smith would be our next president but I am very comfortable that the committee did a good job. They felt only one person warranted consideration so that was their recommendation. I am fine with that!
  13. Very good news - thanks for posting it!
  14. Does anyone know if we are bringing in prospects this weekend or has that part of the process been completed?
  15. Where do we stand with Tracy? Have we officially lost him?
  16. I certainly hope this is fact - Benjamin is a stud!!
  17. Very surprising!! Very disappointing!!
  18. I agree - let's get back to recruiting discussions. I assume we had a bunch of recruits visiting this weekend. Anyone know who was on campus?
  19. That is outstanding - thank you on behalf of all Sioux fans!
  20. Count me in - let us know where to send a check!
  21. I don't know but I am quite sure he wasn't offered a full ride by UND.
  22. On the other website, he says that he is going there this weekend. He started a thread noting where various players had commited. He definitely changed his own status from UND to NDSU!
  23. This kid is very active on the MinnesotaPreps website. He certainly does not appear to be very mature (I realize most 17-18 y/o kids are not overly mature). For that reason plus the fact that he said he wanted to kick as a true freshman, this doesn't surprise me at all. I don't know how big of a loss it is - he didn't punt last year - I don't know why. We need a punter, not a place kicker - not for a couple of years, at least!
  24. Wow - those are a couple of very full days! It is very difficult to "stay sharp" meeting after meeting but that type of scheudle isn't too different than a college president's normal day! Based on my limited knowledge of all candidates, I hope Smith is the choice - and not just for athletic reasons! I think he would bring a lot of energy and positive thinking to the University!
  25. Of course, we all have different opinions but I would prefer that there be no Bison fans on this site because it normally ends up as a bunch of smack - with many UND fans talking as much smack as Bison fans! Personally, I consider it a waste of my time and very frustrating to have to wade through all this crap to find genuine discussions about UND sports. In my opinion, there is nothing really to talk about Sioux vs. Bison until we start playing each other again - whenever that is! SU fans - don't be too offended by my comment that I wish there were none of you here. Many of you are respectful and add good insight into some discussions. For the reasons I stated above, I never go the the Bison site. But if I remember correctly, isn't there a thread just for Sioux/Bison smack?
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