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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. And a great donation to Fighting Sioux athletics.

    Although I don't know if any of it is tax deductable.

    The amount that is tax deductible varies from level to level. Anything that you receive with a monetary value is subtracted from the deductible amount. If you get a book or parking pass, that probably has a value. If you get an invitation to a social or a listing at a specific giving level, no monetary value. It is usually best left to a tax account to figure out the actual deductions (I am not an accountant).

  2. he had the weekend off because of the AHL all-star game but did win friday 1/29. did your source run into him at Judy's after a couple of belts?

    According to the Lowell Devils web site he played last night and they lost in overtime.

  3. I wonder how many members of the Alaska rifle teams get written about in the New York Times? I wonder how often they're mentioned on ESPN? I wonder how many have had their pictures in Sports Illustrated? I wonder how many of their championship matches have been broadcast on national television?

    Yeah, that's a real valid comparison you made. :sad:

    And how many have been to the White House to meet the President?

  4. If you are anywhere near Grand Forks and can't see the game on television you can listen to the USA Hockey broadcast on KNOX 1310. They will have guys like Brad Berry and Tarek Howard on between periods.

  5. Pat Sweeney announced on the WDAZ news that the US-Canada game will be on KNOX 1310 radio starting at 9 AM on Wednesday. The station is available to most of eastern North Dakota so a lot of people should be able to hear it.

  6. After watching this game, I decided to turn on the Gopher game. Pretty good game but I had to turn it off as Woog and the other dude (Mazako sp?) were drooling all over each other with praise for the Gophers and how presitgious their tournament was - as in most teams that win that tourney go on to win the national tournament. Could not handle anymore so I guess you guys are stuck with me for awhile.

    They must have confused themselves (hard to believe I know). I watched the end of the game and they said that UMTC had won something like 8 straight Dodge tournaments. I am pretty sure that they haven't won the last 7 national titles.

  7. It is much too soon to get worked up about UMTC and their new policy. First, I don't know how solid this opposition will be in the future. There are a lot of people in the Twin Cities that have expressed outrage in the past couple of days. It has been a topic of discussion on KFAN radio and everyone thought it was ridiculous. Many UMTC supporters believe that it shows real weakness in the athletic department and they don't like it. Lou Nanne, former Minnesota North Star player and general manager was asked about the decision when he was making a weekly appearance. He is a big Gopher supporter and a friend of Maturi. He said that it was a really bad decision by the advisory council and that Maturi was being pushed into it. He pointed out that UND has a large alumni base in the Twin Cities that would buy a lot of tickets for games, plus the relationship built in hockey made it a good rivalry. So I am not positive that the policy will be enforced long term. As far as Wisconsin and Iowa are concerned, they have had these policies in place for several years so that should not factor into any decisions made at UND. It should have been known when the decision was made to go D I.

    Second, it is way too early in the process. As we have seen, things are changing very rapidly. It is possible that the majority may speak up and stop the small minority that is driving this issue. It would be a bad idea to make a change if it isn't really needed. Even if UMTC follows through with their policy, and even if the hockey schools in the east follow a similar path, it will not greatly affect scheduling for at least 2-4 years. I think we should slow down and let things play out before even thinking about making a radical change.

    As has been said on this board several times, we have 2 different issues to deal with. One is the NC$$ and their policy labeling the name hostile and abusive. The other issue is the name itself and the problems it may cause. I believe that we should finish the court case first. When that is decided, win or lose, then UND may need to take a hard look at the name itself again to see if it is in the best interests of the school for the long run. And this has nothing to do with anything that has happened in the past month, this is the way I have felt since it was announced that UND was going to sue. We just need to be consistent and not react to everything that happens during the process.

  8. And what better way to show the NC$$ at its hypocritical "best"? Get a bunch of people with Irish-surnames to file a protest online or do one of those on-line petitions. Hell, Brand & Co. have already said nobody's complained about Notre Dame's name/logo. Get it into the blogosphere, and it will show up in the mainstream media shortly. So, we complain, make a stink and force their hand. Even if the NC$$ creates another "exception" because a bunch of drunk Micks in South Boston or St. Paul signed a cocktail napkin, other Irish-Americans, including me, can go on the record opposing it.

    UND may have to give up its own name/logo at some point, but I see no reason to go about it without a good deal of noise, blood and animosity toward our detractors.

    I'm with you. My mother's maiden name was Murphy so I have plenty of Irish blood.

  9. uhhhh, the sioux have only been division 1 in hockey so thats why. are you serious? its very rare for d-1 schools to ply d-2 schools in sports as it doesnt do a damn thing for a d-1 school to beat up on a d-2 schools. unless its a very special ocasion. in the near future they will play as the sioux will be going division 1 in all sports....

    You must not have heard the news. UMTC administration passed a rule about 3 years ago saying they would not compete against school with Native names or mascots unless it was in league competition or some other contractual situation they could not get out of. It has not been strictly enforced until recently. Several of our coaches were discussing competition with them in the future and they were recently told that it would not happen. They will only play UND in men's and women's hockey.

    The kicker is that they have recently scheduled some kind of a competition with Central Michigan in spite of their nickname. The UMTC AD said it was okay because CMU had gotten the clearance from the NC$$ to use the name. Here is the story from the Grand Forks Herald.

  10. I never said to immediately drop the nickname because Minnesota won't schedule us. What I'm saying is if there is any possible way to settle with the NCAA short of dropping the entire nickname, now is the time to do it. Settling with the NCAA will not guarantee that schools won't boycott us, but it seems like the best bet right now, short of dropping the name altogether.

    I don't think that the NC$$ has any interest in settling right now. They believe they are totally right and in control of the situation. It is possible that closer to the trial, if they see a lot of evidence build up against them, they may have a change of heart. It will probably be many months before there is any chance of movement on either side.

  11. I found this part interesting, it shows how strong UMTC's commitment is:

    Maturi said he scheduled a game against the Central Michigan University Chippewas after conferring with the advisory committee. The NCAA first listed CMU as non compliant because of its American Indian nickname, but later removed the university from its list, citing the school's strong relationship with the Saginaw Chippewa Indian tribe.

  12. Exactly....It was so obvious of a call to make and he (official) didn't make the right call.... not long after the missed call (and subsquent touchdown) the Ref in the Vikings game was nailed in the mellon by a wiskey bottle from a fan....doh!

    I am pretty sure that the game was in 1975 not 1978.

  13. I'm glad you can see the humor. I have trouble with my blood pressure when I see that stuff.

    I'm just as frustrated as anyone here. I just wonder if there isn't even the slightest glimmer of hope for this season?

    We have a huge sophomore class that is going through an equally huge sophomore slump (ok, except for Duncan and Chorney). We're no longer ranked (nor should we be) and we're deep out of the playoff picture. It looks bleak.

    I'll still hold out hope, but 2001-2002 was a terrible year for me to endure as a fan... I don't want to go through that again. :silly:

    I agree with Brian. At first I started to get upset, but some of the posters are so over the top it is just funny. These are college kids playing a game. I just can't get as angry as some of the posters seem to get. And I am not ready to dump any of these players or coachs.

    I think there is still hope for the season. There are stretchs in many of the games where the Sioux just dominate. Unfortunately, those stretchs don't always result in goals. And just as quickly, the team seems to lose focus and someone (or several people) makes a mistake which results in a goal for the other team. And it isn't just a couple of players that are making the mistakes, just about everyone on the team has contributed to the problem. If we were getting blown out of a bunch of games I would be more inclined to write off the season. Most of these games have been 1 or 2 goal losses which means that if a few things changed the result might have changed. The coaching staff just needs to find the keys to correct some of the problems, and if they do the team will start winning some games.

  14. Hakstol has a great group of kids committed for the next two years. This team will be OK. Oshie when healthy is one of the top forwards in the country as is Toews. Amazing how a coach can be good enough to develop two young teams and get them to the frozen four both years he coaches and all of a sudden he knows nothing. I would hate to go to war with some of the fans who have jumped ship. Not saying they are playing well but we are younger this year than the last two years. Finley is a huge kid who moves his feet pretty well and is getting better. If he was already as good as some expect him to be he would be in the NHL. We have some rubes who want to cut him. There aren't many college teams in the country who wouldn't love to have him on their team and bring him along.

    Give Oshie time to heal and the defensemen time to mature and these guys will be OK. For a self proclaimed bunch of "best fans in college hockey" we aren't sticking with our team and coaches in tough times. I am not blind I can see they aren't playing well but you fans who abandon these kids when things are tough are not the fans who the players talk about when they talk about the great fans at UND. The fans haven't done their job either. I have been going to UND games for 36 years and our fans are less creative and quieter than I have seen in many years. As fans get to the games and cheer and make the atmosphere as good as you can. That is what the fans can do. Do that first and if the team doesn't respond then come back and complain. UND fans lately need the team to do something first and then respond to the team. If UND fans want to be a factor they need to step it up a bit too.

    I agree completely. I have been going to games almost as long as you have and you are exactly right.

  15. Not to throw salt on the wound here, but look at Minnesota. They are a powerhouse year in and year out. He gets top pick players, and KEEPS THEM THERE!!

    You mean guys like Irmen, Potulny and Kessel to name just a few? Every top program that recruits blue-chip talent is losing players early.

  16. Probably a question that I should know the answere to or possibly even do know but who is Steve Johnson?

    I am pretty sure that he is talking about Grand Forks native, lesser known winger on the Hrkac Circus line with Bob Joyce and coach of the Lincoln Stars from the USHL for about 10 years Steve Johnson. He was also a candidate to replace Berry as assistant coach earlier this year. :D

  17. What a bunch of young punks! :D Here was the calendar back in the day:

    Sunday: Whitey's, back in the pool room.

    Monday: Dead giveaways at the Antique

    Tuesday: $0.35 drinks at the Spud

    Wednesday: Long Island Teas at the Bridge/then John Barleycorn

    Thursday: Stay home at Walsh Hall and drink ourselves into a stuper

    Friday: Buck pitchers at the Spud, sleep it off, and then the downtown bars (anyone remember Faces?)

    Saturday: Wake up around four, find cheap off-sale and figure it out as we went

    And so on and so forth.

    John Barleycorn had Happy Hour starting at 10 PM every night. Two Michelob or Miller Lite tap beers for $1. It was very convenient since I worked in the mall and usually got done with work at 10. Never liked Faces a whole lot. Ma Barkers or Verns or whatever else the bar was called at the time on the corner of Highway 2 and 220 in EGF was usually a great party on Friday and Saturday.

  18. since the DOT line has not been with eachother every game that is hard to do. and for the next 6 games as well because the T in the DOT is gone at the wjt and hurt :D

    The DOT line has to produce whether D, O and T are playing on the same line or on different lines (or in different countries). Even though they are sophomores, they are the scoring heart of the team. If O and T start scoring as much or more than D is now the team should be fine.

  19. On to Phil; so are you suggesting we suffer through another year of telling Phil its not his fault? PCM your a better hockey mind than this. Seriously, I hope the coaches are combing the BCHL and the other Junior leagues looking for a goalie that can actually play and make saves at 90%. Just think of the Goalies recruits we lost or passed up this past season, we were telling them we are set at goalie. While they are making saves at other programs we are losing games on ticky tacky bag goals that Jordy used to save.

    Like I said earlier we should have stud goaltenders lined up to play for UND. I heard a rumor a few years back that UND snubbed Nate Lawson., apparently he wanted to play for UND and we didn't want him. Hum, he wouldn't look too bad in a Sioux uniform right now.

    Lets use the comparison, UND hockey is kind of like FSU and Florida football, so when they need a new quarterback they fill the void with another star. It should be the same at UND for players including goaltenders.

    This season is more frustrating than the past two, because I see no hope for us turning it around. Goaltending and defense win championships.

    Lamoureux has had save percentages above 90% in other years. He should be able to get there again. Here are his stats for the past 3 years.

    |---GOAL AVERAGE---| |--SAVES--| |----RECORD----| |-----GOALS------|

    ## Name GP-GS Minutes GA Avg Saves Pct W L T Sho PP SH EN PEN SOG


    1 Philippe Lamoureux 10-10 573:39 28 2.93 217 .886 4 6 0 0 11 0 0 0 0


    34 Philippe Lamoureux 14-11 734:26 32 2.61 327 .911 5 7 0 1 13 2 0 0 0


    34 Philippe Lamoureux 18-17 1043:26 38 2.19 406 .914 7 8 2 0 12 0 0 0 0

  20. Plain and simple.

    The Fighting Sioux chemistry is off right now. Split up the Triple Threat Line so each line has one of them. Put Toews, Oshie at center and Dunc's at wing. Each of the first three lines will have a scoring threat every time they are on the ice.

    Chemistry is what makes a franchise. Right now it's not there.

    Can't be fair weather fans. Must stick w/ your team through the adversity. Every poster acts like they've played hockey at UND. Don't you think this situation keeps Hak and the boys in the "war room" rather than at home w/ family.

    We dearly miss the players that signed in the off-season. Without a doubt, UND was hit hardest by the early signings. Do you think we miss Parise?

    Zajac, Stafford, Smaby, Spirko, Prp to finishing off his great career.

    Ladies and gentlemen. Sometimes things take longer to re-coup when you lose so much talent and more importantly, leadership. You're only as good as your leaders.

    By putting all three (Toews, Oshie, Duncan) on three lines you've created a marquee player on the ice most of the game.

    Our defense have spells of brilliance then the exact opposite moments later. But that's hockey.

    Obviously Phil is struggling. The staff has given him every chance to get back to his stellar self but injury really hurt him a month or so ago. It's game timing. Phil will get back to where he was. But now he needs to do it watching Greico or Walski. Either one could step up. It's healthy to challenge each other. Now is the time for a change. Every program goes through it at one point or the other. How fortunate were we to have JPar for those 3 years.

    Regardless, this is not our problem folks. I heard Hak tell Tim H. in the pre-game on Saturday we close the locker room doors and discuss our plan to get back on track.

    Trust. You have to have it at any level of elite sports. Trust that it will get better. When it does the tone of this board will change.

    Have faith Sioux fans. These kids are winners. Sometimes things take a bit longer to create. These kids will prevail in the end.

    Best post I have read in ages. Much better than I ever could have said it.

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