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Everything posted by sagard

  1. Toews still saying the things you want to hear. Funny quote from PK as well.
  2. It's just kind of weird to me. Vanek seemed to have a lot more pout/temper issues than Kessel has displayed, but I don't ever remember hearing anything negative about his attitude before the draft. Of course he might have just been rolling on cloud 9 during his interviews as well. If by attitude they mean Kessel's unwillingness to hit or go places where he will be hit, then I'd buy it completely. This to me is what really separates Toews and Kessel.
  3. Toews (and Oshie) were both far better and playing in traffic than Kessel showed this year. I think that is what elevated Toews more than anything. As for Kessel's attitude, I just don't see it like many here. He was third line center and never publicly complained about it as far as I know. After watching the Stanley Cup playoffs I know Kessel is ready for the NHL, but several years away from his prime. There is so much PP time now that Kessel will excel in much the same role he played with the Gophers. I think the real question is whether Toews and Kessel will be able to overcome the adversity of playing for the Hawks and Bruins.
  4. I really want him and EJ to play both for the Gophers and for the US in the WJC next year as well. Hate Kessel all you want but while many UND fans were complaining about Hackstol and worrying about making the NCAAs, Kessel and the Gophers went on a run that erased a seemingly insurmountable WCHA points lead and won the McNaughton. At the end of the year UND was great, UW restored order and Holy Cross rocked, but it was still a nice run from this Gopher fan's perspective. Congrats to Toews and I think the two teams who passed on him may end up regretting it.
  5. This is the number one reason I'd be signing tomorrow with them, to start my clock to free agency. If either of them get a sniff of NHL playoff hockey with the teams that drafted them I will be VERY impressed.
  6. I'd never trade '79 for '89.
  7. If those two are the only remaining players that leave early for the Gophers I guess I'll take it. I can't believe that Wheeler and Goligoski aren't pushing for contract offers.
  8. Are you basing that on Toews comments about returning to UND or is there more to it? It seems to me like they are all very likely to turn pro. After looking at the Bruins roster I don't see how Kessel wouldn't find his way onto the 1st or 2nd line. Same with the Hawks and Toews. EJ would likely get a top four defensemen spot opening night. All three no doubt have significant development to do, but there is no reason they can't do it at the NHL level. I posted it on USCHO as well but the only way I can see any of them returning is if their NHL team doesn't want to start the clock on the time they have exclusive rights to the player. I think the other 1st and 2nd round picks on the Sioux and Gophers are more interesting cases.
  9. sagard


    You two sure make it hard to hope anything positive comes out of the nickname dispute. That said good luck with it anyway. As someone alluded to, the University investigation is ongoing. Some report will eventually be made and while a post season ban seems pretty harsh to me, who knows what will happen. As it was mentioned on GPL, it doesn't matter if underage drinking is happening elsewhere, our guys were dumb enough to get caught on tape.
  10. We just like doing the rouser. Truthfully, I suspect they were drinking a fair bit.
  11. No way. The Canes are playing a beautiful game. Up and down, taking their shots and giving Edmonton theirs.
  12. Herald: Hello? tDon: This is tDon. Herald: What can we do for you? tDon: UND fans have been picking on my fans about Holy Cross. Herald: Got it. Oshie out. Unknown hoops guy in. tDon: Click.
  13. Franken usually stays a lot closer to facts. She is Michael Moore. I just hope the US can get play like Schnieder provided last year whether it be Frazee or any of the other guys trying out. If both Johnsons/Lee/Chorney are on the team I expect the US to play in the championship and goaltending really looks to be their weakness.
  14. The fact that Oshie left four years ago for a place half way across the country to play in a lower profile sport and is still able to compete with a local bouncy ball player is pretty amazing. I'm starting to wonder if he can really do all that stuff Dirty says he can.
  15. Can't do it either, but your posts last summer were great. It was really the first glimpse at how good Oshie was going to be if I remember correctly.
  16. I noticed that last year as well. It really sucks. Are you going out to that eval camp again?
  17. The same stuff was said in '04 and the Gophs played as well as they possibly could the following weekend at the regional. The Gophers lost to HC because they played undisciplined hockey and couldn't stay out of the box or convert on the PP. Briggs wasn't great, but when is he? You can blame it all on the UW effort, but the truth is that game was just part of the fall.
  18. I really hope it's Okposo and Johnson.
  19. I pretty much agree with everything else in your post. They captured a Final Five, a regional, a McNaughton and lucrative signing bonuses. Sure HC was a bummer, but I doubt they would ever look back on their decision to go to the "U" as a bad one.
  20. Ryan Whitney from BU played three years. Of course it took him another two years of AHL seasoning to become a NHL regular so that might have something to do with it. It's hard to say. Toews has said all the right things for the UND fans, Mr. Media hasn't said anything publicly for a LONG time.
  21. The announcers really put the screws to Carolina. After the penalty in OT they go with the 0-15 stats for the Buffalo PP. That wasn't enough, with 20 seconds left they basically start congratulating Carolina on the kill with the old "...it's dumped out and Carolina will have four fresh players to kill the rest..." Hockey players always seem to defy the announcers so boom. Ward blows it and game is over. Fun series and the final should go at least six as well.
  22. sagard

    NHL draft news

    Whether Ruff admits it or not, if Vanek was getting his 0.6 pts per game in the post season he wouldn't be sitting and his defense would still be the Vanek "D" we've all grown to love. (Half a stride and a slash.) It's kind of a catch 22. I'd be fine with a comment like "Vanek isn't scoring and his defense is suspect so he's sitting." Carolina looks to me to be the best team in the league right now and if the younger Staal projects to be anything like his brother I could see why a team would take him very high in the draft.
  23. sagard


    Something doesn't make sense here. Edina kids get fancy lawyers to keep them out of prison.
  24. sagard

    NHL draft news

    Earlier this year it was speculated around here that Vanek had in fact improved defensively. Primarily due to his getting away from subpar coaching at the "U". Vanek has plenty of heart as do most players at the NHL level. What Vanek doesn't have is that all around game. If he isn't scoring there are plenty of other guys who can "not score" and play much better defense. The lack of scoring is why he is sitting, not any of the "heart" or defensive problems.
  25. sagard

    NHL draft news

    Whether the kid is or isn't accurate he has just as much right to post his opinions. I'm sure he's as accurate as often as minnesotahockeyjournal.com. I admire the effort he put into his work and time will tell how close to the truth he is.
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