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Posts posted by SiouxFanatic

  1. 55 minutes ago, GDPritch said:

    Such a joke that Alaska-Fairbanks with their lack luster schedule is rated like 12th in the PW well ahead of UND. Believe half their wins easily have been vs teams ranked 35 -60 in the PW.  Guessing NCAA brass is in on that. Lost a bit of confidence in PW calculation process/objectivity.

    You play the schedule you’re given and the simple fact is UAF won the games they needed to, to be in a spot to earn an at-large bid. Honestly, good for them especially with being an independent. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, ND_Texan said:

    So you want more flashy players who play a season and a half, or do want a national championship? Tell me, how did Denver and Duluth win those titles?

    Lol, you're going to fault Sanderson for that? Really? It is just how it panned out. C'est la vie. Especially considering his first season was the POD year which was shortened and out of his control. Boeser and Nick Schmaltz are examples of your "two and flew." You do win championships with those players. I'd say they were critical players in winning #8. 

    • Upvote 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    That was your prototypical:

    Do everything to get behind a good team, rally, claw back into the game, miss a kick, get kicked in the nuts, miracle fumble, ohh now we call pass interference?, overtime, blow it from the 2, watch Allen run forever, Patrick Peterson you beauty....., game.  

    Been a Viking fan for 39 years so I know how this all ends.  But it's fun for the time being. :lol:

    Yep, Vikings game to a T! Not ever for the faint of hearts. Gonna ride until the end cause at this point we are all use to the disappointment so anything more is just gravy. :) 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, dden3 said:

    I think it’s a different Lee. Brian Lees brother did 4 years for them and was better than his Mich acclaimed brother. 

    I know it’s always been a thing to disparage Brian Lee but this is false. Heck, you can easily just look at the stats to know this. Brian scored more points in 2 years than John did in 4. 

    • Upvote 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    So the quality of the feed is too bad to see the hit was in the back, but the feed is good enough to see it was shoulder to shoulder?

    I shared my opinion on what I see but I could very well be wrong and would have no problem with that if there was a better view than what we were given.

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