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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. Unfortunately, for us, the Florida Seminoles never exhibited the outright hostility to FSU that the NoDak tribes do to UND, and its name/logo. It's tough to be the only person at the negotiating table. :cool::lol:

    You are right about the current situation. But UND had a great relationship with the tribes 40 years ago. That's when Starcher went down to Standing Rock. Something happened to sour that relationship in North Dakota, it looks like they avoided that problem in Florida. My guess is that FSU worked on the relationship more than UND did. That is why I said that it may be too late for UND to follow the blueprint and make it work. But it is still worth trying.

  2. WOW they have a grand total of 4 seminole students with 4 more coming, that is huge. What a joke. FSU is a much larger school then UND and they have 8 students that are of the namesake tribe. How many does UND have?:cool: Many more. That just goes to show, that the NCAA is more worried about money then anything

    That was the fall of 2005 so we don't know the exact numbers for this semester. But I doubt that they have increased to anywhere near the number of Dakota, Lakota and Nakota students at UND.

  3. I found this Op/ed piece from a couple of years ago in the New York Times. I don't know if it was posted here before or not, but I think it has some great information on how Florida State works with the Seminole tribe. It may be a blueprint for UND, although it may be too late to make it work. The piece was written by Jim Shore who was the general counsel for the Seminole Tribe at that time (I don't know if he still holds that position).

    While the Seminole Tribe of Florida gets no financial compensation for the university's use of the Seminole name and related symbols, the richness of the relationship brings a variety of social and economic benefits to our tribe.

    The university also reached out to the tribe in other ways. For years, Florida State University has invited Seminole Tribe high school students to visit its Tallahassee campus. The university organizes an annual summer trip to encourage young Seminoles to apply for admission. And the program is working. This fall, four new Seminole students will join four already enrolled there.

    The school also uses printed materials and statewide television broadcasts to share with the public the history and culture of the Seminole Tribe so that our non-Indian neighbors have a better sense of who we are, where we came from and how deep our historical roots are in Florida.

    The key seems to be working at a relationship that makes sense for both sides.

  4. Personally, I think the only name I have heard that is cool, does not sound too hokey, and actually does make historical sense is Calvary. I know it has been brought up before and chastised, but just the other day I was driving down the highway and was passed by a vehicle with a sticker in the back window. It was a military sticker of a National Guardsman here in SD and it had his unit (100 something) Calvary written underneath a logo of crossed swords. I remembered this site and thought that name should not be dismissed and UND feel ashamed to use it. Our military men and women everywhere who are in a calvary unit are proud of it, we are proud of them, so what is the problem.

    Calvary (Golgotha) is the English-language name given to the site, outside of Ancient Jerusalem

  5. From listening to Lennon on the radio a few times, I believe that most of the players on the squad the past couple of years have gotten some scholarship money. The difference moving up will be that they are spreading 63 scholarships instead of 36. So UND 92, 96 is probably close. About 40 players will get full rides and the rest will be less. The exact numbers will probably vary from year to year. The difference for Lennon and the other coaches is that when they really want someone they can go in and offer full rides instead of having to limit them to partials. Then the decision comes down to the schools and the staff instead of who is offering the most money. UND will win a lot of those recruiting battles.

  6. Question for the Vikings fans:

    Ok, the Vikings have been playing well lately. Yeah, Eli Manning gave them the game. True the Chargers crapped their breezers and should have won the game. However, this recent development poses an interesting situation.

    Which would you, as a Vikings fan, rather see:

    Situation A: Vikings continue their winning ways and win out. They make the playoffs and face whoever, it doesn't matter. They lose (Which they would. No crappy teams, except perhaps the Giants, make the playoffs). Childress claims victory and is rewarded with a 5 year extension.

    Situation B: Vikings take a dump and lose out and take a better draft pick. They fire Childress and hire a better coach. Just to make this situation more interesting, we'll say they draft well, improve their WR and DB Corps in the offseason with the higher picks.

    Neither situation is going to play out that way. There are only a few really good teams in the league this year. Then there are a bunch in the middle and the Vikings are one of those. And then there are a bunch of really bad teams this year. If they make the playoffs they will play either Seattle or Tampa. Neither is a great team and Minnesota could beat either one. Then they would face either Dallas or Green Bay. Those are among the top group this year and it would be a big upset for Minnesota to win in either case.

    Even if they lose out they would finish at 7-9. That is better than last year. It is also better than a lot of other teams this year. If they lose out they will end up around #15 in the draft, if they win out they will end up around 22 or 23, not a huge difference in draft position. Childress will not be fired no matter how they finish the last 3 games and will not get an extension unless they win the Super Bowl.

  7. they said on the radio -it's at 6:30 on Friday

    Doors open at 6:00 on Friday night. The grudge match will be at center ice at 6:30. They are going to have at least 1 camera on the game and play by play so you can sit in your regular seat and watch the action on the big screens.

  8. It looks like the Saturday tickets are spoken for, but the Friday ticket buyer had a change in plans. I will open the Friday tickets up again until Friday of this week. The same deal holds, I will take the best or most interesting offer. If you were interested before and have not made other plans, please contact me again with your offer.

  9. According to Coach Lennon on the coaches' show tonight, UND will have a 12-game schedule next year.

    He said the same thing on Mac Talk earlier in the week. He also said that it would be 6 home and 6 away.

  10. I have not set a price for the tickets yet, this is an experiment to see what kind of offers I can get. If I don't have an offer I like by Wednesday night I will set a price.

    I agree Goon, it would have to be significantly better offer for me to choose a Gopher fan over a Sioux fan.

  11. It turns out that I have a pair of tickets available for both games of the UND-Minnesota series at the Ralph. The seats are in Row M Section 306. That's right, the very last row in the building on the end where the Sioux shoot twice. I know that some people like to sit close to the ice, but we like to sit up high so we can see everything.

    Anyway, I have decided to take offers for the tickets. I want to see what people will offer for the opportunity to witness this great series. I will take offers for the next few days and then decide which offer to accept. Offers can be for 1 game or both games. Sioux fans will be given preference of course, but I can't guarantee that they will be chosen if their offers aren't at least competitive. Offers can be made in this thread or by PM. The tickets are in Grand Forks and will be available for pick-up any time up to game time on December 7th (I will be at both games). So, let the offers commence.

    *The seller reserves the right to choose or reject any and all offers. Offers will be accepted through Wednesday, November 28th or until an acceptable offer is received.

  12. I am a bit ignorant on the whole workings of this, but didn't the AD the we just kicked out of here finally get us out of the red? How would it work if UND said that you get X% of the profits each year and it ended up as a year in which the institution lost money?

    I think a deal would include a flat fee per year or a percentage of the royalty fees for use of the name or something similar. The tribes (if they were making the safest deal for them) would not take a percentage of the profits just because of this scenario. If the athletic department broke even or lost money they wouldn't get anything. But a percentage of the royalty fees would go something like this, if UND received a total of $1,000 in royalties from the sale of UND gear, the tribes would get a percentage of that amount. That might be 10% or $100. UND sells a lot of stuff for a school of its size so the tribes cold probably make a nice sum.

  13. It will take about 3 months to have a list of applicants. They will have to form a committee, decide on the job description and criteria for hiring and then advertise for 30 days. Throw the holidays in there and you have about 3 months before they are ready to interview. That is a normal time frame for this type position. The new president won't be in position yet, but will probably have input in the process.

  14. PS: Can anybody tell me anythign about rumors that Ralf had a trust in his will that if the nickname changed that he wanted the building demolished? It seems to horrible to be true but i've heard it from multiple sources.

    IT'S NOT TRUE!!! This has been discussed many times on this board. Ralph threatened to stop construction if the name was changed at that time. But everyone that would know has said over and over again that there is no threat in the will. The REA is not going anywhere.

  15. This isn't based on any inside information, and is simply my opinion, but if we assume Buning's salary was $123,000, that he wasn't paid during his LOA, and that his contract runs through July 30, he would have been due at most 10 and a half months' salary, or about $107,625. It's quite possible that some deep pocketed alum promised that he would pay that, plus an extra $40,000 or so, to simply make this go away instead of delaying things further with a few more weeks of LOA, plus potential litigation and the resulting costs. It does bother me to an extent that he's getting as much as he is, because 14 months' salary seems excessive for somebody who allegedly was not doing a good job and who presumably only had another approximately nine months remaining on his contract, but I don't think in any way does this mean that UND is admitting any sort of fault.

    On the radio this morning, Harmeson said that senior staff like the AD often serve at the will of the President. That means they can be let go at any time, but they would get 12 months notice (which may also mean that they could be paid for 12 months if you want them to leave right away). If this is true, Buning is getting a couple of extra months pay to make this go away now.

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