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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. There has been a change in plans for the weekend. The people that were going to use a pair of our tickets on Friday are now going to use all 4 on Saturday instead. So the Saturday tickets are gone, but I now have a pair available on Friday night. Same deal, $20 each or best offer. I will be at the game so I can meet you there to deliver the tickets.

  2. and there is no way any of these young men read posts in sports forums for the colleges that they are thinking of attending. :lol:

    There is absolutely no way that someone growing up in this era would take the time or have the abilities to find such an obscure site on a new-fangled invention like the World Wide Web, that's just crazy talk. :glare:

  3. It seems to me that UND football, and as well as the U itself are at an all time low. Fans such as Sultan are stretching for things/figures that make them feel happy for the time being. I do find it interesting that Bison smack by UND fans is allowed on this board, but the reverse ends up in reprimand.

    Sultan better enjoy the pathetic playoff game that was held at the shed this year, it's your last for quite some time. Both football shows are pathetic, low budget, does it really matter?

    I don't really know if you are comparing 1990 bison football to 2007 und football playoff attendance or not, but if you are, it's kind of pathetic, basicly you haven't grown at all. OR wait, you have, you FINALLY make the playoffs, but have only won the big one ONCE.

    Let's instead compare your Winona win to our U of M win.

    It seems to me that your view of UND is slightly skewed. UND football has been in the NCAA playoffs the last 5 years. One of those years they were in the title game, and they won a National Title earlier in this decade. Now they are moving up to the next level. They were successful enough that their coach was recruited by one of the better programs at that next level. And UND had a very qualified candidate in-house that was ready for a promotion to Head Coach. The football program and the rest of the athletic department will be fine in their move to Division I.

    The University is also doing fine. The school has one of the Top 10 Entrepreneur programs in the country, the best Aerospace program and many other high quality educational programs. Research has increased tremendously over the past 5-10 years. They are working with some of the top pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the country. I don't think I would call any of those lows and I could go on and on.

    North Dakota State is also doing very well. The athletic department has made the move to Division I look easy. The school itself has done a great job of growing and has many excellent educational programs. Yet instead of being happy for your school and celebrating the successes, you seem to have a need to troll on this web site.

    One other thing, you and many other NDSU fans seem to have this need to denigrate UND because of attendance at a Division II play-off game. How about a few facts. Attendance at the UND-Winona play-off game was the 3rd highest out of the 8 play-off games that weekend. The 2 higher ranking games were held in Texas. It ranked 8th out of 23 total play-off games in Division II during 2007. Two of the higher ranking games were the Championship game and the semi-final at Northwest Missouri State. The UND-Winona game had better attendance than the semi-final held at Valdosta State (better than all 3 of the play-off games at Valdosta). Lower attendance at most Division II play-off games seems to be a trend, many schools had attendance for play-off games that was lower than their average attendance. That was especially true for the first 2 weekends. UND was part of that trend. It isn't something to celebrate, but only a fool would base their expectations for the potential success of something important like moving an entire athletic department up to Division I on attendance at a single football game. Unless you consider that trend to be one of the many reasons that it was time to make the move.

  4. I don't know of a specific saying, although there may be one within the program. But Dale spent most of the past 30 years associated with the University of North Dakota and the football program. This wasn't a place that he just worked for a few years. So I'm sure he will always have a special place in his heart for UND. There is a lot of loyalty associated with the school and the athletic program.

  5. After each WIN we listen to Tim Hennessy on the way back to Fargo. Tonight they mentioned he was gone because of a family 'situation'. It sounded like a death in the family. Does anyone know what happened? They mentioned the day after Christmas and I looked online at the Grand Forks Herald and didn't see anything.

    Also was that Scott Hennen announcing tonight since Looker was on the radio? The PA system was awful....very echoy!

    Go Sioux for a sweep!

    It seems that Tim's father died. Tim grew up in the Twin Cities so it probably would not have been in the Grand Forks Herald. The regular PA announcer, Darrin Looker, moved over to do the radio broadcast and Hennen came in to fill in on the PA job.

    My condolences to Tim and his family on the loss of his father.

  6. What bothers me about this whole thing is that this makes our program look like a mid-major DI FCS program which will lose coaches every five years or so to the big-time DI FCS programs. I can deal with being a mid-major in DI basketball, but not in football. The move up to DI in all sports was in part predicated on the football program being nationally competitive in DI FCS, not just a lower to mid tier FCS program. If that's all we are capable of, this whole DI move was a big fat waste of time and effort. We had better get some order and leadership established in the athletic department and in Twamley Hall or this is going to be catastrophic for the football program and who knows what else.

    Losing coaches to DI FBS schools? Understandable and inevitable.

    Losing coaches to DI FCS schools? Unacceptable and preventable.

    You're getting ahead of yourself. UND will have every opportunity to be a top tier FCS program in the future. But the reality is we are not there yet. We are a Division II school that is just starting a 5 year process to become a full fledged FCS program. If UND is not an upper level program in 5-10 years, then you can be concerned. But there is no realistic way you can compare the UND football program with a well established FCS program like SIU right now.

  7. Agreed. Last year, TSN was able to carry several of the U.S.' preliminary games, so Center Ice picked those up and showed damn near all of them. I'm guessing the same would have held true this year, but TSN is not airing the U.S. prelim games. Still though, it's bush league of USA Hockey to not offer a web feed (video) for these games. They could even charge $10 or something for a tournament package to cover any minimal costs. Even smaller DI schools stream their college hockey games live online these days, so it can't be too costly and/or complicated.

    I'm guessing that it would be quite a bit more expensive to produce and stream a hockey game from Europe than having permanent broadcast facilities and hiring college students on a part time basis to shoot the game here in the States. And potentially having 2 different rinks to broadcast from would add to the problem. Are there enough fans in the US willing to pay to have those games available?

  8. Man if he was to get the AD position that would put any chance of a game many want out of reach IMHO. He didn't do anything to help the relations between the two universities. I sure hope they get someone else who is better qualified and brings less baggage.

    Not a chance that RT will be back as either AD or football coach and I doubt that he would be interested.

  9. There is a rumor on the fan board for Southern Illinois University that Dale Lennon may be a finalist for their open head coach position. The topic is discussed in several places on the board, but one of them is shown here. There doesn't seem to be any corroboration to the rumor so far. Rumors vary from having 2 to 5 different finalists and the only one that seems to be confirmed is Matt Eberflus, the associate head coach at Missouri.

  10. I think it's a traditional fire that was first lit on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 on Wall Street. :glare:

    I thought it was a special fire for British spies and beautiful women with names like Pussy Galore or Honey Ryder. I think they use 007 logs to light it. :ohmy:

  11. If you are talking about this coming Saturday against New Hampshire, I have a pair. They are in the top row of section 306, the corner where the Sioux shoot twice. I'm asking $20 each. PM me if you are interested. I live in Grand Forks and will be at the game so we could make arrangements to deliver the tickets to you.

  12. So you are saying the Wirtz didn't run the Blackhawks into the ground? They were already 3 feet under when he took over and ended up taking them nearly 3 feet more? :D

    Thanks for the correction.

    My father watched much of the 1961 season from the stands. I don't recall how much it cost for him to go to the arena, but it wasn't much. He got to see so much... from the 1961 Blackhawks to watching Koufax pitch... lucky man.

    You're right about the running them into the ground part. But they were started and had good years well before he got involved. :ohmy:

    It's great when you can be there in person to witness your favorite team do well or watch sports history. I am a big Twins fan and lived in the Twin Cities in the early 1990s. I went to about 1/4 of the home games that year and all of the home playoff and World Series games except one. Being in the stands and watching Jack Morris throw a 10 inning shutout during Game 7 is probably my favorite memory of attending a sporting event. :glare:

  13. WWW is the initials, IIRC, of their late owner, William Wadsworth Wirtz. He's the guy who basically started up the Chicago Blackhawks, watched them rise to power, and then promptly ran them into the ground.

    Your Blackhawks history is off a little bit. The team was started and joined the NHL in 1926. That owner died in 1944. It was sold again in 1952 to 3 partners, one of them being Arthur Wirtz and the other 2 being James Norris Jr and Sr. Norris Sr died late in 1952. His son Norris Jr died in 1966 and William Wirtz took over as President of the club. Chicago won 3 Stanley Cups, 2 during the 30s and the last one in 1961.

  14. Ok, now repeat that post to us in English.

    I'll keep it simple just for you. Seattle paid way too much for Silva. The absence of quality free agent pitchers does not make a number 3 or 4 starter worth $12 million per year unless you have a payroll of more than $120 million. Very few teams can afford that much payroll.

  15. Not as bad as you're making it sound, there's absolutely no pitching on the market and Silva is a durable 3 or 4 starter who can give you 200+ innings a year, especially for a team with atrocious starting pitching.

    It is as bad as it sounds. If Silva is your 3rd or 4th starter, that means you are paying 2 or 3 guys even more. Say they average $14 million (probably low), that's $28 plus Silva is $40 million. Add in a closer, the rest of the bullpen and a 5th starter and you are going to be well over $50 million for just your pitching staff. And most teams pay less than 50% of their payroll to the pitching staff. Now you have a payroll of well over $100 million and possibly well over $120 million. I am pretty sure that not too many teams not named New York, Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles can afford payrolls over $120 million.

    A year ago people were amazed that the Twins would resign him for $4 million. Now he's worth triple that much?

  16. He may be very good, but I see the Minnesotapreps.com website has him as a Division II recruit. Is he better than the TE NDSU signed from Minot Ryan? That is an honest question not any smack talk. I know nothing about either one of them.

    I don't know how they operate, but it could be that they have him listed as a Division II recruit because of the verbal to UND. After all, UND is still a Division II school. The other players listed seem to either have a school listed or nothing. If the verbal is new or unofficial then they may want to protect themselves by just saying it is a DII school.

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