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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Sex slavery, lawyer disbarred for meth use...
  2. WTF is happening to Fargo to North Dakota!! This is frikkin' North Dakota, a place I chose to raise my family, away from my family in Chicago because it was a safe community. Is it the oil boom, what???
  3. The Sicatoka, on 18 Oct 2014 - 10:18 PM, said: An exercise in futility.. why not.
  4. 7-2. Why pull your goalie?
  5. He wasn't on the roster in last night's program.
  6. Fouls>>Wearing a jersey anywhere but at a game. Tailoring a jersey to fit (have only seen this on women...thank goodness).
  7. I got that beat. Admiralty Island, Alaska! They told me to hold it up for the picture!! Hard to hold up a 100# fish.... even with help!!
  8. Working in middle Minnesota and was gifted two throw back Fighting Sioux knit hats by a person who saw my 'DASIOUX' ND license plates. How great is that!!!
  9. What era?
  10. Lighten up, Sherlock! I don't believe he meant he's privy to something most people are not. He was citing the source for his statement. The off season makes hockey fans so irritable.....
  11. They have a lot more money than the rich Saudi's!!
  12. Similar but not the same. Parker commented on national television. Sterling was in the privacy of his own home!! You can't even way what your think in the privacy of your own home because some one wanting something may be taping your conversation without your knowing it.
  13. I don't want to get into if what was said was right, wrong, misunderstood, or what ever. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this whole Sterling thing. The man was speaking in his home with a 'friend', a place where he had full expectation of privacy and where, I believe, he had no knowledge the conversation was being taped. How can he be legally penalized for something he said in private?I gotta tell ya, this scares the sh*t out of me. I can't say 'boo' in my own home without fear of being victimized by some holier than thou's idea of retribution?!?
  14. White television and awards have celebrated achievements of non-minorities for generations. It's only been in my lifetime that the achievements of all but a minuscule number of minorities have been been recognized. Hopefully, in my lifetime, it won't be necessary to continue to compartmentalize groups.
  15. We need to stop blaming all NAs for the actions of a few. That makes us no better than they are. I just posted the following on the GF Herald's FB page. I in no way support the t-shirts worn by non-university students and three UND students in a non-University sponsored event, on non-University owned property. I in no way support the demand that the University of North Dakota turn into a police state. In my opinion, the outrage to the use and abuse of Native American names and imagery is a smoke screen for real, ongoing Native American issues/problems. It's easier to cry racism and stereotyping than it is to go up against some dictatorial Tribal Councils that do little to address or stop alcohol/chemical abuse, the murder and abuse of children, school drop outs, teen age pregnancy, housing shortages, high suicide rates, unemployment, mental illness, etc. That would involve admitting internal issues are adversely affecting the Native American culture. That would involve hard and, possibly, dangerous actions and work on the part of the protesters. An admittedly disgusting t-shirt didn't create those problems. Vilifying a University that offers more educational opportunities than schools many times larger, isn't going to fix those problems. Carrying a placard denouncing stereotypes and racism isn't going to fix those problems. Taking action to improve the problems in your own back yard is what is going to uplift self esteem, improve health, eliminate early child demise, promote education, etc.
  16. Full Definition of POLICE STATE : a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures
  17. Good to know! So, back to what is Kelley suppose to do about t-shirts worn by people (students/not students/from GF/from Fargo) on not owned by the University property? Can the PC police demand, IDs and school affiliation from the t-shirt wearing idiots and penalize them? If affiliated with a sorority/fraternity but not wearing the t-shirts in their 'house' or on school property, can you censor them? Where do we draw the line between freedom of speech and breaking the rules/law? I used to think I could say anything I wanted (no matter how heinous anyone believes it to be)in the privacy of my own home and not face repercussions if that privacy is exploited. I don't anymore. We are fast becoming one of those countries we're helping to defend from governmental oppression . BTW, I'm more Blue than Red.
  18. There was something in the news about the student body president approving money for Spring Fest t-shirts and denying more money to the annual Pow Wow. Does anyone know if these were the t-shirts? If they were, heads should roll. If they were independently made, good luck in finding someone to be held accountable for this stupidity. This event is held on city property, not school property. How can Kelley police what people wear there?
  19. A little girl bullied by boys two years older than she is...really?
  20. My grammar school reunion coming up this summer has brought back so many memories, good and bad. I was skinny, homely, and the tallest girl in the class. I also had very strict parents. All these years later I can remember the pain of being made the brunt of jokes by a couple of boys and feeling helpless to do anything about it. My parents, while they loved me, were of the 'buck up, don't be a baby' generation. So, I internalized my feelings. I admit the bullying affected me for many years in grammar school. I thought it was my fault. If I weren't skinny, homely and tall, the boys who made fun of me would be my friends. I overcame the taunts, jokes and slights from grammar school. I believe my parents could have been more sensitive but, on the other hand, they helped make me the strong woman I am. As an adult, I'm an over achiever, and the fiercest mama bear anyone can come up against. So all in all, I'm good. I think the Fosston parents believe they were up against a brick wall. I don't fault them for their actions. Fosston is on alert and, right or wrong, the video will have a positive outcome.
  21. The students lost their bid to practice on campus because administration didn't get the point.
  22. Painful to watch this little girl's pain.
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