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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. Exactly. For being a Sioux, you sure no nothing about us.


    I never claimed to know everything about the Sioux nation. After review, I believe that The Rev. Robertson should be referred to as Dakota instead of Lakota. Forgive us for the mistake. This still makes him an enrolled member of a Sioux nation. How do you respond to his comments about UND?

  2. Is he really? I think before you type, do your research.


    "As for myself, I retired from the Air Force after 20 years of service in 1972 and have served as pastor with the Southern Baptists for more than 30 years."

    Serving as a Southern Baptist pastor for more than 30 years would qualify as a holy man even though it is not your religion. He served in the military for many years so that should qualify him as a hero unless he was dishonorably discharged. And he may or may not be recognized as an elder to the Lakota, but his age would qualify him as an elder to most of the population. So what would you like us to research? His status as a member of the Lakota tribe?

  3. Actually, most of us that sit in those corners would consider it a punishment to have to move. We chose those seats on purpose and so did most of the people that sit around us. I sit in 306 and our section is usually very involved in the game. We also have very little turnover in tickets so most of us have been in the same place since the building opened. I don't think there is enough room in the other corner sections to move all of us, especially the lucky ones like me that have aisle seats. The students can stay plenty involved with game without having to stand the entire game. The folks at the Ralph should give the students a little leeway and everyone should be encouraged to stand when the action warrants (as happens in our section). But a little cooperation and consideration on everyone's part would allow everyone to have a good time without taking away from the excitement or noise level in the building. After all, you don't have to stand up to make a lot of noise.

  4. Phil Harmeson was on KNOX with Mike McNamara this morning and said the same thing. He said Kupchella was very upset with the original story in today's Herald because it was misleading. They even discussed asking for a retraction. They made a point of saying that UND will go through the appeal process and keep the Board informed, but planned to pursue legal action if the appeals failed.

  5. Right now is my favorite time of year. I love the fall because I get football, the start of the hockey season and in a good year I have the Twins in the play-offs. My favorite sports memory is being in the Dome watching the Twins win Game 7 of the World Series in 1991. I hope to top it this year. I want to have a chance to watch the Sioux take number 8 in Milwaukee.

    I can't imagine being married to a non-sports fan either. I spend a lot of time watching games and playing golf so I would want to find a woman that is interested in at least some sports. It is only going to get worse as my nieces and nephews get older and get more involved in football, basketball, hockey, baseball and golf. A good uncle has to show up for games when he can.

  6. Actually, we share multiple seats. We have 3 for football and 4 for hockey. Considering I am single and he recently married a non-sports fan I think we have plenty of seats. We like to take friends or relatives that may not get a lot of chances to go to games, especially nieces and nephews. It is usually not too difficult finding people that want to buy hockey tickets if we don't have someone to use them. I'm thinking that it might be good to add a couple of women's tickets to the list.

  7. I attended my first Women's hockey game tonight and I was impressed. Hasbargen looked good in goal. The Wooster sisters, Jaques, Bowers and several others did a good job of puckhandling and puck movement. They were able to keep Manitoba pinned in there own end for long periods. The team still has plenty of work to do, especially breaking out of their own zone. But it was entertaining hockey. It was great to watch a game without a lot of clutching and grabbing. Each team had a checking from behind penalty and the offending players were sent straight to the locker room. I think that the officials will be enforcing that rule in both men's and women's hockey.

    I have shared season tickets with a friend for both men's hockey and football since we moved into the new buildings. I may have to add women's hockey to the list.

  8. I don't understand this. I was always under the impression that Ralph had promised to build the best, damned hockey arena in the world in Grand Forks, North Dakota as a show case for the best damned college hockey players in the world. Was a portion of the $100M suppose to go somewhere else? I know he quietly donated money for 2500 wheelchairs for people in ND who needed them about that same time, built a $10M hockey arena in his home town and gave millions of money to other charities but those donations were not tied to the REA budget. Hmm?


    The original donation was announced as $100 million. Part of that was going to build a new hockey arena (the best arena for the best college hockey team) and the remainder going to the university for whatever they wanted. At the original press conference they thought it might be close to 50-50. As the plans for the arena were developed it turned out that they spent all the money plus more on the arena.

  9. The same story ran in today's edition of the GF Herald. I could not find it online. I wish him all the best as he tries to put things back together. It was a lot of fun watching him run the football when he was at UND.

  10. I think that a lot of this argument can be summed up with a lesson many of us learned as children. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he has food for a lifetime. We have given out a lot of fish over the years and probably need to teach more people to fish. Pell Grants and student loans fit the teaching category. Long term welfare for people that make no effort to work smells like some bad fish.

    KTF, I won't dispute the story because I wasn't there. I am sure that there were cases where people were turned back. That was wrong and could have been caused by greedy people, racists or people that were afraid of losing things, many were probably somewhere in the middle. However, a lot of people did find their way out. They walked, they hitchhiked, they did what they needed to do.

  11. The Fighting Sioux issue at UND was never meant to define your culture.  You shouldn't expect it too.  That is one of the resons you have trouble understanding the pro side and we have no idea why you feel the way you do.  You fail to understand the diversity of our culture.  You do expect us to understand yours however.  That is a double standard.

    Great post ira. This part is one of the problems that I have noticed that hasn't gotten as much discussion. We are dealing with 2 different cultures that are not communicating very well. Even when UND tries to do something to honor and respect the Sioux many don't recognize the gesture in the manner it was meant. And I wouldn't be surprised if things that are intended to be done with respect may be an insult in the Sioux culture. (Of course there are things done and said without considering whether they show respect but those can often be corrected when they are pointed out). It doesn't explain the whites that disagree with the name useage, but many of those probably fit in the ultra-liberal, overly-sensitive group that has been discussed before. If we want to make this work we must find a way to communicate so that both sides really understand the opposition.

  12. The NCAA staff review decision has come in and they have denied the UND appeal. The reason given was because the tribes did not like the use of the name and their opinion should be respected. The NCAA will not require UND to cover the logos at the Ralph for the Hockey regional because it would be too expensive and time-consuming. UND will have a press conference at 3:00 today to discuss the issue.

  13. ummmmm, yes it is a huge deal


    The unmanned vehicle program will take several years to build. New tankers are expected in 2011 or 2012. GFAFB was mentioned as a probable home for the new tankers by high ranking officials in the Air Force, the Department of Defense and the House and Senate. Keeping tankers here for a longer period will ease the transition and probably mean that we don't have a long down period on base.

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