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Everything posted by Sodbuster

  1. I think the equipment manager and the zamboni driver had points that year.
  2. That's not the one from Animal House, is it?
  3. Geez, my first game was in the old barn around that time, too!
  4. That was unbelievable scoring even for 1987.
  5. I think Bob Joyce had 52 goals that year, also.
  6. Nah, I wasn't fortunate enough to swing that trip with two young kids, but out of 40 wins that year, I know I saw two of them. The US International game just stuck in my mind. Ex Gopher coach Brad Buetow was their coach at the time, and it was a huge win for them.
  7. Yep. I was there. December of 1986. One of 3 games I was able to attend. Luckily the other 2 turned out much better later that year.
  8. But there's only so many you can sit, right? Play with 3 lines? I don't know.......
  9. On the bright side, we most likely will not have anyone sign early this year.........wait.....maybe that's not a bright side.
  10. I lived through the early nineties..... I hope this doesn't last half as long....and I hope I live through this, too.
  11. It reminds me of the Twins who sign an offensively great hitter and then he comes in and can't hit worth s***.
  12. I heard that power play comment and choked on my whiskey coke.
  13. Crap.....I'm screaming at the tv, "Don't give them a sniff, don,t give them a sniff!!" with about 60 seconds left.......sure enough.....UND , over the years, has given up a lot of goals in the last minute, seconds.
  14. My only reaction........shouldn't the "lets" be "let's" ?
  15. Didn't he miss a long stretch of games last year, too?
  16. Well, they are a year older......you know , experience.....maturity......grasping at straws here.
  17. It occured to me last night that I never heard Weatherby's name mentioned. Did I just miss it or was he a scratch?
  18. I believe in 96-97 Aaron Schweitzer (sp?) took over as goalie partway through the season as a freshman and held through the national championship that year.
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