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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I've always though of the flame logo as being representative of academic acheivements and the Fighting Sioux logo representing athletic achievements.
  2. First of all fencing in University Park for ONE event is not going to happen. There have been many large events held there which have attracted 1,000s of people without a riot breaking out. If there is going to be a Springfest, someone/some group needs to sponser it, own it, provide security, and let the nearest neighbors know who they are and who to call if they have a problem. Not having Springfest is not going to make anything worse. The partying is not confined to one weekend in the spring. Why not have Springfest on University property like the rugby field? Secondly many of the homes that surround the Park are family dwellings and not rentals. As a home owner in that neighborhood, I can state that many of the students that do rent houses are respectful of the property and their neighbors property, many are not. A friend lives across the street from a rental and states her life on week ends is hell. It's a regular party house, people park in the front yard and on her property, trash ends up in her yard, drunks, who don't know their a$$es from their heads, end up in her yard, there's enough commotion over there that the police are regulars. They're our homes year round and we have paid for the right to be comfortable in our own homes. I don't see how the three people limit is going to stop this type of thing from happening. I would rather see the landlord being ticketed for the unexceptable behavior of the people they rent to. Three tickets and no more renting of the property for a specific period of time. This may help. No one I know is anti-student, what we are against are those students who have no respect for their neighbors and treat their homes and the surrounding homes and areas with the same lack of respect.
  3. I couldn't help myself, I wrote a rebuttal response. We'll see if it's printed or not. Following is my 'opinion': People in Glass Houses It was with great interest that I read David Hyde's comments on university nicknames and mascots. When discussing the University of North Dakota's name (UND does not have a mascot)he writes, 'the UND administration stubbornly fights to hold onto the label, insisting that it actually honors the Sioux people', he fails to mention that the University of North Dakota has more American Indian programs, services and percntage of American Indian students than many if not all NCAA participating colleges and universities. These programs include an Indian into Medicine program that has graduated 20% of the American Indian physicians in the country. But I digress, the reason for my great interest is Mr. Hyde's indignatiation that 'universities of Iowa and North Dakota however, are supporting sexist, racist, and divisive stereotypes.' I find it amusing that Mr. Hyde's insulted sensibilities regarding issues at institutions other than his own have resulted in his writing an editorial on this issue. Northeastern University has it's own problems with racial discrimination (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,171249,00.html 'A White Opressor? Who Me?'). I would think that before Mr. Hyde attempts to clean someone else's house, he should make sure his is clean and without fault.
  4. http://vastlane.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=575 Some info for those of you who weren't there or don't know what we're talking about.
  5. I think that something that needs to be mentioned is that University Park is a city park, not UND property. The park is enjoyed by all of us who live near it as well as by people who live on the upper north side who lost their park in '97. I don't think that non-students should have to avoid going to a city park because of Springfest being a Drunkfest and not wanting to have their day be less enjoyable because of the behavior of some students who choose to 'over indulge'. While I admit to being older than the average bear, I do know that drinking and college parties are fun for the attendees. But as mentioned, the recent deaths, two in one year, in Fargo due to binge drinking is and should be on everyone's minds. I rented a bus for my son's 21st birthday because I am not so naive' as to think that there would not be drinking on that day by all of his friends who were waiting for him to finally turn 21. Everyone promised to be picked up and dropped off for the bar hopping. It worked out. Had anyone died on that day, I would have been devasted. Luckily for me, he's not a big drinker, had two beers that night. As for his friends, they had plenty. No DUIs, no hospitalizations, LUCKY. I wish there was someway to have fun, be able to drink and not have anyone face the possible repurcussions of too much booze. As yet, there isn't. So maybe redwing77 sounds stuffy, that's reality my friends.
  6. I really didn't expect any answers. UND can point to thousands of athletes, students, alumni and esteemed supporters who have brought honor to the Fighting Sioux name by their success and legacies. Kracker can't give one example of how he honors the Sioux name. Being a 'real' American Indian, being raised on the poorest reservation in the world, and being against the Fighting Sioux name and logo are not examples of honoring the Sioux name. I have formed an opinion of GrahamKracker was based on his postings. I believe that he has and continues to dishonor the Sioux name. But, hey, that's just my opinion.
  7. Got mine in the mail today and am getting today. I have faith!! Besides, I want to wave a certain hostile and abusive flag in front of the cameras every chance I get!
  8. THIS is one of the biggest obstacle we have to get overcome. The general public, outside of North Dakota, are totally unaware of all the American Indian programs and services as well as a high percentage of "so-called" (GK's words not mine) American Indian students, we have as opposed to the number at of the exempted schools. This is information that will show that we are not an institution who is 'not paying their dues' to the American Indians in our and neighboring states.
  9. OK, but can I still take the day off?
  10. If they got a big enough order for the green and white colors, it might be profitable for them to do do. Doesn't hurt to ask. On the other hand, having a tee shirt printed up with non-trade marked words is something anyone can have done. I remember have Gerrells make t-shirts for some of my boys athletic activities.
  11. I don't know that we would have anything to gain by going to the board. They have already made a rulling regarding the name and logo. According to this statement, the only reason for going back to the board would be to ask for changes?! I would think that by not restating their position as in changing it formally to the negative, the first one stands. As stated previously, the NC$$ repeatedly asking the tribe to restate it's permission sounds an awful lot like coercion to change their position. So say we all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. I would. Pink is ok as long as no one goes into a school lockerroom bathroom wearing one. You don't want the NCAA coming after you.
  13. http://www.thedakotastudent.com/vnews/disp...0/434afbf0a2ccd
  14. I bet these two are 'card carrying' white men whose sole purpose in life is to make GrahamKracker feel more superior because as a card carrrying, registered, only 'real' Indian around he knows that they are lying, Fighting Sioux name and logo supporters who wrote this drivel so UND would have more evidence that the Fighting Sioux name and logo are not hostile and abusive. (Note to self: Buy a punctuation mark!)
  15. Another 'Hmmm' moment. I missed this early when I read Krack's post. I take the "so-called" Indians on campus to mean that there is support for the Fighting Sioux name and logo amongst the American Indian students on campus, otherwise why the "so-called". I arrived at this conclusion due to Krack's propensity to label American Indians as not real Indian, etc, etc, etc. if they do not oppose the Fighting Sioux name and logo.
  16. Why don't you get back to us on this after you receive the your children's DNA test results? Someone who has professed such real vs not real Indian racial hatred as you would surely has had his children tested. Don't get your hopes up though and don't take it out on the kids, remember it was your choice to marry and have children with an non-Indian woman.
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