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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. The Fighting Norse --> best I have seen so far. uses viking theme w/o blatantly stealing from our friends in the cities, & also lets us keep at least HALF of our old name.

    Norse is the mascot name used by Northern Kentucky University. How about Fighting Norsemen or Northmen? Same idea but I don't think anyone is using either one.

  2. I do not want to see anything that has to do with farming. North Dakota has a hick enough image and UND doesn't need to perpetuate that image. Besides, the Ag College can have that. I also don't want to see anything that is a meteorological name. Storm, Blizzard, Freeze, etc. are better left to WNBA teams.

    I do want to see something that reflects North Dakota, it's history and it's heritage. And one of the things that I love most about the Sioux logo is that it is not a cheesy cartoonish logo. It is very distinguished and noble.

    Some of my top choices:



    Vikes (not vikings)

    the ever popular cavalry


    I have to say that University of North Dakota Norskies has a nice ring to it.

    How about the University of North Dakota Nordics?

  3. I hope the Rockies are in town that weekend.

    The tentative schedule has them playing Atlanta in Denver April 7-10 and then leaving town. So you could catch a game if you go early, but they won't be around on Friday.

  4. Yes, I do believe that the term "Fighting" is a negative reference. While you claim that the word "fighting" is in reference to the Sioux tribe's spirit, generally the term "fighting" is not used in that fashion.

    Fighting in general is in reference to verbal or physical conflict between more than one individual or group. The Sioux tribe never was a tribe that was known for their aggressive ways. So to label the Sioux with the word "fighting" is incorrect (and in the eyes of those who do not know of the tribe's "spriit") could possibly shed a negative light on a group that was not aggressive.

    No, I am not kidding. I think that my original statement holds true.

    That's an interesting take on history.

    Going on the war path was part of a rite of passage for males. War was the underlying principle of the Sioux people, because through it men gained prestige, and their prestige was reflected in the family honor.

    I guess the History Channel disagrees with you.

  5. Those two clowns made it over Phil Harmeson.

    The selection process has already discredited itself.

    I disagree. This step was all about what they submit on paper in their application. I am pretty sure that neither of these candidates submitted these articles with the application. The next step is to weed out potential problem candidates by checking recommendations and doing research on the candidates. If these clowns make it through to the next step and actually get interviews, then the process can be questioned.

  6. Some of the endorsements are seem quite revealing: especially Elbert obtaining Clifford's reference (thought Bruce Smith might have received Clifford's blessing) and Weisenstein getting Kupchella as a reference. Weisenstein, who was a finalist for the Florida Gulf Coast position, also put his name in for Louisiana-Lafayette's president. ULL today did not name Weisenstein as a finalist: ULL finalists

    Handicapping UND's internal candidates based on endorsements, Elbert might actually be the favorite to advance as a finalist, followed by Weisenstein, then Smith, then Harmeson / Groenewold.

    Weisenstein pulled his name from consideration at Lousiana-Lafayette 2-3 weeks ago per [url="http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=54229

  7. this may seem like a really stupid question and it is probably answered in an article somewhere, but I am too lazy to look. If the skates have heated blades, wouldn't that melt the ice? or am I just dumb? cause I was reading that article before and I was confused about that.

    I am not an expert, but I believe that is the idea. That is how ice skates work. The blade of the skate melts the ice, probably because of friction and pressure, and you ride on a very thin film of water. My guess is that the heated blade will make this happen a little easier so that the skate slides with less friction. It may make it easier to skate with less work.

  8. One more thing - What is Rick Wilson up to - I know he left Dallas after Tippet got there, but haven't heard anything of him since then. Is he still in hockey somewhere?

    I am pretty sure that he didn't leave Dallas. He is still on the Stars web site as the Associate Coach working mainly with defensemen. According to hockeydb.com he has been with Dallas since 93-94.

  9. I don't follow hockey so I'm not sure if your being sarcastic or not and I'm probably an idiot...

    ...but isn't the USHL a minor league team for professional hockey? Won't we see the UND players continue their careers in Fargo?

    The system in hockey is completely different than all other sports. The USHL is a junior league. It is all amateurs. The players are either in high school or 1-2 years out of high school. Some leave their regular high school teams, move to the city they are going to play in and live with families. They go to high school and play hockey. Some play a little bit of USHL hockey either before or after their high school seasons. The guys that are done with high school mainly just play hockey. Most of the players in the USHL are trying to land college scholarships. It is possible to go straight to the pros but it is rare. The NAHL is another junior league of hockey. Fargo has had a team in the NAHL for several years. Most people consider the USHL to be a higher level of juniors than the NAHL.

    In Canada they have different levels of junior hockey. Major juniors are mainly a feeder system for pro hockey. If a player plays for a Canadian major junior team he loses some or all of his college eligibility. Players from leagues like the USHL often have a choice of playing major juniors in Canada or going the college route in the US. Canada also has lower level junior leagues that are similar to the USHL. The BCHL is one such league with teams in both Canada and the US out on the West Coast.

    There are also several levels of minor league hockey which are similar to minor league baseball. The AHL, the ECHL and the CHL are all minor leagues for the NHL. Players from the college level or major juniors are usually the players that go on to minor league hockey, and maybe the NHL.

  10. I see DaveK's point. The jerseys are too skinny. On my screen, they're only about two inches wide. :)

    You just need a bigger computer screen. If you project it on a 60" screen they would probably be much closer to the right size. :sad:

  11. I would not think so but there is more attention to force of the north than fighting sioux and we are to get a new turf for the football field. it seems that fighing sioux or sioux will not be on it.

    The new turf is for the practice field so I don't know why they would spend extra money to put any names on it, Fighting Sioux or otherwise.

  12. Not exactly on topic, but I thought I would share this little nugget. I was in Boston last week for a conference. I took a little time off to do the tourist thing. I was talking to a National Park Service ranger and he asked where I was from. I said, "Grand Forks, ND." His response was, "Oh, the Fighting Sioux." He then went on to say that a lot of the kids around Boston were buying Fighting Sioux shirts because they love the logo.

  13. There are so many remote areas in Grand Forks, or North Dakota for that matter who cares if you set them off. Just go out of town a little and light them up.

    Two requests for those going out to "light them up" from someone who grew up in a remote area near Grand Forks. 1) Be careful so that you don't start anything on fire. A fire can go a long way and do a lot of damage in some of those "remote areas". Just ask people near South Tahoe, Nevada. 2) Clean up any mess you make. Would you like it if someone came into your yard or your business to have a party, uninvited, and left a big mess?

  14. I don't know when the State tourney is but if that is the reason, it will still be a problem. Even on the last day of the tourney on Sat, there is 3 games played. So maybe sandwich a UND game between the 5th place and 3rd place games? Sounds odd.

    More likely between 3rd place and championship. The consolation game will probably be played in the morning. I don't think that this is the first year they have had a conflict.

  15. Anyone know why there are so many games in the afternoon this year. That makes no sense to me. That kinda puts a damper on things when you want to go out after a game and have a drink or ten and the game is over at 5pm. Thanks if anyone can help with that info.

    I would guess that the home afternoon games are because of the North Dakota High School state tournament. Those dates are usually booked several years in advance. So the Duluth series may be something similar, perhaps a regional tournament that is already booked at the DECC.

  16. I was under the impression that team ND was in the process of making this happen and that there was a good chance of this happening.

    Team ND is working on getting the new tankers. Several high ranking Air Force officials have said that they are in favor of the new tankers locating at GFAFB. An inspection team was sent in this Spring to look at the base to see what, if any, changes or improvements would be needed for the new generation of tankers. But, no official decision has been made to bring new tankers to Grand Forks and nothing is certain with the military until it actually happens. So, yes there is a good chance that it happens but it is not guaranteed.

  17. I noticed that too... solved the problem by just keeping my favorites open so I can just click on SS.com again so it goes to the front page :silly:

    Or you can click on the SiouxSports.com right under Hockey Home and the header.

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