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Posts posted by SiouxFanatic

  1. Just now, MafiaMan said:

    Not even close.  Union College was a quality team.  Gopher fans were crazy in thinking they were going to the Dutchmen out.  One of the great individual performances in title game history by “The Ghost” too. 

    With the way they celebrated beating UND, Gopher fans thought they had it in the bag.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, MafiaMan said:

    I’d still take their season over North Dakota’s train wreck.  No offense to the actual @GodsmackTrain Wreck.

    Oh boy, could you imagine? Winning another regular season title, losing in the Frozen Faceoff, and getting bounced once again in the first game of the ncaa tournament? Idk, maybe it’s apathy setting in but the disappointing season lessened the blow when it was finally over.

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  3. 5 hours ago, scpa0305 said:

    Yep I’d take him in a second…D play will be iffy but that’s not why you take a kind like this. Guessing Bubs wouldn’t touch him with a ten ft pole. Fairly outspoken kid, definitely new school.

    Howard did an interview with Pucks in Deep podcast back in July 2022 after he was drafted, he said it was between Duluth and North Dakota. He picked Duluth soon after they won championship. So gotta hope Berry & Co. are contacting him again. Gotta land a player like him if you can.

    • Upvote 4
  4. With UND’s lack of success at the Frozen Faceoff and the overall cost to going, I don’t think it’s tenable for the NCHC to keep relying on UND fans each year to show up. 

    UND should turn full heel and demand that Grand Forks hosts the Frozen Faceoff every year! We are already hated, might as well double down. :lol: :D

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  5. 4 minutes ago, gfhockey said:

    It’s really not a big deal if we miss the playoffs 

    Why are you the way that you are? You are a broken record that says the same repetitive dumb !@#$ every time UND loses that isn't true. Guess you have an odd af way to cope. Must've really been sobbing last weekend when your Sandy-boy and Bulldogs had their season ended.

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  6. 3 hours ago, SiouxBoys said:

    Thank the lord not a single UND fan has ever been photographed giving the bird to an opposing player before!

    Opposing fans LOVE to screengrab when UND fans do it and put it all over twitter. They like to pretend no other fanbase does it. So it's all in good fun.

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