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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. No I don't. Just from memory it seems like we didn't see as many power plays per game back in the 80's as we see now. Am I (to steal a word from Roger Clemens) "misremembering"?

    Yes you are. Here are a few penalty totals from past seasons. 1984-85 season with Jim Archibald 780 penalty minutes. 1986-87 season 888 penalty minutes. 1996-97 season 719 penalty minutes. 2001-2002 season 592 penalty minutes. This past year 783 penalty minutes. I just spot checked some seasons from 1982 on and it looks like most seasons are from the mid 600s to the upper 700s. The 592 and the 888 are outside the normal range, but this year was probably in or close to the normal range.

    The penalty minute numbers all come from hockeydb.com.

  2. The contracts are done this year, in June I believe. I know that Clear Channel was talking to UND about extending but had some things that needed to be worked out to make it happen. I don't know if anyone else is going to put in a bid.

  3. He's a former Sioux D-man.......early or mid 90s, I believe.

    Year GP G A Pts Pim

    1990-91 U. of North Dakota NCAA 33 3 6 9 18

    1991-92 U. of North Dakota NCAA 35 3 14 17 54

    1992-93 U. of North Dakota NCAA 38 8 15 23 34

    1993-94 U. of North Dakota NCAA 38 5 17 22 38

  4. What is the hold up, the names of the finalists were forwarded some time ago. This delay would seem to mean maybe they are taking a look at the late arriving applicant. If the delay continues much longer one of the other finalists may very well pull themselves from the process.

    Could be a lot of things that would delay the process. Looking at a late applicant is one possibility. It could be a timing issue, getting the right people together to make the decision, or make it official. I believe I read somewhere that Dr. Kelley was going to be at the Frozen Four but couldn't make it because of the snowstorm. Maybe they were going to meet in Denver and had to reschedule. It could be that the decision has been made and they are either negotiating a contract or getting through some of the other paperwork needed before they make the announcement. Whatever the reason is, I expect to hear something soon.

  5. I would still go.... great games and always wanted to see DC in the Spring. The other times I've been there it's been in the middle of the summer or in November.

    DC in the Spring is great. I was there the first week of April a few weeks ago. The temps were in the 60s and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Adding the Sioux playing for #8 would make it almost perfect.

  6. Will we be able to leave after UND game and come back into arena? I want to give tickets to second game to brother in law who is Notre Dame fan.

    I am pretty sure the answer is no. I know that at regional tournaments you are not allowed to return if you leave the building. I would assume that this would be similar. They want to prevent people from sharing seats, in other words they don't want people doing exactly what you want to do.

  7. From the newspaper...

    And while I don't know what his position is within your University, I cannot help but be reminded of "Chainsaw Al" of the corporate world. Someone who comes in, takes a big paycheck for chopping headcount (and taking the heat for it) and then moves on, leaving others to clean up and start over (if possible).

    Goetz is the chancellor of the North Dakota University System. In other words, he is in charge of all of the public colleges and universities in the state of North Dakota. He reports to the State Board of Higher Education.

  8. Looking for a little advice from those who are driving or have driven to Denver from NoDak. Is the best way to go via US 83 or US 85?

    It has been a while since I've taken either highway so I don't know about condition. They are both 2 lane highways with long stretches of nothing. 83 probably has fewer of those stretches and more places to stop if you need to stop. The advantage of taking 85 would be going through Rapid City and seeing Mount Rushmore and/or Crazy Horse if you have the time to do that. As long as the weather is good you should be able to take either one. If there is going to be snow or ice I would recommend 83, I drove through the Black Hills in a snowstorm one time and that was not a great experience.

  9. Once again, a committee of who...? make a decision to not accept a application of the best possible canidate for the job........absolutely unbelievable!


    A canidate by the way that the Coaches and Community would have highly endorsed and followed into Division 1 with overwhelming support.

    Here is the committee of who is working on the AD search.


    * Dr. Greg Weisenstein, UND Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Committee Chair

    * Dr. Sue Jeno, Faculty Athletic Representative

    * Dr. Jon Jackson, Faculty

    Athletic Department Staff

    * Betty Ralston, Co-acting UND Athletic Director and Senior Women's Administrator

    * Jayson Hadju, Assistant Director of Media Relations, UND Athletics


    * Christy Carlson


    * Amanda Kaler, UND Golf Team

    Athletic Department/Men's Sports

    * Brian Jones, Head Coach, UND Men's Basketball

    Athletic Department/Women's Sports

    * Dick Clay, Head Coach, UND Women's Track


    * Alice Brekke, Director, UND Budget Office

    Human Resources

    * Diane Nelson, Director, UND Human Resources

    Alumni Association and Foundation

    * Steve Brekke, Director of Development, Athletics, Co-Acting Athletic Director

    Ralph Engelstad Arena

    * Jody Hodgson, General Manager

    Letterwinners/Athletic Alumni

    * Dan Martinsen, UND Letterwinners, UND Athletic Alumni, Special Assistant to the UND President

    Boosters/Public Input

    * Pete Kuhn, President, UND Boosters

    * Hal Gershman, Businessman, Grand Forks City Council

    * Wes Rydell, Businessman

    I would like to have you point out all of the people on this list that are not going to do what is in the best interest of the University of North Dakota. Maybe one of the Sioux Award winners on the committee? Or one of the current/former Sioux players or coaches? If someone wanted to apply for the job they should have done so in a timely manner. It wasn't like they were doing this in secret, everyone knew that they were getting to the end of the process. So if the committee decided to reject a "Letter of Interest" at a point when they have brought finalists in for in-person interviews, I am fine with that.

  10. I think I heard that both Long Island and Kangas were the same age.

    24 year old Minnesotas Eh!

    They are the same age. Their birthdays are about 2 weeks apart and they will turn 21 in May according to Gophersports.com.

  11. I had to leave my computer about 5:45 and was gone for about an hour and I haven't been able to get back on the site until just now. Thought at first it was my computer, but any other web page I tried to bring up was fine - just this site - did it get overloaded? How can I avoid having that happen during the frozen four if I have to leave the computer?

    I think that you would have to rewire the entire internet to prevent it from happening again. It looks like the site was down the whole time. I am sure that Jim will tell us what happened.

  12. Great Falls Tribune: Forty years later, the Legend of Terry Casey still resonates

    I thought only Ralph's number was retired.

    Casey's number was retired shortly after he died. I don't believe that anyone has used 12 since Casey.

  13. Sorry, but I think you are missing the point as to why most people on this forum think this way about Rob. The other candidates will not have the exact qualifications that put Rob ahead of his competition. His UND ties and knowledge of the inner-workings are the difference. None of the other candidates have that. Relationships and people skills will be paramount. The others will no doubt be more qualified fiscally because of their experience with budgets. That is not disputed. I think that's where Rob has to find a number-crunching guy to surround himself with. Team-building again will be huge like in the past when Rob was the OC for the football team, which I think is under-estimated in the big scheme of things.

    I also think if a vote were to happen that the people who vote would do their homework on the other candidates. No uninformed decisions would be made. If people were going to vote, I would think they would be knowledgeable about the situation and the candidates involved. Blindfolds with guns in the small of the back wouldn't be the case. I just happen to think that after the homework is done, Rob would be the guy. I just hope that Rob gets a fair chance. If he doesn't get the job now, he will never be an administrator at UND. To me, that would be a huge loss for UND. All of this of course, is just my opinion.

    I am not missing the point, I know exactly why most people support Mr. Bollinger. From all indications he has great relationships with a lot of people. They are much better at this point in time than anyone else that has even considered the position. He has done great work at UND in several different positions. He could possibly do great things as an AD. I don't dispute any of that.

    My point is that I would want to look at other potential candidates and find out what they offer to see if one of them is even better. I would have no problem hiring an internal or familiar candidate if they are equal or better than the competition (even if they are close to equal because the knowledge they would have should give them an advantage). I don't want someone hired if they have lesser qualifications but they are "one of us". This hire at this point in the development of the University and the Athletic Department is very important. It could make a huge difference in how both operate for many years to come.

    As far as people doing their homework for an election, I have serious doubts about that. A lot of people don't do their homework for state and national elections, many barely know the names of candidates. The person with the most recognizable name usually wins whether they are qualified or not. Expecting people to spend time researching candidates for an Athletic Director position would be a little much. Only the most involved would take the time, and that is a minority of the interested parties.

    As of the last report, Mr. Bollinger is not an official candidate for the position. The process is winding down quickly. If he wants a shot at this job he is going to have to do something soon. From everything I have heard, the position will probably be filled in the next few weeks. If he applies, then he can go up against the remaining candidates and the committee can decide who to recommend. If he doesn't apply, then all of this debate will be for nothing.

  14. Opinions have always and will always vary on these topics and I respect that. One thing that is not disputed, is that the vast majority think that Rob Bollinger is the most qualified candidate. The people and community support the school. If it doesn't work, then we will have nobody to blame but the people of the community, who in my opinion have the best interest of UND in mind. They also happen to be the same people who understand the cultures and traditions that have made UND the success it is, both academically and athletically. If this went to a public election tomorrow, Rob Bollinger would win in a landslide. What would be wrong with that? Why not execute the people's will? Fundamentally, it is the right thing to do.

    Sorry, but I have to disagree with making a decision this way. Bollinger could very well do a great job. And he might be the best candidate (if he decided to become a candidate). But most people that support him know little or nothing about any of the other candidates. So they would be making an uninformed decision. As good as he may be, he might not be the best person for the job. UND is at a point where they need the best possible person. So I am going to trust the people that are working on the search committee (who also have the best interests of the school in mind) because they have the most information on the candidates. They are going to recommend the people that they think will do the best job. Then one of the candidates will be offered the job and we will find out if it works out.

  15. As I have said before, UND needs to hire the best candidate whether they are from UND or somewhere else. As of right now, RB is not a candidate. I don't think that he has much time to put his name in if he wants to be a candidate. The search committee seems to think they have some quality people to choose from. I believe that they will meet next week and make some recommendations. The people that they recommend next week will be interviewed by the decision maker(s) shortly after that. We will probably know the name of the next AD by the middle of April.

  16. Agree it is all about money. But the fundamental difference is that the NHL owns these teams. ESPN doesn't. They would not be able to do squat if the NCAA would not let them. Oh yeah thats right the NCAA is busy working on other more important issues.

    The only way to operate in this "new world" is to join them. I would suggest if people are big fans they should get a satellite or high speed internet. Eventually I think we will be getting all our programming via the internet and hopefully we can just order the channels that we want and pay for what we use and not this package garbage. They put too many crummy channels in with good ones because there is no demand for half the stuff on TV.


    I think that the fault for the college hockey coverage can be evenly split between ESPN and the NC$$. ESPN is looking out for themselves. The NC$$ just saw the dollar signs and signed the deal. They probably never even considered that ESPN could hold their sports hostage. Or else they really didn't care as long as they got paid.

    You're right about going with satellite if you want more choice in sports. The internet may be the future of television, but I have also heard talk of cable companies and satellite providers going to more of a pay for what you want plan instead of the packages they have now. And that may spell the end of some of the networks that very few people watch. My guess is that we will continue to see large changes in the way that service is provided over the next decade or 2.

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