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Everything posted by Sodbuster

  1. Totally agree. Just wondering.......if Gopher football/basketball ever become "good", will Gopher hockey still be number one at the U (assuming it is now)?
  2. I know similar things have been done with that clip each year, but every variation is hilarious.
  3. I know the possibility is remote, but let's say Ohio State did drop hockey in a few years. What happens to the Big 10 hockey conference then? No auto bid at the very least, right?
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only way the Big Ten conference can grow beyond the 6 teams is for another big ten school to suddenly decide to field a hockey team, right? I would think think that would be a real handicap to growing that league beyond the 6 teams.
  5. Oh......I think you'd better get over yourself.
  6. My son and 12 other guys (most are originally from the May-Port CG area) are heading out from Fargo for St.Paul at about 1:30. Lucky stiffs.
  7. Lots of things can change between this year and next. If we get less coverage, I'll be the first to bitch. Not till then, however.
  8. You know....Sweeney/Hammer.......Hammer/Sweeney....I still just appreciate getting the games. Back when we got maybe 3-4 games a year.
  9. Hey, I know it was predetermined and all that. I was just disappointed not to see/hear a really special moment in this season (and probably many seasons).
  10. I just wish they'd talk about the game action instead of everything else. (I don't care if it's 6-0, 5-0, or whatever)
  11. My only problem with last night's game (I was watching on TV) was the moment Tate came out on the ice, MIDCO chose that opportunity to cut to extended commercial. Damn.
  12. Hack says they'll be ready to play tomorrow night. Why weren't they the past 2 nights?
  13. Maybe he just meant they're hated by damn near everyone, as are the Yankees?
  14. Really!? Out there for protection of the other 2 guys you suppose?
  15. Human? That is 2 he should not have let in.....that is super human!
  16. Gee, I wonder if they would have been that brave with MacWilliam on the ice.
  17. That looked very impressive indeed!
  18. Really don't like Minnesota. Just saying.
  19. I would think so. Besides, I know there is distaste by some for a third place game, but there have been some memorable ones in the past in the WCHA final 5, like when Spirko scored the shortie in a Sioux win over Minnesota. I sure as hell enjoyed it.
  20. I'm willing to bet that that was was just that......a rumor.
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