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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Maybe it's my green colored glasses but, IMO, Gwoz belittled what Jesse said to Brad by disagreeing with him. Gwoz should have stopped talking after praising Jesse for reaching out to Brad. I'll never forget what Jesse did for Brad especially given the circumstances of his injury. That kid is quite the man, his parents must be so proud. Jesse = class. Gwoz = no class.
  2. Hey Kris, I'll be home for the Denver series. You can give me a check for $1179. then ($786. for 4 and $393. for 2 Frozen Four tickets). See ya then, GO SIOUX.


  3. Second largest crowd in the history of women's Fighting Sioux Hockey! In addition to the twins, I see a good hockey team, best I've seen anyway. I know that all season ticket holders get in free to women's hockey maybe this team will continue to bring in the fans. Go SIoux!
  4. It's a deal. Career list: No fingerprints. Check Stethescope. Check Get away driver. Check Lawyer. On retainer Bail. Pending
  5. The four ticket package was $780. plus a $6. handling fee. So, individual packages are $196.50.
  6. Everytime I go to a new assignment, I have one done. My fingerprints are hard to read which has been a problem a least twice. Maybe, I'll go into safe cracking!?!
  7. Hey Snuffy, we did get the extra tickets (I guess the ticket gods felt sorry for shafting us all those years past) but there are a couple of Sioux fans ahead of you. If they fall through, I'll let you know. I plan to sell them and get the money ASAP. I don't want someone to say they want them and, if the Sioux don't make it, change their minds and leave me holding tickets I can't get rid of.
  8. Uh, no. She booked sleeping-floor space but not a ticket. I thought we would use her as our between games room caterer.
  9. Oh,oh!!! Four tickets, five in the Siouxman family! Let the sucking up to Daddy begin!!! LOL
  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'll have to check with Phats later tonight. Maybe he did get tickets.
  11. Well, it looks like it's two outta three for the Sioux-cia family. Phats hasn't heard anything about his application for tickets (I'm not complaining). Does anyone know if the 'winners' are all notified on the same day or are the letters mailed out for several days?
  12. WoooHoooo!!! Got my letter today, four more tickets for the 'Sioux-cia' family. As far as I know the third member, Phats, who applied for four hasn't heard. If he got four, we'll be selling the extra to Sioux fans for cost. We all applied so we would have a greater chance of getting enough tickets for the entire family. Given my 'zero' wins in the past, I'm more than pleasantly surprised that two of us won!
  13. FYI http://www.ticketnews.com/news/NCAA-and-Ticketmaster-dealt-potential-blow-over-Final-Four-ticket-lotteries081004832
  14. My sons and I each applied for four tickets. We got four for sure! My mail is forwarded so I don't know if I got four or not. My other son hasn't heard yet either. Wooohoooo, glad I got my rooms for both the Final 5 and Frozrn 4!! I can't wait!!!
  15. If a name and logo is hostile and abusive, it matters not if the namesake tribe disagrees, if the general public only know Pontiac to be an automobile, it's still hostile and abusive, UNLESS, of course, it means big bucks for the NCAA. I know we've rehashed this ad nauseum but, dammit all to hell,..............
  16. It's as hypocrital as they're having Pontiac as an official sponsor.
  17. If every one followed your lead (I did), he'd only be posting to himself which might result in his just fading away into oblivion.
  18. Sanford is also in rural southern Minnesota. I wonder how its services and holdings compare to Mayo?
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