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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. I get the miracle aspect of that game and truly appreciate it, I really do. I just don't appreciate the kicking them when they're down mentality and instigating attitude towards the Gophers. To appreciate what Holy Cross did is one thing, but to buy the Holy Cross jersey just so you can wear it to a Sioux/Gophers game and rub the Gopher fans' noses in it is where it crosses the line and becomes instigating behavior in my opinion.

    I don't think we would see this stuff going on if Holy Cross had upset any other college hockey power such as UNH, Michigan, or Wisconsin. It's because it was the Gophers, which is the reason why it bothers me a little bit. I wish Sioux fans could display the same class towards the Gophers as they do towards the Badgers.

    And, yes, I do own both a Sioux jersey and a Gophers jersey. If some people can be fans of both the Sioux and Holy Cross then can't I be a fan of both the Sioux and the Gophers? Now, make no mistake about it... the Gophers jersey will not find its way out of my closet today or any other day in which the Sioux play against the Gophers. But, yes, I do cheer for them when they're playing against anybody else (unless the Sioux are chasing them in the WCHA standings). If the Gophers should happen to win today I will be rooting hard for them to take care of BC, Miami, MSU, or Maine. What's wrong with that?

    I was a football fan before I was a hockey fan. Being a football fan I grew up having a favorite Division I team and a favorite Division II team. When I started following hockey I was already a pretty big Gophers football fan and therefore could't help but cheer for their hockey team too when they're not playing against the Sioux.

    I happen to be one of those people that bought a Holy Cross jersey. So far, the only time I have worn it was for the Gopher-Wisconsin game at the Final 5 last weekend. I wore it so that we could get a group picture for the Holy Cross folks and to irritate Gopher fans. You may be surprised at the reaction that I received. Fans from UND, St. Cloud, Wisconsin, Duluth and Mankato all stopped to talk to me and loved the jersey. That would have to be expected. But I had a lot of UMTC fans stop and talk to me also. The majority of them also appreciated the joke. Some said that it hurt a little, but they understood. Others just thought it was hilarious. They understood that it was just a good-natured jab at a rival. Some even said that they would have done the same thing if the Sioux would have been the team to lose. Only a few said anything bad. I have actually gotten worse reactions from Gopher fans when wearing a Sioux jersey than the Holy Cross.

    You may be right, a big part of the draw is the fact that it was Minnesota losing to Holy Cross. A big part of the draw for me was witnessing that historical event from my normal seats at the REA. It was a great night of hockey with that game alone, but especially combined with the UND win over Michigan. I consider it one of the best nights of hockey at the REA so far. I feel confident in saying that because I have seen almost all of the Fighting Sioux men's games, a couple of women's games, most of the World Juniors games and one of the Wild preseason games. And I have been attending UND hockey games since the late 70's (and listening to them on the radio since the late 60's or early 70's). The HC game was not one of the top moments in Sioux history because they didn't play. But you are very narrow minded if you can't recognize that it was a very important event for college hockey. And some of us want to remember the event. Rubbing it in to our friends to the east is just an added bonus.

  2. Maybe I understand this whole FTA thing incorrectly, but just because FSN-North is not showing it locally (MSP) couldn't Midcontinent (GFK) beam it up FTA? How about UND putting it through via web cast? Did Midcontinent buy it from FSN-North who bought if from ESPN? Iceberg, any ideas? Still trying to hold out hope those of us in the cities will be able to see it live!

    ESPN owns the rights to the broadcast. They can do anything they want with those rights. Fox Sports North bought rights to specific games, including the UND game(s) from ESPN. They had to state exactly what they were going to do with those games and can't do anything more than is in the contract. Midco negotiated with FSN to show the UND game live on Saturday in selected areas. That does not include the right to include the broadcast on FTA or for any webcasts.

    FSSN games are normally available on FTA systems because that is how Midco and WDAZ distribute the broadcast to the various outlets. FSSN owns those rights so they can distribute them any way they want. They have also included webcasts in that distribution plan for some of the games that they control. ESPN and the NC$$ control the rights for tournament games and they will not allow them to be distributed on FTA systems or on webcasts where they can't get the money for those broadcasts. Bottom line is, unless someone announces another deal the game will only be available on tape delay in the Twin Cities.

  3. I'm a little worried that Duncun will leave. The rest can go this year or next year and get the rookie cap, but he might feel after this year it's his best shot. I'm also a little worried that a couple players will decide to leave and the rest will follow. They are all from the same class and I would assume pretty good friends. On the upside maybe one will stay and the rest will also. If a guy like Toews or Chorney steps up and says he's staying early I think it could really increase the chances of the others staying.

    I'm not as worried about Duncan. He could leave this year, but I had a short conversation with a scout at the Final 5 and he said that teams seem to have some serious concerns about Duncan's size. He said that Ryan would probably play pro hockey, and may have a chance at the NHL at some time, but he didn't seem to think it would be any time soon. Of course, it only takes 1 team to give him a big offer.

  4. I would like to thank everyone for their info on the jersey.

    Have any of the lawyers, etc. given an estimate on how long the case will take to wind its way thru the courts?

    Our Board of Trustees refused to fight, and rationalized their cowardice by saying it was better for our teams in non-revenue sports to have the chance to host playoff games. It seems to me that if we had gone for the injunction on Day One, we would have hosted both last year and this year. Seems like your case will take at least a year to adjudicate, starting from the date of the initial filings last fall.

    It will be more than a year because the case itself isn't scheduled to start until December. I am sure that the case will take several weeks, at least. And then it will depend on whether the losing side appeals and whether the injunction will be renewed for that appeal. I have not heard any estimates for when a decision will be final.

  5. FSSN IS A JOKE. IT IS NOT EVEN A REAL TV CHANNEL. 98% of the time they have junk.

    FSSN wasn't set up to be a regular TV channel. It was set up to show home hockey games, and occasional football games or away games. The rest of the time it is set up as a billboard for REA.

  6. It was reported on the news that the Lawsuit fund has been shut down. Sounds like they will still accept money if given, but they aren't beating the bushes for it anymore. Does that mean we can get back to the business of playing games and getting into the conferences we deserve and quit this assinine lawsuit? Pump the money into the teams, not the lawyers.

    I guess that you didn't listen to the whole story. They shut down the fund that was handling the money because the anonymous person that was handling it has some health problems. They are just going to handle the money through a separate fund within the Alumni Association instead. The lawsuit is still on and the only thing that has changed is which checks will pay the bills. Besides, I don't think that Oshie, Langen, Bunning or any of the others playing games or handling the Athletic Department are taking much of their time doing legal research. :silly:

  7. To think sioux hockey/college hockey is what this part of the state/country revolves around. Gophers get whatever they want, why in the fu** cant we get A REGIONAL HOCKEY GAME HERE LIVE! sickens me!

    Relax dude. We haven't heard that Midco can't get the game. They are working on it and those deals can take some time. I am sure that is part of the "Jumping through Hoops" that the mentioned. The Gophers have a little more fire power when dealing with ESPN. FSN is part of another large company and FSN has a much larger viewership, which means more advertising dollars to work with. But that doesn't mean that we won't get good news from Midco. Don't get sick until the answer is no.

  8. It would seem to me that advertisers all over the state would be calling for the OPPORTUNITY to pay for the benefit of sponsoring this game!

    I don't think that they have a problem finding people interested in advertising. It just depends on what the cost is going to be. If ESPN decides that they want $50,000,000 for the rights it won't happen because you can't sell enough advertising at a high enough price in the state of North Dakota to cover those expenses. If ESPN wanted $1,000 for the rights you could probably find a bunch of companies and individuals that would cover that. The actual price will probably come in some where between those numbers.

  9. As has been mentioned in past years, ESPN owns all broadcast rights for NC$$ tournament coverage because of a contract between ESPN and the NC$$. It's not like WDAZ or FSSN could walk into a rink with cameras and just start taping the game. Currently, ESPN uses some of these games on one of their networks, usually ESPNU. They sell some of the rights to other networks, but they don't have to sell those rights. If they ask for an outrageous amount of money, the local companies may not be able to afford the rights. Midcontinent is negotiating for the rights. They know what they can afford to pay based on what they can sell in advertising. I am sure that they will show the games if they can get the rights for a reasonable amount of money. If Midcontinent doesn't get the rights it will not be for a lack of effort.

  10. was he writing about the Frozen Four in Ohio, cause that was two years ago. But to my question that I have, the injunction continues through the trial right? I apologize if this has been answered before, but i never found an answer to it.

    The injunction will allow UND to use the name and logo until the case is decided or a compromise is reached between UND and the NC$$.

  11. Midcontinent is negotiating to show the games live. They hope to find out some time today. I don't have any idea whether it would just be in Grand Forks or on the whole FSSN network. Be a little patient and we should find out either today or tomorrow.

  12. Without reading the whole thread...and because I just don't know:

    How is it decided who goes to the Final 5?

    The five teams that win this weekends series?

    The top five teams in the WCHA, after this weekend?

    I thought I knew, but then heard something else.

    The winners of the 5 series this weekend will be seeded and play at the Final 5 with the 2 lowest seeded teams playing on Thursday.

  13. Of those 4 schools, Oakland/OR bring the Detroit and Tulsa markets and therefore brings the greatest potential viewer base.

    That is very true, or would be if everyone in those cities associated with those schools. But I would guess that neither Oakland nor Oral Roberts are the dominating school in their markets and definitely not big names in the rest of the country. So the real potential viewership is much smaller. I agree with tSic that Montana v. Weber State may have more attraction to the general population.

  14. they will make it - but why should we care - except for the fact that they get to play at home as always - which they rigorously deny of course - but who cares, right?

    Come on, it's definitely a road game for UMTC. It would be like UND having to travel to an arena more than a mile west of the Grand Forks International Airport to play a game. ;) That has to be hard on the team to make that trip every year. :lol:

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