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Everything posted by Sodbuster

  1. Wow....23 pages......if the Sioux lose tonight either that will double or there will be absolutely no posts after the final buzzer.
  2. You remember.... the loss to the Goofs on the shorty with....what...a half second left.
  3. Yeah, but they'll probably get placed in Fargo and their one great game will be against a team we all love.
  4. Geez, I hope you're right because this loss to THAT team in the WAY it was lost about made me puke!!
  5. You can't leave it up to the refs.....What the hell was MacMillan thinking......?
  6. I know I've at least seen Drake out there (that's it), but I haven't even heard N. Schmaltz's name.
  7. I wonder when he made his visit? He evidently was able to avoid this site's many covert agents.
  8. He probably feels sorry for them.
  9. Cell phones is what I think has done it........some of the people can't put those things down for anything.
  10. I was just checking this out and saw it on for Saturday ch. 316 (FCS) for MIDCO, but if MIDCO sports channel is picking it up, that should mean ch. 622 in HD, too?
  11. Me,too. 1990. Got to watch Red Sox get beaten by the Twins. Lots of things to see. Had 2 lobsters for $10. Seven of us in a little hole in the wall bar with a life size picture of Ted Williams holding a bat with just a towel around his waist on the wall. Our bill was $177......$77 for the lobsters.....$100 for beer. It had been a long day.
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