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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. When I called the Athletic administration office all she told me was there would only be an autograph signing and when I asked why she said that's all the players wanted. I agree with you. We had a hell of a year and I, like you, don't believe the players let us down. I'm damn proud of 'em and wish we, fans, had an opportunity to show them how much we appreciate them.
  2. OK. I just called the athletic department. There will be NO meet and greet per players request. There will be autograph signing in the lobby of the REA tomorrow, Tuesday, from 5:30 to 6:30 AM, no just kidding, it is PM.
  3. Go with your heart. Cheer for whoever you feel deserves it. See ya in the hockey threads!!
  4. Elliott is an awesome goalie. Had the rest of the team been anywhere as good as he is, it wouldn't have taken, what was that, four overtimes to beat Cornell. The BC team that they beat was not the team that played the Sioux and Whinysconsin barely got that win. So, NO, Wisconsin is NOT the best team in the country. BUT they have one of the best goalies in the country.
  5. After years of hating the Goofs and Bucky, I FINALLY realized something. I don't hate the teams, I hate the rude obnoxious fans that make them all look bad. Hearing Badger fans call our guys classless, goons, and talentless (!!) made it hard for me to cheer for their team although I did want a WCHA team to win. Oh well after explaining what it took to get an icing call and that being in the crease was not a penalty to an exceptionally rude Bucky fan, he at least stopped crying after every penalty/non-penalty the refs called/didn't call; the back of my jersey was dripping with his whine. Sad though I am at our lose, I'm proud of the year our guys gave us. GO SIOUX!!!!
  6. OK, you're missing the BIG picture here!! We're talking about Mike Effin' Prpich!! He can't die, he won't die, he's gonna live forever!! So to believe someone when they say he died is ludicrous!! The proper response should have been, "Yeah, right, and the Golden Gophers are gonna win the Frozen Four."
  7. I don't think we should be encouraging violence off the ice.
  8. I love it when the underdog wins (unless they're playing us). Ya have to admit that was one heck of a game. Thanks Chandler, I hope I can be as gracious when the tables are turned.
  9. Oh mannnn, Bet3go, you're making it hard for me to get ready to cheer against you Saturday when we meet. But I'm sure gonna try hard!! I didn't know about the check!! When I traveled with 'little guy hockey' I knew the definition of 'hockey family'; it's nice knowing it extends to the college level.
  10. OK, I'll give up # 32. Let me know, OK. I want to send the money to you first thing tomorrow before I get to Milwaukee. Once we win #8, I'll be spending my lifes savings on CELEBRATING!!!!!
  11. Humm, forecheck, your jersey, #10, has been recalled as well. I ordered two and will be willing to give one up to one of the folks whose jersey was recalled. I don't have time to go and check which one I want and which one I'll give up. Probably will give up the second one I put in for. Let me know if someone wants it before tomorrow as that is when I'm mailing out my money to you.
  12. Well, I heard that GrahamKracker had a power lunch with Myles Brand at the Sioux truck stop during the Western Regionals. While there he offered Myles tips on logging into any computer account in exchange for banning Sioux logo wearing persons from the state of Wisconsin. National Guard men and women have been stationed at all roads, bus stations, airports, railroad stations and water ways leading into the state. They have been instructed to stop all Sioux logo wearing persons or persons harboring Sioux logo clothing from entering the state. They have also been instructed to arrest all Sioux logo wearing/harboring folk and deport them to the Xcel Center. Once there they will be forced to listen to the 43 remaining Gopher fans spell out their state's name over and over and over again. I know this to be true because the voices in my head say so.
  13. They are absolutely mutual!!! Hope to meet Holy Cross team and fans again!!!
  14. You absolutely rock!!! I'll send you a money order/cashier's check that way the money will be available immediately in your account since your bank won't have to wait to my check to clear. I can't wait for our next meeting with the Goophers!! I may have to let my son's GF wear it to work. She's working on her Phd at the UofM and teaches a couple of classes. (She is a HUGE Sioux fan.) Hmm, maybe not. She really wants to get her doctorate.
  15. As soon as people get to work Monday morning and online, they'll be gone!!!
  16. It's not you, it's the addiction. Hockey, need more hockey.......
  17. I was responding to '...Walski is no WCHA back up.' I do think if your gonna blast someone you should back it up with 'evidence' such as examples, etc. and '..NO plans on another goalie...' I recognize 'tongue in cheek' remarks and also believe there is alot of interest in Jordy, hell of course there is. I don't want him to leave but I also believe that if opportunity knocks, go for it! Damn, I'm getting touchy. NEED HOCKEY, NEED HOCKEY NOW!!!!
  18. I don't believe that the coaches aren't looking at other goalies with plans to bring another in when Jordy leaves but I take exception to maligning a Sioux player with no 'evidence' to post.
  19. Yeah, how do you know?
  20. If the jerseys will be signed by the team, I'll take a second one; #32. No, RWTD, I don't know his brother's girlfriend's family butcher's mother-in-law's next door neighbor's babysitter. I just might want a lawyer someday who was Mr. Jock in his youth.
  21. WHOA!!! This must be some ugly, smelly, hairy, crazy man (woman)....
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