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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Quick, someone throw him the Chucko news release!!!
  2. $900,000!!!!!! What the he!! would he have gotten if he had had more than a mediocre year!
  3. We need a Fighting Sioux Waiting for Next Season support group! Folks are getting really $itchy, almost violent, and very short tempered.... more than usual. Pushers pretending to be hockey fans are trolling around our site, throwing little bits of bad hockey our way in order to get us ever more agitated. We need to band together, watch each others backs and even, if need be, turn to other fans for any tidbits of 'real' hockey they're willing to share. The first step to surviving the wait until next season is admitting we need help. Hello, my name is Sioux-cia and I'm a Fighting Sioux hockey addict. (redwing77, the Bears signed Brian Griese to a five year contract. He'll be the #2 QB.)
  4. Take care of business and come back strong, healthy and ready to play!!
  5. (Ok, Sioux-cia, get ready to get flammed!) I don't go to any other teams sites to read, to post, to spit, etc. BUT as a fan of Fighting Sioux and Chicago sports teams, I'm here to tell ya there ain't nothing like a good rivalry! I'm a BIG Chicago Bears fan (*ducks*) and love giving $hit to my best friend's husband who is a Packer fan. I sent him a Packer doll in a coffin one year; another year I gave him a bucket filled with yellow and green beads. On one side I put, 'Packers kick the bucket' and on the other side, 'Packers bucket of tears'. I don't see a problem with other hockey fans coming on board and discussing hockey, yes, and even posting a bit of trash talk. That's part of sports. I enjoy some of the give and take trash talk. I have a problem with posters like ATLeveryonewithasportsforumPHAN whose sole purpose is to come here and antagonize us under the guise of being a Sioux fan. hockey1, Wpos, etc. don't bother me and I don't see why they can't come here. They know they're gonna get flammed for some of their 'hearfelt' opinions but they're here because they're hockey fans. This is a Fighting Sioux sports forum and they come on with the full knowledge that they're not gonna be the popular kids on the block. There's good stuff being discussed on this forum and they want to contribute to it. So what!!! Flame away......
  6. ATLeveryhockeyteamwithaforumPhan, why don't you GO AWAY. I prefer having hockey1 around to having a 'pro' like you here !!
  7. denversioux is 'spot on'.
  8. Boooo, Sioux_Yeah_Yeah, boooo, . Don't go assuming stuff because we aren't posting about Holy Cross daily and some are off on a tangent. I still listen to the HC clip regularly and will continue to do so. It's a great little pick me up.
  9. Did he even play this year? I don't remember seeing him?!
  10. Good thing you have some friends who do!!! Life can never be too much fun!!!! Butterscotchschnapps anyone?
  11. I don't know how either. PCM posted my Prp salute for me. BUT if you want to see a post UND/HC salute to the fans go to 'photos' on the main SS.com page and there's one in the UND/HC photo gallery.
  12. Hell, I run around singing FABIAAAANNNNN ALL THE TIME!!! Drew really enjoyed my rendition. He told Jordy that I was singing it 'high' just like he did. AND for those who know and love me any way, the only way I sing now a days is OFF key!! Oh and like everyone else who gives a $hit, I am NOT a RSP fan because the band members are Fighting Sioux hockey players. *Cough, choke, cough*
  13. Uhm, bogey? One of those pics was mine. Thanks for the new video, keep 'em coming! We're gonna need our hockey fix every now and then until next season starts 164 days from now,
  14. I know I don't! Thanks for the info. Our stock just keeps on going up!!!!
  15. I think they put the whole thing together. Not sure though. Thanks for the reminder about the acid free paper, I forgot about that.
  16. Go away mad, go away happy, but PUUULEEZZZZZ, go away. If you want to get a negative response to spice up your obviously boring life, go shoot a gopher. I heard the state of Minnesota still pays a bounty for 'em.
  17. NC$$ has been challenged, most recently by a football player who also wants to ski. Player wants Olympic ok'd money from advertising sponsers to pay for coaches, etc. for skiing but NC$$ said no and player has lost appeal. His college is also on record as saying if NC$$ won't allow it, the player will not play football for them. Not the same as hockey player filled band selling band related merchandise but if it were me, I wouldn't take the chance. And as someone else has mentioned Hak would 'have a cow' if they did it.
  18. Saw it and it was pretty funny. But if it had been me... I would have cried to lose all those pictures.
  19. Chevyblaiser, you certainly are doing your best to pull one over on us but, baby, it ain't gonna happen. Whart do you think the NC$$ would say about hockey players making a buck because they're in a band that wouldn't be if they weren't hockey players. Give it a rest! In the meantime, I'm gonna unpack my 'follow the tour bus' bus and put away my leopard skin capris. Say are you the dude that vasolined Jordy's truck!?!
  20. I heard he's gonna start working out to get those abs in shape so he can do the t-shirt proud!!!!
  21. It's pretty awesome!! The quality is first rate!! I can't wait to get it framed and up on the wall!!
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