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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. As much as I believe in the Fighting Sioux name and logo, this type of statement is NOT something I believe to be true or agree with.
  2. Melissa, as always, you rock!!! Thanks for the memories.
  3. I, for one, will be surprised if Drew stays. Whoever doubts this must live in a bubble made of cherry Kool-Aid. Let me be the first to say, Good luck in the big time Drew!! I look forwards to your between period solo, FABIAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!
  4. You guys are wack!! Fabian is a classic!! FABIAAANNNNNN!!!!
  5. Don't know where else to put this but, WOW!!! Ovechkin reached 100 points yesterday!!!!
  6. Drew said that Fabian was watching them make the video which for those who knew he was watching, in his opinion, made the video even funnier!! FABIAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!
  7. Say what you will but college hockey is as much a business as any other business. We pay the players with scholarships, they entertain us while they're here and once or if their talent has been fine tuned, they, if they're lucky, move on to the big time. As HockeyMom points out, we gotta enjoy 'em while we have 'em.
  8. Thanks for a fun four years of hockey Your hard work, perserverence and work ethic were great examples for the younguns to aspire. Good luck with your future plans. I know that whatever they are, you will succeed.
  9. I KNEW IT!!!! You just can't believe those Matts when they tell you they're gonna be here for another year!! Good luck, big guy. We'll be watching!
  10. We're gonna miss you. Good luck in the Big Time!!
  11. FABIAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Thanks forecheck!!! Ya done did good!!
  13. Uhmm, good year. The UND program can't recruit mediocre or less talented players because we only want players that will stay 2, 3, or 4 years. With the talent we are lucky to get year after year, we can only expect them to play the year(s) that they play. If that turns into 2,3 or4 years, hurray. If that turns into only one year, well, hey, we had them one year, good for us!!
  14. I stopped at Home of Economy last night and they not only had a stack of the posters, there were two unopened boxes underneath that stack. Those of you who want one and don't live here post your request quick because I don't know how long H of Ec will keep the posters out. Like YaneA and Siouxmama, I'll be happy to mail out to any who asks.
  15. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6067
  16. You mean besides Brady Murray?
  17. Thanks for four years of FUN. It was fun watching your antics on the ice, fun watching the reactions of our opponents to those antics, fun seeing that great smile on your face during and after an antic of yours and fun seeing that smile when you picked yourself up off the ice. Damn, I'm gonna miss you. There is no doubt in my mind that you will succeed in achieving all your dreams. Siouxmama, pass those tissues!!
  18. YaneA, I know that redwing77 asked for one in a previous post.
  19. I told Smaby that another Matt (Greene) said he was staying another year too. I told him I don't believe what any 'Matt' says anymore.
  20. Can't open the link without your password. DON'T GIVE IT TO US!!!! Is there any other way to open the link?
  21. Tonight at the meet and greet, all our non-seniors said they would be staying . Do I believe them? No. Will I miss them? Yep.
  22. If it's wrong for one group of Indians, it's wrong for all Indians: unless your the NC$$.
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