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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. I know this doesn't fit with our little game, but I would like to take a minute to honor the passing of one of the true legends of Rock and Roll. Bo Diddley was one of the pioneers, a great showman and a wonderful storyteller. He was still rockin' the house well into his mid 70's. Here is the story on his life and death.

  2. Bettman keeps getting more and more retarded.

    First off, Wrigley is a beautiful baseball field, but I wouldn't want to ruin the old stadium by putting up hockey there.

    Secondly, Soldier Field would be a better idea... Or maybe Comiskey (Yeah, I refuse to call it U.S. Cellular).

    Thirdly, I think it would be better if it already wasn't a big rivalry. Make it Pittsburgh (Crosby and Malkin) vs. Chicago (Toews and Co.).

    Actually, this makes good sense. Wrigley is a smaller field so the fans will be closer to the ice than they would be in either of the other stadiums. Plus, the Wrigley name will draw attention to the game much more than almost any other stadium in the country. And there is no way they would put Pittsburgh in this game since they played in the outdoor game this past year. So you put the other Stanley Cup team (possibly the defending champs?) against a team with 2 of the best youngsters in the league (Toews and Kane). From a marketing standpoint, this is probably one of the best match-ups to use.

  3. Hmmm..

    Ever drive there from Grand Forks? That's one God-awful stretch of highway. I keep on debating whether or not that stretch of highway or I29 between GF and Fargo is the worst stretch of asphalt in the US.

    If you think that those are the worst stretches of highway in the US then you haven't traveled much. There are worse stretches in pretty much every plains state, including North Dakota and in several Southern states I have driven through. And I am talking by any definition, including condition of road, lack of scenery or anything else.

  4. QUOTE

    *all 18 teams had a team GPA above a 2.7

    *63% of our student athletes had a GPA above a 3.0

    *47 student athletes had a 4.0 in the spring semester

    *the overall student athlete GPA for spring semester was 3.170

    *average women's team GPA was 3.330

    It's been too long since I've used algebra, and I'm way too lazy to figure it out the other way, what ever way that might be...but, If 200 women are pulling a 3.330 collectively, what are the 200 men pulling to drag the overall GPA down to a 2.7? I guess assuming that there are actually 200 women, and 200 men (isn't that what Title IX did?), simple subtraction would mean that the overall men's GPA is 2.07. Not too impressive. Must be a pretty full study table.

    I read this differently. To me it looks like the lowest team GPA was still above 2.7. The overall GPA was 3.17 as it says in the bold, and not 2.7 as you use. I'm not sure we can extrapolate the men's GPA using the statement about the average women's team GPA with any real accuracy. Does that statement mean that the average GPA for the women was 3.33? Or does it mean that if you took the average GPA for the basketball team plus the volleyball team plus the soccer team, etc for all the women's teams and divided by 10 (the number of women's teams) that you would get 3.33? If we knew how they figured that statement and the number of men and women athletes, then we could get a better estimate of the men's GPA. But my guess is that it is close to 3.0. I base that on an overall of 3.17 and the women's average team having a 3.33.

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