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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. New guy, had you been here for a while, you would see that this holier than thou has been brought to this board by GrahamKracker and his own racial bigotry, 'I'm an Indian, you're not, so you don't don't know the horror it is to have a sports team called the Fighting Sioux', 'I'm an Indian, you're not so, so my life is more pathetic than yours and calling a sports team the Fighting Sioux makes my life worse than it is.' 'I'm an Indian, you're not, so I can't make my life better than it is because there's a sports team called the Fighting Sioux that keeps me from doing that.' 'I'm an Indian, and you're not, and the white man is sticking it to me every chance he gets, like calling a sports team the Fighting Sioux.' 'I'm an Indian who looks like an Indian and that is the reason for every bad thing in my life and having a sports team called the Fighting Sioux makes my life worse.' 'I'm an Indian who is against having a team called the Fighting Sioux and that makes me more Indian than an Indian who is not against the Fighting Sioux name.' 'I'm an Indian who calls Indians derogatory names if they do not oppose the Fighting Sioux name because they are less Indian than I am.' 'I'm an Indian who makes the most wild accusations about hate crimes that are happening today on the UND campus but cannot prove anything I say.' 'I'm an Indian who refuses to acknowledge that UND has more American Indian programs and services and a larger percentage of American Indian students than school significantly larger than UND becasue to do so would be to admit that the Fighting Sioux name is not preventing Indians from coming to this school and promoting federal dollars to help fund these programs instead of going down the road to NDSU or SDSU or any other school in the tri-state area.' 'I'm an Indian who believes that the Indians in the UND INMED program are not Indian enough because they do not look Indian enough to me, therefore they should not be in the program and it's all the fault of the school having a sports team called the Fighting Sioux.' 'I'm an Indian who is married to a woman who is not Indian but who is also against the Fighting Sioux name so she is more Indian than an Indian who is not against the Fight Sioux nickname.' 'I'm an Indian who is raising his children the Indian way so that makes me a better parent than parents who are not against the Fighting Sioux name.' 'I'm an Indian who is better than all other Indians especially if they are not against the Fighting Sioux name.' 'I'm an Indian who is better than anyone else in the United States because I come from a sovereign nation who is against the Fighting Sioux name.' 'I'm an Indian who takes advantage of everything UND has to offer because it's a good school but I'm going to spend my life spewing hateful comments about the school, it's students, and alumi because they are not against the Fighting Sioux name.' 'I'm an Indian whose wife is in the process of becoming a professional in an important field who agrees with me about every hateful thing thing I have posted about Fighting Sioux name supporters, so beware, you may not get what you need from her if you are a Fighting Sioux supporter or if you're not a real Indian by my definition and in my world.' 'I'm an Indian who comes on this board and makes the most ridiculous, inflammatory, racially driven, hateful statements about everyone who is not against the Fighting Sioux name.' So fellow poster, when an American Indian like Yttrium comes on this board to dispute the garbage posted by GrahamKracker, the rest of us want to read it. The Sioux Name board is about the Fighting Sioux name and even racial bigots like GrahamKracker and his wanna be but isn't Indian wife, KnowTheFacts, can and have posted what they want in this forum. The Hockey board is where we go to discuss the best damned hockey team who plays in the best damned arena in the world. See you there.
  2. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/12856136.htm Instances that are years old and no longer tolerated in this community are all the NameChangers have to convince the NC$$ that the name is hostile or abusive. Unproven, anectodal allegations cannot be used as evidence in a court of law. Won't it be the NC$$'s responsibility to prove those allegations, rather than UND disproving them? I know they're the NC$$ but doesn't 'innocent until proven guilty' still apply? Of course, it's not enough. The other three schools have tribal approval, big deal. What we have is far more substantial than an 'OK, you can use our name respectfully'. We have American Indian programs, services and a large percentage of American Indian students that seem to have been left out of the equation in this article quoting sports lawyers. How can they even presume to say we will probably lose without touching on the most important acts of respect, relationships, and working partnerships necessary to make our relationships with the American Indians successful? They say having the approval of a tribe may not be enough, prejudicial as that would be, so be it. We have so more more that raises us to a higher standard of respectful use of the Fighting Sioux name than any of those other schools have with the use of their nickname. To have a court deny us what they have been granted by the NC$$ is unimaginable to me. The NC$$ has suffered HUGH loses recently and have several cases pending that they can easily lose as well. Some of these cases are suing in the hundreds of millions, even if knocked down to smaller amounts, if they lose the NC$$ is still looking at losing tens of millions of dollars more. Being the NC$$, doesn't make this potential case a slam dunk by any means. Heads up SiouxSports.com posters, this article don't mean jack!! I, for one, believe this is a very 'winable' case. BUT I do wish we could get the Spirit Lake tribe back on board. At the very least, being able to open communication with them again would be a step forward. Knowing why they have closed that door would be helpful.
  3. Thanks for the explanation, 82SiouxGuy. I didn't know that. Oh, oh, admitting lack of knowledge on this board. Ok, GK, go for the jugular, it's barred (only for the next 15 seconds).
  4. #72, Erik Moe, went to the locker room early, limping and an ice pack over his left knee. #6, Lee Groeschl, was on the side lines walking with the aid of a crutch.
  5. Those against the name are vocal and visible. How would we go about identifying those faculty who would be willing to sign such a letter; current students may know who they are, the alumni office may also be another good source?
  6. University Park is a beautiful setting. I was a Park Board volunteer for ten years when it used to sponser 'Summer Thing'. Three weekends in the summer were dedicated Summer Thing; Music in the Park, Kids in the Park and Art in the Park. Like PCM, I remember Springfest as a time I would go to the park and have an enjoyable time as well. The amount of alcohol consumed, destruction to park property and general drunken behavior of many people attending are the reasons I quit going. Things may not be as bad now, I don't know anymore. I live near University Park and feel an ownership to it just as much as the students who live near by do. Is restricting alcohol going to make things better or are people going to drink anyway and with the new ordinance will things get worse due to resistance to the ban?
  7. Caitlin Schultz, NDSU graduate/NDSU soccer player, who sits (or sat) on at least one committee with GK/KTF, that Caitlin Schultz? Mmmm.......
  8. Is freedom of speech not a right of the people who live in the Soverign Nation of the Sioux?
  9. Very logical, to the point comments Yttrium. This subject is an emotional one for most of us. We have been trying to defend our points logically, historically, and morally. Unfortunately, because the majority of us who are pro-Fighting Sioux are not American Indian a couple of posters, one who is American Indian and the other who is his wife, believe our support is without credence. Thank you for your heartfelt comments.
  10. I'm just glad that we're all on the same side of the Fighting Sioux logo. Wouldn't it be boring if we were all on the same side of everything? I love not being a Vikings or Twins fan in North Dakota. It makes watching the games more fun. My best friend is married to a Packer fan and we have a wonderful rivalry which includes my sticking pins into a Packer doll I have Voodoo style before they play the Bears and mailing him a tiny coffin with a Packer doll in it before the BIG games. But I will cheer for the Pack when they play the Vikings especially when surrounded by Viking fans. Lots of fun!! As PCM so eloquently writes, none of us is really all one thing or the other. I cross the line when I vote because I vote for the person not the party. I don't align myself with liars like Churchill who clearly are not really for an issue as much as they are publicity hounds whose real goals are notoriety and probably financial gain. I have much more familiar and, likely unpopular, liberal views that are not appropriate to bring to this forum. Those that I did present are IMHO liberal views while many of you believe they lean more to the right; see, we're not so far apart.
  11. I apologise if this is a repeat. I'm having trouble with sending messages tonight. I have made it known to all here that I am a woman of color, I am a bleeding heart liberal, I am a Catholic, I am a single parent, I am pro-Fighting Sioux, I am most things that would make most conservatives 'shutter at the thought'. BUT I am here to tell you that the Northeastern University of Boston's actions in this instance are NOT acceptable in my world. Before anyone takes off on this article, this is NOT the action of Liberals, this is the action of a racist organization who should lose all their federal funding. WAY TO GO NW, GREAT WAY TO EDUCATE AND BRIDGE THE 'DIFFERENCES.' I agree with you mikejm, this is very scary.
  12. NC$$=Supreme Court. Don't both 'high courts of the land' make decisions for the good of the majority by upholding the laws of the Constitution of the United States of American?
  13. http://www.thedakotastudent.com/vnews/disp...3/4341965c0008d The majority or the minority? When I was a student at UND, tutoring was available to those who asked or were referred. Isn't that still in place? Where has this person been the past two years? The first "new" program that comes to mind that I believe is in the development stage http://www.UND.edu/president/html/statements/NCAAletter.html The number of American Indian programs that UND has and the number of American Indian students UND has compared to FSU surpasses, IMHO, any money that FSU shares with the Seminole tribe. I agree. Thanks for the link, Diggler.
  14. I bought my knock off from Schells in Grand Forks. It has the Sioux logo on the sleeves. The team has ND on their sleeves.
  15. All right someone else thinks so too! I mentioned that to my son and he totally disagreed with me. Eh, what does he know! Little punk thinks he knows it all.
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