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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Just a thought, just a little Hmmmm. Since the name 'Sioux' is 'pejorative in nature' and 'is offensive to the tribal Nations', why aren't the American Indians (and the NC$$) who are offended by the word 'Sioux', lobbying to not be referred to as 'Sioux' by the state, feds, etc. These agencies, not UND, actually named this Tribal Nation, this population of American Indians, 'Sioux'. UND has named their athletic teams 'Sioux'. The athletes, to the best of my knowledge, are not offended by being referred to as 'Sioux'. Just a thought.
  2. Maybe we should talk to these Sun Belt schools. As some one has previously mentioned, a class action suit may be the way to go. Our appeal would carry more weight, and the message First Amendment will also have a bigger impact.
  3. Waitresses dressed in g-strings and bras because "that's how they want to dress" and crawling on the floor picking up tips with their mouths. Mmm, sounds like a real high class joint. Ok then, I won't.
  4. I'm confused to but I think that Spirit Lake hasn't come to a final decision yet. Turtle Mountain is not opposed to the name but it's not their call to make since they're Chippewa,. Florida Seminoles approve of the name. Oklahoma Seminoles do not oppose the name. They also have not given support of the name via tribal resolution but that's no big deal as long as they don't oppose the use of the Seminole name.
  5. Yeah one hundred to thirty years ago! [ Sioux name supporters believe the strenght and 'warlike' attributes of the Sioux are worthy of respect and honor even though back in the day, they killed settlers. They don't do that anymore, do they? Exactly, it's history. History of a war similar to many that took place all over the world when 'new' land was found and ''non-natives' wanted to settle there. There is honor in accomplishment. The American Indians who have completed the American Indian programs at UND and gone into the American Indian communities to help change the problems of American Indians are respected and honored. Must that ONE 'hang aroung the fort', 'rabbit choking', 'plantation negro mentality' American Indian we've been hearing about. I know good people who do not support the name. They don't call me names or put me down or insult me because I do support the name. Nor do they do that to other name supporters including other American Indians.
  6. My kids would get on their bikes and be gone for hours and I never panicked (well, ok, once). My sister (who still lives in Chicago) would be dialing 911 if she didn't see her kids for 15 seconds. They couldn't go to school, the neighborhood park, the movies, to friends' houses (unless they were relatives) without a parent until they turned 21<<for good reasons! I love Chicago and go home (home is where your mom is) often but Grand Forks is were I've planted my roots. UND season Hockey and Football tickets are two reasons why I'll probably never leave. Having to fly anywhere via Minneapolis is a pain but we can fly anywhere.
  7. DANG!! And all that time I thought I was being really sneaky!
  8. Me thinks PCM's is meant to tell us he did. Which he did.
  9. Unless things changed (again) and that is certainly possible, the legal drinking age in Illinois is 21. It used to be 21 several years ago, then it was lowered to 19. It was then raised to 21 again around 1980.
  10. Diggler, you crack me up! Thanks for the laugh.
  11. From information posted previously, it sounds as if the SBoHE is removing itself from the 'controversy'. I don't believe they will issue a new statement that will 'mandate that UND keep the name'. But if they do not reverse their previous resolution that UND keep the Sioux name and logo, the use of the Sioux name and logo is still a 'state government decision over which the university has no control'. If it comes down to a court battle, this will still be beneficial to UND and it's fight for the right to continue to use the Sioux name and logo.
  12. Yup. The NC$$'s ruling bans the use/display of American Indian nicknames, logos and mascots during post season tournaments. The only way any post season hockey action would take place at the REA would be to cover up the Sioux logos and the teams uniforms also could not display the Sioux logo.
  13. Freshmen are so busy being freshmen that they don't know about 'due process' and, unless they have a mentor, aren't 'smart enough to challenge'. I got a C in speech because Dr. Fischer said I should have been able to get rid of my Chicago 'nasal twang' by semesters end. I'm sure you're trips to Judy's and Frenchies had nothing to do with your grade. The people I met there during my few visits (per week) all seemed to be highly intelligent, motivated, persons of high quality. Granted, my character evaluations were made after I saw the bottom of my Frenchies mug a time or two.
  14. I sure hope you're right. My experience in life in North Dakota makes me uneasy. Time after time additional education expenditures have been voted down by North Dakota taxpayers. Most taxpayers are for better education, but most want someone else to pay for it as witnessed by the ND's average teacher's salary being in the bottom 5-10 year after year. I sure hope you're right.
  15. Why would they? I'm not being contrary or disrespectful here, I just wonder what the basis would be for them to do this. They would have to justify the cost of the lawsuit to the tax payers of the state. While the majority of the state wants to keep the name and logo, I don't know if they would agree to pay for the right to keep them. Another thought, scary thought , as a state institution, does UND need the 'ok' from the state/taxpayers to proceed with a lawsuit?
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